Hello all, This morning I noticed something while playing around with the aim:AddBuddy hyperlink for AIM. If you add many characters separated by commas you can crash the aim when a user clicks it. An example: aim:AddBuddy? ScreenName=InterWN,InterWN,InterWN,InterWN,InterWN,InterWN,I nterWN,InterWN,InterWN,InterWN,InterWN,InterWN&groupname=Int erWN,InterWN,InterWN,InterWN,InterWN,InterWN,InterWN,InterWN ,InterWN,InterWN,InterWN,InterWN It causes an error in OSCORE.DLL and which then causes Instant Messenger to crash. If anyone is willing to work with me do a little further research on the problem just let me know. Obviously no one would click that link about, but you can hide it with the make a link option aim has in the window. Thanx a lot. philer www.interwn.nl