[....] I've not tested this on IE because several researchers posting to Benham's BugTraq thread ( have confirmed the behavior. But I did test it on Mozilla 0.9.4, which Benham says isn't vulnerable, and Konqueror 3.0 (KDE 3.0.2 on SuSE 8.0), which he doesn't mention. Konqueror turned out quite vulnerable. Mozilla was not vulnerable, but I'm not sure if that's because it handled the situation properly, or is, ironically, somehow too buggy to be exploited. I made a simple HTML file with links to the amazon URL. After associating Benham's test-page IP with in my hosts file I found that in Konqueror, following a link to brought me immediately to the 'you've been hacked' page, indicating total failure. The behavior was the same when I typed the URL into the address bar. With Mozilla the URL, simply went nowhere. No cert warning, no 404, nothing. The browser simply remained on the page from which I started. The behavior was the same when I typed the URL into the address bar. [....] --tcg