The following is a Security Bulletin from the Microsoft Product Security Notification Service. Please do not reply to this message, as it was sent from an unattended mailbox. ******************************** -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- - - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Invalid Universal Plug and Play Request can Disrupt System Operation Date: 01 November 2001 Software: Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows XP Impact: Denial of Service Bulletin: MS01-054 Microsoft encourages customers to review the Security Bulletin at: - - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Issue: ====== The Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) service allows computers to discover and use network-based devices. Windows ME and XP include native UPnP services; Windows 98 and 98SE do not include a native UPnP service, but one can be installed via the Internet Connection Sharing client that ships with Windows XP. A vulnerability results because the UPnP service does not correctly handle certain types of invalid UPnP requests. On Windows 98, 98SE, and ME systems, receiving such a request could cause a variety of effects ranging from slow performance to system failure. On Windows XP, the effect is less serious as the flaw consists of a memory leak. Each time a Windows XP system received such a request, a small amount of system memory would become unavailable; if repeated many times, it could deplete system resources to the point where performance slowed or stopped altogether. Mitigating Factors: ==================== - Standard firewalling practices (specifically, blocking ports 1900 and 5000) could be used to protect corporate networks from Internet-based attacks. - On Windows 98 and 98SE, there is no native UPnP support for these systems. Windows 98 and 98SE systems would only be affected if the Internet Connection Sharing Client from Windows XP had been installed on the system. - On Windows ME, UPnP supportis neither installed nor running by default. (However, some OEMs do configure pre-built systems with the service installed and running). - On Windows XP, the Internet Connection Firewall, which runs by default, would impede an attacker's ability to locate and attack the system. Patch Availability: =================== - A patch is available to fix this vulnerability. Please read the Security Bulletin at for information on obtaining this patch. Acknowledgment: =============== - 'Ken' from FTU ( - - - --------------------------------------------------------------------- THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGP 7.1 iQEVAwUBO+Hmwo0ZSRQxA/UrAQGTlgf/U2mnJ1Gp77oFnLmciOH/TQUm5WJal+Ye K3Zuh4TLy1w3YQYLn0GMIeQ9ThjKJcTmia4hSHp9zMa2b8alIjiRabLMllGByOem 6U3/NducTVJLe5i4CmOVcTCksbBQpXFE7fFr4TBs2Q1RErTFxlsIXtwaDfNaHPj+ OXHKR5M/U7nYFYIcg8RkvbccEp8PEQzQcoSlTc59tqtlWJmTtoBoOTt1QkHB4SgF O9G/Vb7LYhnHSg0+7qk2DJxv3j23Ivx1pnCxnRpZr3ZzZ6yeok6KqBC5/Qb0pk/Z ZxiESlnxWaRy851YaDTz8CWJmhcekuHsdJPPY6UPgnIefoZPlPpckA== =Nasy -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- ******************************************************************* You have received this e-mail bulletin as a result of your registration to the Microsoft Product Security Notification Service. You may unsubscribe from this e-mail notification service at any time by sending an e-mail to MICROSOFT_SECURITY-SIGNOFF-REQUEST@ANNOUNCE.MICROSOFT.COM The subject line and message body are not used in processing the request, and can be anything you like. To verify the digital signature on this bulletin, please download our PGP key at For more information on the Microsoft Security Notification Service please visit For security-related information about Microsoft products, please visit the Microsoft Security Advisor web site at