This is a manually created semi-periodic message about changes to: The 'Security Digest' Archives You can unsubscribe from this message using the link below. The following archive features have been changed: * "Search" allowing high quality local search across contents of the archive. * "Subscribe" allowing subscription to periodic announcements about changes to the archive. * "Feedback" allowing direct delivery of feedback to the curator. * "Acknowledgments" and "Changes" to provide better record of archive modifications. * Various infrastructure changes for integrity purposes. The following archive contents have been changed: * Archives of the Core 'Security Mailing List' - a successor to the Zardoz 'Security Digest'. * Additions to the Unix 'Security Mailing List' and to the Zardoz 'Security Digest'. * Refactoring to separate Unix, Zardoz and Core archives. * Addition of a mail archives from DIALCOM X.25 security incidents circa. 1988 - 1990. The archive has now been indexed by major search engines, and is serving content on a range of queries. This is a non-profit project designed to gather a history of security related mailing lists, digests and material. The curator is pursuing and seeks further content and material for the archive. If you can contribute, please do. All enquiries will be treated in the strictest confidence (unless authors state otherwise). Many thanks Curator at The 'Security Digest' Archives To unsubscribe: