Hi there dunno if this is a correct post to this list but i discovered a lil dos for rf gamers. This is a lil old but never read about it on any topics or boards so i decided to post it here. So what i found some weeks ago is if u do: nmap -sU -p 7755 <ip> The Red Faction game/server crashes and the user is back on his desktop 8) Working on Client/Server even on Dedicated Servers. Port 7755 is the standart Game port if the server runs on diffrent port a nmap on that port is working too. Dunno where really the problem is but i think its an illegal connection the game cant handle. A firewall would help on that. If someone knows more reply and give me the detail tnx -- ____.____ | . . | \___====__/\ |__ __| \ ( - ) ( - ) | (._.) | | ___. | .\__.__/. sh0 8)_ / \ : | sh0 | : sh0@libertynet.de \ _\___/_ / ( |: ) | | | | | | |____| |____| http://geek.sh0.de _(____/___\____)_