Description (from official page): FAQmanager is one simple perl script that allow you to easily set up and maintain a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). Vulnerability: Faqmanager can be used to read files on the server the httpd has access to. Example: faqmanager.cgi?toc=/etc/passwd%00 will show the system's /etc/passwd file. Exploitation with Windows systems wasn't tested. Vendor notified: Yes, new version available: Note: The new version seems to be semi-secure, it doesn't filter out the nullbyte, just the slash. Also doesn't it filter out dots. On some operating systems, I believe only BSD ones, bugs like these can be used to read directory listings. For example when entering a dot the current directory's listing can be viewed. Also, the source to scripts in the current directory can still be viewed, nasty if you installed the script directly in your /cgi-bin directory and you got al your other scripts in there too. A solution would be to replace the untaint routine in the script with this slightly modified one that filters out the nullbyte: sub untaint { return "" if (!$_[0]); my $taint = $_[0]; $taint =~ s/[\|\/]//g; $taint =~ s/\0//gii; $taint =~ /^[\<\+\>]*(.*)$/gi; return $1; # _not_ return $taint } Nu ----------- I just found the any key. ----------- Find the best deals on the web at AltaVista Shopping!