Note: the newest virus (w32/gone.a-mm) is blowing thru the WebShield product that runs on NT in front of our email server. We have just updated to the newest DAT files from McAfee . 4174. It seems to be a continuation of the other problem. Bottom line here, we are using GroupShield in conjunction with WebShield and it is set to delete most extensions on sight. The only way we saved ourselves from what looks to be a very bad outbreak. FYI Be like water my friend ... Alan G. Monaghan MCSE+I - Win4.0; MCSE - Win2k BJCP # C0389 (Recognized) Gardner Publications, Inc. Internet Administrator ? Phone 1-513-527-8867 ? Fax 1-513-527-8801 ( Car 1-513-520-6866 ? Cell 1-513-378-0919 ? E-mail ? URL http://Bullwinkle.GardnerWeb.Com/ -----Original Message----- From: Jari Helenius [] Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2001 11:38 AM To: Subject: RE: NAI Webshield SMTP for WinNT MIME header vuln that allowsBadTrans to pass After this message was published in Bugtraq, one person from NAI Europe contacted me. They asked sample of virus (which I had sent them already