There's a weakness in the authentification scheme of Legato Networker Software prior to version 6.1. When a client contacts the server, it announces (in clear text) via RPC his hostname or ip adress , his username and the user's groups. Then the server tries to resolve the ip adress of the machine which have initiated the dialog, if it fails , it sends an "unknow host" answer but doesn't stop the authentification process. As a result, every machine which ip coundn't be resolved by the server can fake any host or user. And, by this way gain then administrator privilege onto the Networker admin interface. ------------------------------- Proof concept: Here, we suppose that "server" is the Networker's server which IP is . We are now using a machine which could communicate freely with "server" called "intruder" which IP is A.B.C.D Prerequisite : "server" must be unable to perform a reverse lookup for the hostname "intruder" into an ip adress ( This machine is unknown in /etc/hosts and the associated DNS zone). So as root on "intruder", we will do the followings actions : · Change the hostname of the machine in order to fake server's one: #hostname server · Fake also the resolution mecanism onto the intruder machine Add "A.B.C.D server" into /etc/hosts · Contact the server by nwadmin -s · Now the server thinks your are root@server so he will be probably let you the admin privileges. (you can eventually fake another user by creating this user on "intruder" and doing a su) (Of course you can also fake another hostname...) Legato has been warned of this. 10function NetCourrier, votre bureau virtuel sur Internet : Mail, Agenda, Clubs, Toolbar... Une gamme d'outils gratuits et performants à votre service. Web/Wap : Téléphone/Fax : 08 92 69 00 21 (0,34 E TTC/min - 2,21 F TTC/min) Minitel: 3615 NETCOURRIER (0,15 E TTC/min - 1,00 F TTC/min)