---------------------------------------------- Mail.com Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability Ministry-of-Peace - www.ministryofpeace.co.uk ---------------------------------------------- SYNOPSIS Mail.com offers free webmail services, which are used by tens of thousands of people around the world. The site suffers from a CSS vulnerability, giving a malicious user the ability to view the site cookies of any user currently logged in. IMPACT If a malicious user can get the mail.com user to follow a simple link, then they can grab that users mail.com cookies and possibly use them to authenticate as that user. WORKING EXAMPLE Log into your mail.com account, and then go to: http://mymail.mail.com/scripts/common/forgotpasswd.cgi?login=<p><script>document.writeln(document.cookie)</script></p> CREDITS Vulnerability discovered by Digital Shadow. INFO Security Advisory #03 Published: 03rd January 2002 -- _______________________________________________ Sign-up for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at Mail.com http://www.mail.com/?sr=signup 1 cent a minute calls anywhere in the U.S.! http://www.getpennytalk.com/cgi-bin/adforward.cgi?p_key=RG9853KJ&url=http://www.getpennytalk.com