[PATCH 10/13] selftests/bpf: test_xsk: Split xskxceiver

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AF_XDP features are tested by the test_xsk.sh script but not by the
test_progs framework. The tests used by the script are defined in
xksxceiver.c which can't be integrated in the test_progs framework as is.

Extract these test definitions from xskxceiver{.c/.h} to put them in new
test_xsk{.c/.h} files.
Keep the main() function and its unshared dependencies in xksxceiver to
avoid impacting the test_xsk.sh script which is often used to test real

Signed-off-by: Bastien Curutchet (eBPF Foundation) <bastien.curutchet@xxxxxxxxxxx>
 tools/testing/selftests/bpf/Makefile     |    2 +-
 tools/testing/selftests/bpf/test_xsk.c   | 2416 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tools/testing/selftests/bpf/test_xsk.h   |  279 ++++
 tools/testing/selftests/bpf/xskxceiver.c | 2503 +-----------------------------
 tools/testing/selftests/bpf/xskxceiver.h |  156 --
 5 files changed, 2727 insertions(+), 2629 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/Makefile b/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/Makefile
index ca41d47d4ba6aadc9ba60488ba1466fe276b10c0..ca14999fe0d832b24536f3a4f956e987c3b53cd8 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/Makefile
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/Makefile
@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ $(OUTPUT)/test_verifier: test_verifier.c verifier/tests.h $(BPFOBJ) | $(OUTPUT)
 # Include find_bit.c to compile xskxceiver.
 EXTRA_SRC := $(TOOLSDIR)/lib/find_bit.c
-$(OUTPUT)/xskxceiver: $(EXTRA_SRC) xskxceiver.c xskxceiver.h $(OUTPUT)/network_helpers.o $(OUTPUT)/xsk.o $(OUTPUT)/xsk_xdp_progs.skel.h $(BPFOBJ) | $(OUTPUT)
+$(OUTPUT)/xskxceiver: $(EXTRA_SRC) test_xsk.c xskxceiver.c xskxceiver.h $(OUTPUT)/network_helpers.o $(OUTPUT)/xsk.o $(OUTPUT)/xsk_xdp_progs.skel.h $(BPFOBJ) | $(OUTPUT)
 	$(call msg,BINARY,,$@)
 	$(Q)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(filter %.a %.o %.c,$^) $(LDLIBS) -o $@
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/test_xsk.c b/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/test_xsk.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..acfdac60b0bb92764f2ad164a1987dc565c41ba1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/test_xsk.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2416 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+#include <bpf/bpf.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <linux/bitmap.h>
+#include <linux/if_link.h>
+#include <linux/mman.h>
+#include <linux/netdev.h>
+#include <poll.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "network_helpers.h"
+#include "test_xsk.h"
+#include "xsk_xdp_common.h"
+#include "xsk_xdp_progs.skel.h"
+#define MIN_PKT_SIZE			64
+#define MAX_ETH_JUMBO_SIZE		9000
+#define MAX_INTERFACES			2
+#define MAX_TEARDOWN_ITER		10
+#define PKT_DUMP_NB_TO_PRINT		16
+/* Just to align the data in the packet */
+#define PKT_HDR_SIZE			(sizeof(struct ethhdr) + 2)
+#define POLL_TMOUT			1000
+#define THREAD_TMOUT			3
+#define XSK_DESC__INVALID_OPTION	(0xffff)
+#define XSK_UMEM__LARGE_FRAME_SIZE	(3 * 1024)
+#define XSK_UMEM__MAX_FRAME_SIZE	(4 * 1024)
+static const u8 g_mac[ETH_ALEN] = {0x55, 0x44, 0x33, 0x22, 0x11, 0x00};
+pthread_barrier_t barr;
+pthread_mutex_t pacing_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
+int pkts_in_flight;
+static void report_failure(struct test_spec *test)
+	if (test->fail)
+		return;
+	fail_reason("FAIL: %s %s%s\n", mode_string(test), busy_poll_string(test), test->name);
+	test->fail = true;
+/* The payload is a word consisting of a packet sequence number in the upper
+ * 16-bits and a intra packet data sequence number in the lower 16 bits. So the 3rd packet's
+ * 5th word of data will contain the number (2<<16) | 4 as they are numbered from 0.
