Hello, I have seen this bug a few months ago and have been using it every now and then since. Yet, if the user is online in invisible mode and you ask for his shared files, he will likely get a pop-up telling him that someone is trying to access his files. This probably depends on his security preferences. So yes the "exploit" works, but you might be letting know your "victim" that you're after him. Chris == Original Message == Exploit: When you try to access another user's shared files, you will get a pop-up with a message that either reads "Asking for permissions" or "user offline". Even if the user is marked Invisible, you will still recieve a message confirming that the user is online and is being asked to allow you permissions. So even when your friends look like they are offline, right click on thier name and select "View Shared Files" to find out for sure! - cringe __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? U2 on LAUNCH - Exclusive greatest hits videos http://launch.yahoo.com/u2