I noticed that CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_BTF seems to partly defeat the point of CONFIG_GCC_PLUGIN_RANDSTRUCT. CONFIG_GCC_PLUGIN_RANDSTRUCT randomizes the layout of (some) kernel-internal structs, which AFAIK is intended to make exploitation harder in two ways: 1) by ensuring that an attacker can't use a single exploit relying on specific structure offsets against every target 2) by keeping structure offsets secret from the attacker, so that the attacker can't rely on knowledge of structure offsets even when trying to exploit a specific target - only relevant for the few people who build their kernel themselves (since nobody was crazy enough to implement generating relocations for structure offsets so far). When CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_BTF is on, the kernel exposes the layouts of kernel structures via the mode-0444 file /sys/kernel/btf/vmlinux, so a local attacker can easily see structure offsets, defeating part 2. I wonder whether these kconfig knobs should be mutually exclusive, or whether /sys/kernel/btf/vmlinux should have a different mode, or something like that.