iXsecurity Security Vulnerability Report No: iXsecurity.20020328.tivoli_tsm_dsmsvc.a =========================================== Vulnerability Summary --------------------- Problem: The Tivoli Storage Manager webserver, running on port 1580, has a buffer overflow condition. Threat: An attacker could cause the service to crash, and execute arbitrary code. Affected Software: The exposure exists in versions 4.2.x.x. Platform: Windows NT4/2000. Vulnerability Description ------------------------- The webserver bound to 1580 (dsmsvc.exe) has a buffer overflow condition. If an attacker would login, using the login form, with a username of approx. 1976 characters long, he would overwrite EIP. This would lead to the service crashing, and the possibility of arbitrary code execution. Solution -------- See APAR IC33212 Apply Patch V4.2.1.15 currently available at http://www.tivoli.com/support/storage_mgr/servers.html For additional information or assistance please contact your IBM Service Representative at 1-800-IBM-SERV Additional Information ---------------------- Tivoli was contacted 20020328. This vulnerability was found by Patrik Karlsson & Jonas Ländin patrik.karlsson@ixsecurity.com jonas.landin@ixsecurity.com This document is also available at: http://www.cqure.net/advisories/