--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Web: http://qb0x.net Author: Gabriel A. Maggiotti Date: Febrary 03, 2002 E-mail: gmaggiot@ciudad.com.ar --------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Info ------------ Problem Type : password protected url bypass Product : Lotus Domino Scope : Remote Risk : High Summary ------- A security vulnerability has been found in the popular Lotus Domino Web server. Lotus Domino have files like webadmin.nsf, log.nsf and names.nfs, this files are protected by password. I discover that is posible to bypass this password if you create a malformed url. Notes Databases '.nsf' like webadmin.nsf or log.nsf are store in "lotus/domino/ data/" directory nas Notes Templatesi '.ntf' are store in the same place (Here is the goal). Examples: I found a critical and max length. assuming the buffer is: http://host.com/<buffer>/ Critical buffer length: is the minimun buffer length you need to bypass the passwd file. normal url: http://host.com/log.nsf <---- Request for a passwd modify url: http://host.com/log.ntf<buff>.snf/ |-----217 -------| In the case of log.nsf, <buff> is 217 - 12 = 205 '+' and the url will be: http://host.com/log.ntf++++++++++++++++++++.nsf/ |-------- 205 -----| If you write a buffer between 219 and 257(higher buffer), you bypass the passwd. modify url: http://host.com/log.ntf<buff>.snf/ |---219 to 257 --|