Greetings, if you initiate a "icq chat" with someone on licq then proceed to send a constant stream of %d (I usually send close to 1000 chars) right after the other, nonstop it will cause their licq to seg fault. Tested on licq 1.0.4. (bugtraq usually formats my messages weird, so apologies if this doesn't look right.) The end result after the flood is: Licq Segmentation Violation Detected. Backtrace: licq(licq_handle_sigsegv+0x73) [0x809171b] /lib/ [0x4002deb4] /lib/ [0x400ce928] licq(PopChatEvent__12CChatManager+0xab) [0x808ab2b] /usr/local/lib/licq/ (slot_chat__7ChatDlg+0xea6) [0x401fb68a] /usr/lib/ (activate_signal__7QObjectPCci+0x12a) [0x40448b7e] /usr/lib/ (activated__15QSocketNotifieri+0x28) [0x4049a0b8] /usr/lib/ (event__15QSocketNotifierP6QEvent+0x44) [0x4047b07c] /usr/lib/ (notify__12QApplicationP7QObjectP6QEvent+0x1ea) 0x403f88a6] /usr/lib/ (qt_set_socket_handler__FiiP7QObjectb+0x4f2) [0x403c685a] /usr/lib/ (processNextEvent__12QApplicationb+0x6c7) [0x403c6f9b] /usr/lib/ [0x403fa5f4] /usr/lib/ [0x403c68c7] /usr/local/lib/licq/ (Run__8CLicqGuiP10CICQDaemon+0xf9) [0x402070ed] /usr/local/lib/licq/ [0x40205475] /usr/local/lib/licq/ [0x40205191] /lib/ [0x4002b065] /lib/ [0x4016d01a] Attempting to generate core file. syn@slackware:~#