Hi. I didn't talk about this because it is indeed related to generic webserver security, it's not phpnuke bug specific. The exploitation I described in my former mail could have been easily *avoided* if propper file permissions and webserver configuration were implemented. Or at least it could be reduced to some kind of DoS, but not a serious break-in (I mean, no machine compromise) Some facts: - since webserver is usually running as "apache" user, you could have web files owned by *another* user: for instance, user "webmaster". In this way you can have all files & directories of website as read-only. Then phpnuke bug "copy" feature would NOT work, at least in webserver directories! (the bug would be limited to some common writable dirs as "/tmp"). Also note that /tmp dir is not directly reachable from web and could NOT be used to launch a php shell. - if you need to have some web dir as "apache" writable (for uploading files via admin.php, eg) don't let php scripts to be executed in it. Use php features like "safe mode" and "safe_mode_exec_dir" to limit dirs where php scripts could be executed. Writeable directories shouldn't have php execute permissions (this was pointed by Markus Graf <mgraf@hilogix.com>) - if some file need to be "apache" writable (for instance, some dinamic config file, etc) it's a good idea to include it in a special directory ("conf", eg) and have this dir with no execute permissions (as described formerly). This way if someone breaks into your webserver and modifies this file, it couldn't insert php system/exec calls, mysql calls, etc. - "this exploit is only possible if the "file manager" module is installed." (this was pointed by Phiber <nikola.mailing@mail.inet.hr>). I've not tested this but it seems a logical thought :-) Greetz! RoMaNSoFt @ irc.irc-hispano.org roman@deathsdoor.com