The following is a Security Bulletin from the Microsoft Product Security Notification Service. Please do not reply to this message, as it was sent from an unattended mailbox. ******************************** -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Deeply-nested OWA Request Can Consume Server CPU Availability Date: 26 September 2001 Software: Exchange 2000 Impact: Denial of Service Bulletin: MS01-049 Microsoft encourages customers to review the Security Bulletin at: - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Issue: ====== A security vulnerability exists in Exchange 2000 Outlook Web Access, because it will accept and process a request for an item in an authenticated user's mailbox without verifying first that the folder structure is valid. An attacker could mount a denial of service attack by repeatedly levying a request for a non-existent but deeply nested folder in his own mailbox. Exploiting the vulnerability wouldn't necessarily affect the OWA server itself. The effect of the vulnerability would be to cause the process servicing the attacker's mailbox to consume most or all of the CPU availability on the server it was running on. In may cases, this process would run on the OWA server, and thus the effects would be seen there. However, if the process servicing the attacker's mailbox ran on a back-end server, the effect of exploiting the vulnerability would be seen there. In any event, the affected server would resume normal service once the request was handled. Mitigating Factors: ==================== - Only users who could authenticate to the server could exploit this vulnerability. - The attacker would need to have permissions on at least one mailbox in order to exploit the vulnerability. - The user can only perform this task against mailboxes to which they have permission. - The vulnerability could not be used to cause the mailbox store to fail, or to corrupt mailbox data. Patch Availability: =================== - A patch is available to fix this vulnerability. Please read the Security Bulletin at for information on obtaining this patch. Acknowledgment: =============== - Joao Gouveia ( - --------------------------------------------------------------------- THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGP 7.1 iQEVAwUBO7JbcY0ZSRQxA/UrAQH3ywf9Hbw6KXVtLetSRhpv7JfuqwRj/xWpIUjX Dyyuj0fULU202pwfCxA5wDfTOMgkLwaRy/gTFd5y78aedCMUc3Y8Dm7LKpf7L/2s 1Su4u5pYQMiDMUyS2ByfNfQ/4/Ly74zdJBk44hAaymJ4bKV7vhagFbzELs/V1JAg HnFWaualVDszsNuX8VHenOgfcYxbIMjDLskqtirUhXZi4RSMLs3wXUcRQsgJ0jpm 0RHqvZkawYGBGv8p3Gosz89a+OfZJ+aU49o/+gmcTs3fPSy0me0gTYAsPiQr/P5U RBYdxVrVCoIh7jZjy8DpWSzgJNvyZf6uWdUxFSiC0+3k9xl3YdV3+A== =nhAt -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- ******************************************************************* You have received this e-mail bulletin as a result of your registration to the Microsoft Product Security Notification Service. You may unsubscribe from this e-mail notification service at any time by sending an e-mail to MICROSOFT_SECURITY-SIGNOFF-REQUEST@ANNOUNCE.MICROSOFT.COM The subject line and message body are not used in processing the request, and can be anything you like. To verify the digital signature on this bulletin, please download our PGP key at For more information on the Microsoft Security Notification Service please visit For security-related information about Microsoft products, please visit the Microsoft Security Advisor web site at