This bug (?) affects: Apache/1.3.20 Server While, updating my site and checking out some things and directories, I discovered something pretty interesting in the tmp directory, there were three files, one with a "sem" extension and the other two ones without anyone. Files in Tmp directory: · sess_0af4137ea55aa752a12971b3145d815b · sess_b2e462409e859648ae96a2da84dc03ce · session_mm.sem Content of file "sess_0af4137ea55aa752a12971b3145d815b" username|s:9:"matt";password|s:9:"secret";!status|lastlist|s:4:"acct";domain|s:16:"host"; as soon as i read it I realised it is nothing more and nothing less than the server username and password to log in in PLAIN TEXT! Obviously i changed it where "matt" is the real username and "SECRET" the password Content of file "sess_b2e462409e859648ae96a2da84dc03ce" username|s:9:"USERname";password|s:9:"password";!status|lastlist|s:4:"acct";domain|s:16:"host"; The last file "session_mm.sem" was empty Research by WWW.HACKEMATE.COM <-- Contrasecurity Online KerozenE 1999-2001 c0oL! ICQ: 78480975 ********************************* Webmaster of ********************************* Moderator of the Security Mailing ********************************* Editor of the EZine HC&KTM Http:// *********************************