Hi, I think the preferred link to post is: https://depot.info.apple.com/security7-12/ Which is the secure support page which references both the download and the checksums. Regards, Gordon. -----Original Message----- From: jaehnel@web.de [mailto:jaehnel@web.de] Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2002 1:20 PM To: bugtraq@securityfocus.com Subject: RE: MacOS X SoftwareUpdate Vulnerability Patch is now availible from apple: http://download.info.apple.com/Mac_OS_X/061-0074.20020712/2z/SecurityUpdate7-12-02.dmg.bin includes crypto sigs on packages. ______________________________________________________________________________ WEB.DE MyPage - Ohne Computerkenntnisse in nur 5 Minuten online! Alles inklusive! Kinderleicht! http://www.das.ist.aber.ne.lustige.sache.ms/