Eric Stevens <> wrote: > Due to a bug in the URL validation done in CommonName Toolbar (in at least > dll version on IE 6), addresses from local intranets may be exposed > to the CommonName organization. During my tests this also occurred on all TLDs not belonging to a built-in list in the DLL. This includes for example .edu and .mil along with the more obscure .gb and .su, and any domains from alternative root DNS providers. A more serious issue was that any URLs used in these TLDs got corrupted on the journey to and back from CommonName's servers, making it impossible for users of the CommonName software to access pages whose URLs are more than 72 characters long in any of these domains. However, I don't believe this is due to an overflow at the client end; I know of no similar security issue with this software. CommonName Ltd. assure me these problems have been fixed in version of the software, available from now. Indeed I don't see any of these problems any more. However, I am somewhat concerned to see the new version includes a Winsock2 Layered Service Provider (a type of component which various spyware applications have used before, often causing disastrous network problems), and registers an ActiveX control under the classid 000000000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000, which doesn't seem like a good idea either. > even the sneakiest spyware will be unable to install itself on your > system, unless it chooses random locations and file names. Unfortunately quite a few of these parasites install themselves in %WinDir%\System32 or %WinDir%\Downloaded Program Files, which are not so easy to protect! -- Andrew Clover