+ */
+static void write_payload(void *dest, u32 pkt_nb, u32 start, u32 size)
+	u32 *ptr = (u32 *)dest, i;
+	start /= sizeof(*ptr);
+	size /= sizeof(*ptr);
+	for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
+		ptr[i] = htonl(pkt_nb << 16 | (i + start));
+static void gen_eth_hdr(struct xsk_socket_info *xsk, struct ethhdr *eth_hdr)
+	memcpy(eth_hdr->h_dest, xsk->dst_mac, ETH_ALEN);
+	memcpy(eth_hdr->h_source, xsk->src_mac, ETH_ALEN);
+	eth_hdr->h_proto = htons(ETH_P_LOOPBACK);
+static bool is_umem_valid(struct ifobject *ifobj)
+	return !!ifobj->umem->umem;
+static u32 mode_to_xdp_flags(enum test_mode mode)
+static u64 umem_size(struct xsk_umem_info *umem)
+	return umem->num_frames * umem->frame_size;
+int xsk_configure_umem(struct ifobject *ifobj, struct xsk_umem_info *umem, void *buffer,
+			      u64 size)
+	struct xsk_umem_config cfg = {
+		.frame_size = umem->frame_size,
+		.frame_headroom = umem->frame_headroom,
+	};
+	int ret;
+	if (umem->fill_size)
+		cfg.fill_size = umem->fill_size;
+	if (umem->comp_size)
+		cfg.comp_size = umem->comp_size;
+	if (umem->unaligned_mode)
+	ret = xsk_umem__create(&umem->umem, buffer, size,
+			       &umem->fq, &umem->cq, &cfg);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	umem->buffer = buffer;
+	if (ifobj->shared_umem && ifobj->rx_on) {
+		umem->base_addr = umem_size(umem);
+		umem->next_buffer = umem_size(umem);
+	}
+	return 0;
+static u64 umem_alloc_buffer(struct xsk_umem_info *umem)
+	u64 addr;
+	addr = umem->next_buffer;
+	umem->next_buffer += umem->frame_size;
+	if (umem->next_buffer >= umem->base_addr + umem_size(umem))
+		umem->next_buffer = umem->base_addr;
+	return addr;
+static void umem_reset_alloc(struct xsk_umem_info *umem)
+	umem->next_buffer = 0;
+static int enable_busy_poll(struct xsk_socket_info *xsk)
+	int sock_opt;
+	sock_opt = 1;
+	if (setsockopt(xsk_socket__fd(xsk->xsk), SOL_SOCKET, SO_PREFER_BUSY_POLL,
+		       (void *)&sock_opt, sizeof(sock_opt)) < 0)
+		return -errno;
+	sock_opt = 20;
+	if (setsockopt(xsk_socket__fd(xsk->xsk), SOL_SOCKET, SO_BUSY_POLL,
+		       (void *)&sock_opt, sizeof(sock_opt)) < 0)
+		return -errno;
+	sock_opt = xsk->batch_size;
+	if (setsockopt(xsk_socket__fd(xsk->xsk), SOL_SOCKET, SO_BUSY_POLL_BUDGET,
+		       (void *)&sock_opt, sizeof(sock_opt)) < 0)
+		return -errno;
+	return 0;
+int xsk_configure_socket(struct xsk_socket_info *xsk, struct xsk_umem_info *umem,
+				  struct ifobject *ifobject, bool shared)
+	struct xsk_socket_config cfg = {};
+	struct xsk_ring_cons *rxr;
+	struct xsk_ring_prod *txr;
+	xsk->umem = umem;
+	cfg.rx_size = xsk->rxqsize;
+	cfg.bind_flags = ifobject->bind_flags;
+	if (shared)
+		cfg.bind_flags |= XDP_SHARED_UMEM;
+	if (ifobject->mtu > MAX_ETH_PKT_SIZE)
+		cfg.bind_flags |= XDP_USE_SG;
+	if (umem->comp_size)
+		cfg.tx_size = umem->comp_size;
+	if (umem->fill_size)
+		cfg.rx_size = umem->fill_size;
+	txr = ifobject->tx_on ? &xsk->tx : NULL;
+	rxr = ifobject->rx_on ? &xsk->rx : NULL;
+	return xsk_socket__create(&xsk->xsk, ifobject->ifindex, 0, umem->umem, rxr, txr, &cfg);
+#define MAX_SKB_FRAGS_PATH "/proc/sys/net/core/max_skb_frags"
+static unsigned int get_max_skb_frags(void)
+	unsigned int max_skb_frags = 0;
+	FILE *file;
+	file = fopen(MAX_SKB_FRAGS_PATH, "r");
+	if (!file) {
+		print_msg("Error opening %s\n", MAX_SKB_FRAGS_PATH);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if (fscanf(file, "%u", &max_skb_frags) != 1)
