----- Forwarded message from Ehud gavron <gavron@wetwork.net> ----- From: Ehud gavron <gavron@wetwork.net> Subject: New NANOG traceroute (fixes -T compromise) To: nanog@merit.edu Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 15:03:34 -0700 Organization: WetWork The new NANOG traceroute (also known as TrACESroute) is now available. It fixes the latest "security" compromise detailed on Bugtraq and on SUSE security focus at http://online.securityfocus.com/advisories/2740 Ehud Gavron gavron@wetwork.net Directory: ftp://ftp.login.com/pub/software/traceroute/beta/ Code: ftp://ftp.login.com/pub/software/traceroute/beta/traceroute.c Directions: ftp://ftp.login.com/pub/software/traceroute/beta/0_readme.txt