KDE Security Advisory: rlogin.protocol and telnet.protocol URL KIO Vulnerability Original Release Date: 2002-11-11 URL: http://www.kde.org/info/security/advisory-20021111-1.txt 0. References None. 1. Systems affected: All KDE 2 releases starting with KDE 2.1 and all KDE 3 releases (up to 3.0.4). 2. Overview: KDE provides support for various network protocols via the KIO subsystem. These protocols are implemented with text files containing the extension .protocol, normally stored in the shared/services/ subdirectory under the KDE installation root. The implementation of the rlogin protocol in all of the affected systems, and the implementation of the telnet protocol in affected KDE 2 systems, allows a carefully crafted URL in an HTML page, HTML email or other KIO-enabled application to execute arbitrary commands on the system using the victim's account on the vulnerable machine. 3. Impact: The vulnerability potentially enables local or remote attackers to compromise a victim's account and execute arbitrary commands on the local system with the victim's privileges, such as erasing files, accessing data or installing trojans. 4. Solution: The vulnerability has been fixed in KDE 3.0.5 and a patch is available for KDE 3.0.4. For affected KDE 3 systems, we recommend upgrading to KDE 3.0.5, applying the patch provided or disabling the rlogin protocol. For affected KDE 2 systems, we recommend disabling both the rlogin and telnet KIO protocols. The rlogin protocol vulnerability can be disabled by deleting any rlogin.protocol files on the system and restarting the active KDE sessions. The file is usually installed in [kdeprefix]/share/services/rlogin.protocol ([kdeprefix] is typically /opt/kde3 or /usr), but copies may exist elsewhere, such as in users' [kdehome]/share/services directory ([kdehome] is typically the .kde directory in a user's home directory). The telnet protocol vulnerability can be similary disabled in affected KDE 2 systems. kdelibs-3.0.5 can be downloaded from http://download.kde.org/stable/3.0.5/src/kdelibs-3.0.5.tar.bz2 : ff22bd58b91ac34e476c308d345421aa kdelibs-3.0.5.tar.bz2 Some vendors are building binary packages of kdelibs-3.0.5. Please check your vendors website and the KDE 3.0.5 information page (http://ww.kde.org/info/3.0.5.html) periodically for availability. 5. Patch: Patches are available for KDE 3.0.x from the KDE FTP server (ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/security_patches/): 5625501819f09510d542142aea7b85ab post-3.0.4-kdelibs-kio-misc.diff