=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Title: Winamp: Mp3 file can control the minibrowser Date: [2002-04-3] Tested env: Winamp 2.78c, 2.79 with Win2000 Pro Impact: A special crafted mp3 file can control the minibrowser, such as directing to arbitrary webpage possibly containing mallicious html code. Also another "call home" issue. Status: Winamp contacted over two weeks ago, no response. Vendor fix: Non. The fix should be on the server side. Workaround: Disable minibrowser. _ _ (enabled by default) o' \,=./ `o Author: Andreas Sandblad, sandblad@acc.umu.se (o o) ---=--=---=--=--=---=--=--=--=--=---=--=--=-----ooO--(_)--Ooo-- PROBLEM: Winamp has a built-in minibrowser to show information about songs beeing played (enabled by default). For every song currently playing Winamp will direct the minibrowser to an url like http://info.winamp.com/winamp/WA.html?Alb=&Art=Love Project&Cid=winamp&Tid=&Track=Brick Winamp gets the title/artist/album information from the ID3v1/ID3v2 tag in the mp3 file. The problem is that the html page doesn't filter "<" and ">" characters making it possible to inject htmlcode to control the minibrowser (yet another CSS problem). EXPLOIT: Every field in the ID3v1 tag is limited to max. 32 bytes so we use the ID3v2 tag instead. It seems that Winamp has made some useless efforts to stop our attack, namely to convert " and ' to \" and \' (server side). This will of course not stop us. So lets put the following html code in the album field of the ID3v2 tag of our mp3-file: <mp3 id=m src=http://ANYURL><script>location=m.src</script> It will direct the user to http://ANYURL on load. Adding an ID3v2 tag to a mp3 file is very simple. Open the file in Winamp, right click on it and choose "File info". Unmark the ID3v1 tag and mark ID3v2. Add the html code in the album field. Sometimes Winamp will complain when creating the ID3v2 tag with some characters. Then you simply have to hexedit the mp3 file instead. _ _ o' \,=./ `o (o o) ---=--=---=--=--=---=--=--=--=--=---=--=--=-----ooO--(_)--Ooo-- Andreas Sandblad, student in Engineering Physics at the University of Umea, Sweden. ---------------------------------------------------------------