+		print_msg("Error reading %s\n", MAX_SKB_FRAGS_PATH);
+	fclose(file);
+	return max_skb_frags;
+static int set_ring_size(struct ifobject *ifobj)
+	int ret;
+	u32 ctr = 0;
+	while (ctr++ < SOCK_RECONF_CTR) {
+		ret = set_hw_ring_size(ifobj->ifname, &ifobj->ring);
+		if (!ret)
+			break;
+		/* Retry if it fails */
+		if (ctr >= SOCK_RECONF_CTR || errno != EBUSY)
+			return -errno;
+		usleep(USLEEP_MAX);
+	}
+	return ret;
+int hw_ring_size_reset(struct ifobject *ifobj)
+	ifobj->ring.tx_pending = ifobj->set_ring.default_tx;
+	ifobj->ring.rx_pending = ifobj->set_ring.default_rx;
+	return set_ring_size(ifobj);
+static void __test_spec_init(struct test_spec *test, struct ifobject *ifobj_tx,
+			     struct ifobject *ifobj_rx)
+	u32 i, j;
+	for (i = 0; i < MAX_INTERFACES; i++) {
+		struct ifobject *ifobj = i ? ifobj_rx : ifobj_tx;
+		ifobj->xsk = &ifobj->xsk_arr[0];
+		ifobj->use_poll = false;
+		ifobj->use_fill_ring = true;
+		ifobj->release_rx = true;
+		ifobj->validation_func = NULL;
+		ifobj->use_metadata = false;
+		if (i == 0) {
+			ifobj->rx_on = false;
+			ifobj->tx_on = true;
+		} else {
+			ifobj->rx_on = true;
+			ifobj->tx_on = false;
+		}
+		memset(ifobj->umem, 0, sizeof(*ifobj->umem));
+		ifobj->umem->num_frames = DEFAULT_UMEM_BUFFERS;
+		ifobj->umem->frame_size = XSK_UMEM__DEFAULT_FRAME_SIZE;
+		for (j = 0; j < MAX_SOCKETS; j++) {
+			memset(&ifobj->xsk_arr[j], 0, sizeof(ifobj->xsk_arr[j]));
+			ifobj->xsk_arr[j].rxqsize = XSK_RING_CONS__DEFAULT_NUM_DESCS;
+			ifobj->xsk_arr[j].batch_size = DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE;
+			if (i == 0)
+				ifobj->xsk_arr[j].pkt_stream = test->tx_pkt_stream_default;
+			else
+				ifobj->xsk_arr[j].pkt_stream = test->rx_pkt_stream_default;
+			memcpy(ifobj->xsk_arr[j].src_mac, g_mac, ETH_ALEN);
+			memcpy(ifobj->xsk_arr[j].dst_mac, g_mac, ETH_ALEN);
+			ifobj->xsk_arr[j].src_mac[5] += ((j * 2) + 0);
+			ifobj->xsk_arr[j].dst_mac[5] += ((j * 2) + 1);
+		}
+	}
+	if (ifobj_tx->hw_ring_size_supp)
+		hw_ring_size_reset(ifobj_tx);
+	test->ifobj_tx = ifobj_tx;
+	test->ifobj_rx = ifobj_rx;
+	test->current_step = 0;
+	test->total_steps = 1;
+	test->nb_sockets = 1;
+	test->fail = false;
+	test->set_ring = false;
+	test->mtu = MAX_ETH_PKT_SIZE;
+	test->xdp_prog_rx = ifobj_rx->xdp_progs->progs.xsk_def_prog;
+	test->xskmap_rx = ifobj_rx->xdp_progs->maps.xsk;
+	test->xdp_prog_tx = ifobj_tx->xdp_progs->progs.xsk_def_prog;
+	test->xskmap_tx = ifobj_tx->xdp_progs->maps.xsk;
+void test_init(struct test_spec *test, struct ifobject *ifobj_tx,
+			   struct ifobject *ifobj_rx, enum test_mode mode,
+			   const struct test_spec *test_to_run)
+	struct pkt_stream *tx_pkt_stream;
+	struct pkt_stream *rx_pkt_stream;
+	u32 i;
+	tx_pkt_stream = test->tx_pkt_stream_default;
+	rx_pkt_stream = test->rx_pkt_stream_default;
+	memset(test, 0, sizeof(*test));
+	test->tx_pkt_stream_default = tx_pkt_stream;
+	test->rx_pkt_stream_default = rx_pkt_stream;
+	for (i = 0; i < MAX_INTERFACES; i++) {
+		struct ifobject *ifobj = i ? ifobj_rx : ifobj_tx;
+		ifobj->bind_flags = XDP_USE_NEED_WAKEUP;
+		if (mode == TEST_MODE_ZC)
+			ifobj->bind_flags |= XDP_ZEROCOPY;
+		else
+			ifobj->bind_flags |= XDP_COPY;
+	}
+	memcpy(test->name, test_to_run->name, MAX_TEST_NAME_SIZE);
+	test->test_func = test_to_run->test_func;
+	test->mode = mode;
+	__test_spec_init(test, ifobj_tx, ifobj_rx);
