Here are some possible solutions for the items enumerated and described by Mr. Alex Hernandez in his "Colbalt-RAQ-v4-Bugs&Vulnerabilities" message. ------------------------ 1. CROSS SITE SCRIPTING. ------------------------ Possible workaround: Instead of deleting or disabling the "service.cgi" file, edit the file and add a line that strips out HTML tags. Something like this: $service =~ s/<([^>])*>//g; This may be added after this line in the code: my $service = $q->param('service'); ----------------------------- 2. TRAVERSAL VULNERABILITIES. ----------------------------- Possible workaround: Create an .htaccess file in the /usr/admserv/html directory with the following entry: <Files .htaccess> Order allow,deny Deny from all </Files> This should prevent all .htaccess files from being viewed by any web browser. --------------------- 3. DENIAL OF SERVICE. --------------------- Possible workaround: Again, in the "service.cgi" file, add a simple check for the length of the string passed. In this example, if the string is > 500 chars, the program exits. if (length($service) > 500) { exit; } Hope these info somehow help. Peter N. Go Site Owner/Administrator CGI City -