Re: [PATCH bpf-next v1 1/2] bpf: states with loop entry have incomplete read/precision marks

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On Thu, 2025-03-13 at 12:28 -0700, Eduard Zingerman wrote:


> Which makes me wonder.
> If read/precision marks for B are not final and some state D outside
> of the loop becomes equal to B, the read/precision marks for that
> state would be incomplete as well:
>         D------.  // as some read/precision marks are missing from C
>                |  // propagate_liveness() won't copy all necessary
>     .-> A --.  |  // marks to D.
>     |   |   |  |
>     |   v   v  |
>     '-- B   C  |
>         ^      |
>         '------'
> This makes comparison with 'loop_entry' states contagious,
> propagating incomplete read/precision mark flag up to the root state.
> This will have verification performance implications.
> Alternatively read/precision marks need to be propagated in the state
> graph until fixed point is reached. Like with DFA analysis.
> Решето.

And below is an example that verifier does not catch.
Another possibility is to forgo loop entries altogether and upon
states_equal(cached, cur, RANGE_WITHIN) mark all registers in the
`cached` state as read and precise, propagating this info in `cur`.
I'll try this as well.

--- 8< --------------------------------
__failure __msg("misaligned stack access off 0+-31+0 size 8")
__naked int absent_mark_in_the_middle_state2(void)
	asm volatile (
		"call %[bpf_get_prandom_u32];"
		"r8 = r0;"
		"r7 = 0;"
		"r6 = -32;"
		"r0 = 0;"
		"*(u64 *)(r10 - 16) = r0;"
		"r1 = r10;"
		"r1 += -8;"
		"r2 = 0;"
		"r3 = 10;"
		"call %[bpf_iter_num_new];"
		"call %[bpf_get_prandom_u32];"
		"if r0 == r8 goto change_r6_%=;"
		"call %[bpf_get_prandom_u32];"
		"if r0 == r8 goto jump_into_loop_%=;"
		"r1 = r10;"
		"r1 += -8;"
		"call %[bpf_iter_num_next];"
		"if r0 == 0 goto loop_end_%=;"
		"call %[bpf_get_prandom_u32];"
		"if r0 == r8 goto use_r6_%=;"
		"goto loop_%=;"
		"r1 = r10;"
		"r1 += -8;"
		"call %[bpf_iter_num_destroy];"
		"r0 = 0;"
		"r0 = r10;"
		"r0 += r6;"
		"r1 = 7;"
		"*(u64 *)(r0 + 0) = r1;"
		"goto loop_%=;"
		"r6 = -31;"
	"jump_into_loop_%=: "
		"goto +0;"
		"goto loop_%=;"
		: __imm(bpf_iter_num_new),
		: __clobber_all
-------------------------------- >8 ---


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