+static void test_spec_reset(struct test_spec *test)
+	__test_spec_init(test, test->ifobj_tx, test->ifobj_rx);
+static void test_spec_set_xdp_prog(struct test_spec *test, struct bpf_program *xdp_prog_rx,
+				   struct bpf_program *xdp_prog_tx, struct bpf_map *xskmap_rx,
+				   struct bpf_map *xskmap_tx)
+	test->xdp_prog_rx = xdp_prog_rx;
+	test->xdp_prog_tx = xdp_prog_tx;
+	test->xskmap_rx = xskmap_rx;
+	test->xskmap_tx = xskmap_tx;
+static int test_spec_set_mtu(struct test_spec *test, int mtu)
+	int err;
+	if (test->ifobj_rx->mtu != mtu) {
+		err = xsk_set_mtu(test->ifobj_rx->ifindex, mtu);
+		if (err)
+			return err;
+		test->ifobj_rx->mtu = mtu;
+	}
+	if (test->ifobj_tx->mtu != mtu) {
+		err = xsk_set_mtu(test->ifobj_tx->ifindex, mtu);
+		if (err)
+			return err;
+		test->ifobj_tx->mtu = mtu;
+	}
+	return 0;
+void pkt_stream_reset(struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream)
+	if (pkt_stream) {
+		pkt_stream->current_pkt_nb = 0;
+		pkt_stream->nb_rx_pkts = 0;
+	}
+static struct pkt *pkt_stream_get_next_tx_pkt(struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream)
+	if (pkt_stream->current_pkt_nb >= pkt_stream->nb_pkts)
+		return NULL;
+	return &pkt_stream->pkts[pkt_stream->current_pkt_nb++];
+static struct pkt *pkt_stream_get_next_rx_pkt(struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream, u32 *pkts_sent)
+	while (pkt_stream->current_pkt_nb < pkt_stream->nb_pkts) {
+		(*pkts_sent)++;
+		if (pkt_stream->pkts[pkt_stream->current_pkt_nb].valid)
+			return &pkt_stream->pkts[pkt_stream->current_pkt_nb++];
+		pkt_stream->current_pkt_nb++;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+void pkt_stream_delete(struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream)
+	free(pkt_stream->pkts);
+	free(pkt_stream);
+void pkt_stream_restore_default(struct test_spec *test)
+	struct pkt_stream *tx_pkt_stream = test->ifobj_tx->xsk->pkt_stream;
+	struct pkt_stream *rx_pkt_stream = test->ifobj_rx->xsk->pkt_stream;
+	if (tx_pkt_stream != test->tx_pkt_stream_default) {
+		pkt_stream_delete(test->ifobj_tx->xsk->pkt_stream);
+		test->ifobj_tx->xsk->pkt_stream = test->tx_pkt_stream_default;
+	}
+	if (rx_pkt_stream != test->rx_pkt_stream_default) {
+		pkt_stream_delete(test->ifobj_rx->xsk->pkt_stream);
+		test->ifobj_rx->xsk->pkt_stream = test->rx_pkt_stream_default;
+	}
+static struct pkt_stream *__pkt_stream_alloc(u32 nb_pkts)
+	struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream;
+	pkt_stream = calloc(1, sizeof(*pkt_stream));
+	if (!pkt_stream)
+		return NULL;
+	pkt_stream->pkts = calloc(nb_pkts, sizeof(*pkt_stream->pkts));
+	if (!pkt_stream->pkts) {
+		free(pkt_stream);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	pkt_stream->nb_pkts = nb_pkts;
+	return pkt_stream;
+static u32 pkt_nb_frags(u32 frame_size, struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream, struct pkt *pkt)
+	u32 nb_frags = 1, next_frag;
+	if (!pkt)
+		return 1;
+	if (!pkt_stream->verbatim) {
+		if (!pkt->valid || !pkt->len)
+			return 1;
+		return ceil_u32(pkt->len, frame_size);
+	}
+	/* Search for the end of the packet in verbatim mode */
+	if (!pkt_continues(pkt->options))
+		return nb_frags;
+	next_frag = pkt_stream->current_pkt_nb;
+	pkt++;
+	while (next_frag++ < pkt_stream->nb_pkts) {
+		nb_frags++;
+		if (!pkt_continues(pkt->options) || !pkt->valid)
+			break;
+		pkt++;
+	}
+	return nb_frags;
