> ------------------------=[Affected Systems]=--------------------------
> Under Windows NT/2000(any service pack) and IIS 4.0/5.0:
> - JRun 3.0 (all editions)
> - JRun 3.1 (all editions)
> ----------------------=[Detailed Description]=------------------------
> Upon sending a specially formed request to the web server, containing
> a '.jsp' extension makes the JRun handle the request. Example:
> http://www.victim.com/%3f.jsp
Not only IIS is affected, i found vulnerable Sites running Apache
1.3.19/Solaris and Apache 1.3.12/Linux.
A NASL Script is attached to find affected systems.
Felix Huber
Felix Huber, Security Consultant, Webtopia
Guendlinger Str.2, 79241 Ihringen - Germany
huberfelix@webtopia.de (07668) 951 156 (phone)
http://www.webtopia.de (07668) 951 157 (fax)
(01792) 205 724 (mobile)