Several Lucent VitalSuite Customers have advised us that data published by Security Focus and DefenseOne Command Center (which we believe is operated by the Meta Security Group) indicates that certain Lucent VitalSuite software products contain a security vulnerability. We have analyzed that information and provided a software patch that we believe will assist customers in addressing this issue; we also prepared the attached Security Bulletin to advise them of Lucent recommendations and actions we have taken. Since we believe you are also communicating with our customers on this matter, we have provided you a copy of the same bulletin. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Richard Hafner Lucent Technologies VitalNet PM VitalSoft Division 328 Gibraltar Drive Bldg 2 Sunnyvale CA 94089 (650) 318-1324 Phone (650) 318-1718 Fax
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