On 11/22/21 5:52 PM, Andrii Nakryiko wrote:
On Wed, Nov 17, 2021 at 12:25 PM Yonghong Song <yhs@xxxxxx> wrote:
LLVM patches ([1] for clang, [2] and [3] for BPF backend)
added support for btf_type_tag attributes. The following is
an example:
[$ ~] cat t.c
#define __tag1 __attribute__((btf_type_tag("tag1")))
#define __tag2 __attribute__((btf_type_tag("tag2")))
int __tag1 * __tag1 __tag2 *g __attribute__((section(".data..percpu")));
[$ ~] clang -O2 -g -c t.c
[$ ~] llvm-dwarfdump --debug-info t.o
t.o: file format elf64-x86-64
0x0000001e: DW_TAG_variable
DW_AT_name ("g")
DW_AT_type (0x00000033 "int **")
DW_AT_external (true)
DW_AT_decl_file ("/home/yhs/t.c")
DW_AT_decl_line (3)
DW_AT_location (DW_OP_addr 0x0)
0x00000033: DW_TAG_pointer_type
DW_AT_type (0x0000004b "int *")
0x00000038: DW_TAG_LLVM_annotation
DW_AT_name ("btf_type_tag")
DW_AT_const_value ("tag1")
0x00000041: DW_TAG_LLVM_annotation
DW_AT_name ("btf_type_tag")
DW_AT_const_value ("tag2")
0x0000004a: NULL
0x0000004b: DW_TAG_pointer_type
DW_AT_type (0x0000005a "int")
0x00000050: DW_TAG_LLVM_annotation
DW_AT_name ("btf_type_tag")
DW_AT_const_value ("tag1")
0x00000059: NULL
0x0000005a: DW_TAG_base_type
DW_AT_name ("int")
DW_AT_encoding (DW_ATE_signed)
DW_AT_byte_size (0x04)
0x00000061: NULL
From the above example, you can see that DW_TAG_pointer_type
may contain one or more DW_TAG_LLVM_annotation btf_type_tag tags.
If DW_TAG_LLVM_annotation tags are present inside
DW_TAG_pointer_type, for BTF encoding, pahole will need
to follow [3] to generate a type chain like
var -> ptr -> tag2 -> tag1 -> ptr -> tag1 -> int
This patch implemented dwarf_loader support. If a pointer type
contains DW_TAG_LLVM_annotation tags, a new type
btf_type_tag_ptr_type will be created which will store
the pointer tag itself and all DW_TAG_LLVM_annotation tags.
During recoding stage, the type chain will be formed properly
based on the above example.
An option "--skip_encoding_btf_type_tag" is added to disable
this new functionality.
[1] https://reviews.llvm.org/D111199
[2] https://reviews.llvm.org/D113222
[3] https://reviews.llvm.org/D113496
dwarf_loader.c | 116 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
dwarves.h | 33 +++++++++++++-
pahole.c | 8 ++++
3 files changed, 153 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+static struct tag *die__create_new_pointer_tag(Dwarf_Die *die, struct cu *cu,
+ struct conf_load *conf)
+ struct btf_type_tag_ptr_type *tag = NULL;
+ struct btf_type_tag_type *annot;
+ Dwarf_Die *cdie, child;
+ const char *name;
+ uint32_t id;
+ /* If no child tags or skipping btf_type_tag encoding, just create a new tag
+ * and return
+ */
+ if (!dwarf_haschildren(die) || dwarf_child(die, &child) != 0 ||
+ conf->skip_encoding_btf_type_tag)
+ return tag__new(die, cu);
+ /* Otherwise, check DW_TAG_LLVM_annotation child tags */
+ cdie = &child;
+ do {
+ if (dwarf_tag(cdie) == DW_TAG_LLVM_annotation) {
nit: inverting the condition and doing continue would reduce nestedness level
good point. Will send another revision.
+ /* Only check btf_type_tag annotations */
+ name = attr_string(cdie, DW_AT_name, conf);
+ if (strcmp(name, "btf_type_tag") != 0)
+ continue;
+ if (tag == NULL) {
+ /* Create a btf_type_tag_ptr type. */
+ tag = die__create_new_btf_type_tag_ptr_type(die, cu);
+ if (!tag)
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* Create a btf_type_tag type for this annotation. */
+ annot = die__create_new_btf_type_tag_type(cdie, cu, conf);
+ if (annot == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ if (cu__table_add_tag(cu, &annot->tag, &id) < 0)
+ return NULL;
+ struct dwarf_tag *dtag = annot->tag.priv;
+ dtag->small_id = id;
+ cu__hash(cu, &annot->tag);
+ /* For a list of DW_TAG_LLVM_annotation like tag1 -> tag2 -> tag3,
+ * the tag->tags contains tag3 -> tag2 -> tag1.
+ */
+ list_add(&annot->node, &tag->tags);
+ }
+ } while (dwarf_siblingof(cdie, cdie) == 0);
+ return tag ? &tag->tag : tag__new(die, cu);
static struct tag *die__create_new_ptr_to_member_type(Dwarf_Die *die,
struct cu *cu)
@@ -1903,12 +1985,13 @@ static struct tag *__die__process_tag(Dwarf_Die *die, struct cu *cu,
case DW_TAG_const_type:
case DW_TAG_imported_declaration:
case DW_TAG_imported_module:
- case DW_TAG_pointer_type:
case DW_TAG_reference_type:
case DW_TAG_restrict_type:
case DW_TAG_unspecified_type:
case DW_TAG_volatile_type:
tag = die__create_new_tag(die, cu); break;
+ case DW_TAG_pointer_type:
+ tag = die__create_new_pointer_tag(die, cu, conf); break;
case DW_TAG_ptr_to_member_type:
tag = die__create_new_ptr_to_member_type(die, cu); break;
case DW_TAG_enumeration_type:
@@ -2192,6 +2275,26 @@ static void lexblock__recode_dwarf_types(struct lexblock *tag, struct cu *cu)
+static void dwarf_cu__recode_btf_type_tag_ptr(struct btf_type_tag_ptr_type *tag,
+ uint32_t pointee_type)
+ struct btf_type_tag_type *annot;
+ struct dwarf_tag *annot_dtag;
+ struct tag *prev_tag;
+ /* If tag->tags contains tag3 -> tag2 -> tag1, the final type chain
+ * looks like:
+ * pointer -> tag3 -> tag2 -> tag1 -> pointee
+ */
is the comment accurate or the final one should have looked like
pointer -> tag1 -> tag2 -> tag3 -> pointee? Basically, trying to
understand if the final BTF represents the source-level order of tags
or not?
The comment is accurate. Given source like
int tag1 tag2 tag3 *p;
the final type chain is
p -> tag3 -> tag2 -> tag1 -> int
basically it means
- '*' applies to "int tag1 tag2 tag3"
- tag3 applies to "int tag1 tag2"
- tag2 applies to "int tag1"
- tag1 applies to "int"
This also makes final source code (format c) easier as
we can do
emit for "tag3 -> tag2 -> tag1 -> int"
emit '*'
For 'tag3 -> tag2 -> tag1 -> int":
emit for "tag2 -> tag1 -> int"
emit tag3
Eventually we can get the source code like
int tag1 tag2 tag3 *p
and this matches the user/kernel code.
+ prev_tag = &tag->tag;
+ list_for_each_entry(annot, &tag->tags, node) {
+ annot_dtag = annot->tag.priv;
+ prev_tag->type = annot_dtag->small_id;
+ prev_tag = &annot->tag;
+ }
+ prev_tag->type = pointee_type;