Why not just use something like KaZaa Lite or Diet KaZaa and get rid of the adware? KaZaa Lite can be found here: http://free.hostdepartment.com/kazaalitetk/ Use Ad-Aware from http://www.lavasoftusa.com and Spybot Search and Destroy from http://beam.to/spybotsd to get rid of the pesky spyware/ad-ware. CEXX has some great info on these hostile applications which are bundled with popular programs: http://www.cexx.org/adware.htm Brenna http://profiles.yahoo.com/absolut_contagion http://gsa.creighton.edu AIM - absolutxpsycho Yahoo! - absolut_contagion ICQ - 1363187 MSN - r00t@creighton.edu -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.12 GSS d-- s: a-- C++ UL++++ P+ L+ E W++ N+ o-- K- w+ O-- M V-- PS++ PE Y+ PGP- t-- 5-- X++ R- tv+ b+++ DI D+ G e* h- r++ x+ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ -----Original Message----- From: David Krum [mailto:frobnitz@msn.com] Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 11:34 AM To: bugtraq@securityfocus.com Subject: KaZaA I'm concerned about all the applications which utilize ie browser controls. There are a lot of adware programs with little ads. Some of these ads have activex, java, flash, js. Any one of these capabilities in the wrong zone could be dangerous. My attention was first drawn to this when I noticed KaZaA launching popups sourced from the local hard disk. Surely these ads are running in the local zone. To use software that does this I have to trust them to audit the ads given to them?