More security problems in Apache on Mac OS X

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[Originally posted to <>]

We've already seen the security problems (or potential problems) in Apache
on MacOSX associated to the case-insensitivity of HFS+. By exploiting the
case-insensitivity of HFS+, an attacker can evade Apache's access controls.

Using mod_hfs (which takes care of case-insensitivity in directory names)
and using <FilesMatch> (with well-chosen regular expressions) instead of
<Files> directives (to take care of case-insensitivity in filenames), we can
"cure" the case-insensitivity problem and restore Apache's access controls.

But there's another gotcha lurking.

You typically don't want people to be able to obtain a list of files in your
web directory. To allow them to obtain such a list, you explicitly have to

1) NOT have an index.html file in the directory
2) include an Options Indexes directive among the access controls for that

Or you could just run MacOSX.

The Finder creates an invisible file, ".DS_Store" in each directory which
contains (among other binary gobledygook) a list of files in the directory.

So, if you have EVER viewed a web directory in the Finder, an attacker can
just retrieve

to learn what files are in that directory.

The solution is, again, to use a <FilesMatch> directive in httpd.conf to
forbid retrieval of this file:

# The Finder creates an invisible .DS_Store file in each directory.
# For 'no-index' access controls to be effective, we had better forbid
# retrieval of that file as well. Note that we have to protect
# against the same case-insensitivity bug as above.
<FilesMatch "^\.[Dd][Ss]_[Ss]">
Order allow,deny
Deny from all

Note the regular expression to take care of case-insensitivity :-). And, of
course, you need to

sudo apachectl restart

when you're done.

Of course, the real question is: why was this file created world-readable
in the first place?

But then, Apple has taken a REALLY lax attitude about file permissions
throughout all of MacOSX.

More on the security implications of that some other time . . .

Jacques Distler

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