Re: [PATCH stable] xdp: Reset bpf_redirect_info before running a xdp's BPF prog.

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> > I added the commit introducing map redirects as the origin of the
> > problem which is v4.14-rc1. The code is a bit different there it seems
> > to work similar.
> What stable tree(s) is this for?  Just 6.6.y?  Why not older ones?

I didn't say just v6.6.y. The commit introducing the problem is in
v4.14-rc1 so I would say all the way down for the supported trees. Just
let me know if it does not apply for some of the older kernel.

> > Greg, feel free to decide if this is worth a CVE.
> That's not how CVEs are assigned :)
> If you want one, please read the in-tree documentation we have for that.

I don't need one but it is tempting to go through the new process :).
If it does not make your handling here easier (since you have two
different patches for one issue) there is no need for it from my side.

Thank you.

> thanks,
> greg k-h


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