Re: fd == 0 means AT_FDCWD BPF_OBJ_GET commands

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On Fri, May 19, 2023 at 10:13:09AM +0200, Christian Brauner wrote:
> > I'm well aware that any file type is allowed to be in FDs 0,1,2 and
> > some user space is using it that way, like old inetd:
> >
> > That puts the same socket into 0,1,2 before exec-ing new process.

This is a *feature*.  I've seen, and actually written shell scripts
which have been wired into /etc/inetd.conf. amd so the fact that shell
script can send stdout out to a incoming TCP connection.  It should be
possible to implement the finger protocol (RFC 1288) as a shell or
python script, *precisely* because having inetd connect a socket to
FDs 0, 1, and 2 is a good and useful thing to do.

> > My point that the kernel has to assist user space instead of
> > stubbornly sticking to POSIX and saying all FDs are equal.

This is not a matter of adhering to Posix.  It's about the fundamental
Unix philosophy.  Not everything needs to be implemented in a
complicated C++ program....

> > To explain the motivation a bit of background:
> > "folly" is a core C++ library for fb apps. Like libstdc++ and a lot more.
> > Until this commit in 2021:
> >
> > the user could launch a new process with flag "folly::Subprocess::CLOSE".
> > It's useful for the cases when child doesn't want to inherit stdin/out/err.

Yeah, sorry, that's just simple bug in the Folly library (which I
guess was well named).  Closing all of the file descriptors and then
opening 0, 1, and 2 using /dev/null is a pretty basic.  In fact,
there's a convenient daemon(3) will do this for you.  No muss, no
fuss, no dirty dishes.

> I'm sorry but I really don't think this is a good idea. We're not going
> to run BPF programs in core file code. That stuff is sensitive and
> complex enough as it is without having to take into account that a bpf
> program can modify behavior. It's also completely unclear whether that's
> safe to do as this would allow to change fd allocation across the whole
> kernel.
> This idea that fd 0, 1, and 2 or any other fd deserve special treatment
> by the kernel needs to die; and quickly at that.


Making fundamentally violent changes to core Unix design and
philosophy just to accomodate incompetent user space programmers is
IMHO a really bad idea.

						- Ted

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