I was unable to recreate this using SAPGUI 46D patch level 483 or 6.10 Patch 13. Which patch of 4.6D are you using? And was it anything in particular you sent to the port that caused the crash? Nick Wilkens >>> Falk Siemonsmeier <Falk.Siemonsmeier@t-online.de> 1/28/02 1:00:55 PM >>> The Sapgui 4.6D for Windows that we use at work, open a port listen on a port >1024, wenn you connect to this port, maybee with nmap or nc or something else, the sapgui crashed with "unknown connection data". Can you reproduce this? Or is it a local Problem? Greetings Falk -- Falk Siemonsmeier /"\ Friedrich-Wilhelm-Str.12 \ / ASCII Ribbon Campaign 32457 Porta Westfalica x Say NO to HTML in email and news Germany / \ Effective December 12, 2001 Holnam Inc. changed its name to Holcim(US) Inc. Please update your records accordingly. ******************************************************************************************** This email and any files transmitted with it may contain privileged or confidential information. Use, disclosure, copying or distribution of this message by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error please notify the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of this message in your possession, custody or control. You may not add this address to any mailing lists or give or sell this email address to any entity or person(s). ********************************************************************************************