+static bool set_pkt_valid(int offset, u32 len)
+	return len <= MAX_ETH_JUMBO_SIZE;
+static void pkt_set(struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream, struct pkt *pkt, int offset, u32 len)
+	pkt->offset = offset;
+	pkt->len = len;
+	pkt->valid = set_pkt_valid(offset, len);
+static void pkt_stream_pkt_set(struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream, struct pkt *pkt, int offset, u32 len)
+	bool prev_pkt_valid = pkt->valid;
+	pkt_set(pkt_stream, pkt, offset, len);
+	pkt_stream->nb_valid_entries += pkt->valid - prev_pkt_valid;
+static u32 pkt_get_buffer_len(struct xsk_umem_info *umem, u32 len)
+	return ceil_u32(len, umem->frame_size) * umem->frame_size;
+static struct pkt_stream *__pkt_stream_generate(u32 nb_pkts, u32 pkt_len, u32 nb_start, u32 nb_off)
+	struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream;
+	u32 i;
+	pkt_stream = __pkt_stream_alloc(nb_pkts);
+	if (!pkt_stream)
+		return NULL;
+	pkt_stream->nb_pkts = nb_pkts;
+	pkt_stream->max_pkt_len = pkt_len;
+	for (i = 0; i < nb_pkts; i++) {
+		struct pkt *pkt = &pkt_stream->pkts[i];
+		pkt_stream_pkt_set(pkt_stream, pkt, 0, pkt_len);
+		pkt->pkt_nb = nb_start + i * nb_off;
+	}
+	return pkt_stream;
+struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream_generate(u32 nb_pkts, u32 pkt_len)
+	return __pkt_stream_generate(nb_pkts, pkt_len, 0, 1);
+static struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream_clone(struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream)
+	return pkt_stream_generate(pkt_stream->nb_pkts, pkt_stream->pkts[0].len);
+static int pkt_stream_replace(struct test_spec *test, u32 nb_pkts, u32 pkt_len)
+	struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream;
+	pkt_stream = pkt_stream_generate(nb_pkts, pkt_len);
+	if (!pkt_stream)
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	test->ifobj_tx->xsk->pkt_stream = pkt_stream;
+	pkt_stream = pkt_stream_generate(nb_pkts, pkt_len);
+	if (!pkt_stream)
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	test->ifobj_rx->xsk->pkt_stream = pkt_stream;
+	return 0;
+static int __pkt_stream_replace_half(struct ifobject *ifobj, u32 pkt_len,
+				      int offset)
+	struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream;
+	u32 i;
+	pkt_stream = pkt_stream_clone(ifobj->xsk->pkt_stream);
+	if (!pkt_stream)
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	for (i = 1; i < ifobj->xsk->pkt_stream->nb_pkts; i += 2)
+		pkt_stream_pkt_set(pkt_stream, &pkt_stream->pkts[i], offset, pkt_len);
+	ifobj->xsk->pkt_stream = pkt_stream;
+	return 0;
+static int pkt_stream_replace_half(struct test_spec *test, u32 pkt_len, int offset)
+	int ret = __pkt_stream_replace_half(test->ifobj_tx, pkt_len, offset);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	return __pkt_stream_replace_half(test->ifobj_rx, pkt_len, offset);
+static int pkt_stream_receive_half(struct test_spec *test)
+	struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream = test->ifobj_tx->xsk->pkt_stream;
+	u32 i;
+	if (test->ifobj_rx->xsk->pkt_stream != test->rx_pkt_stream_default)
+		/* Packet stream has already been replaced so we have to release this one.
+		 * The newly created one will be freed by the restore_default() at the
+		 * end of the test
+		 */
+		pkt_stream_delete(test->ifobj_rx->xsk->pkt_stream);
+	test->ifobj_rx->xsk->pkt_stream = pkt_stream_generate(pkt_stream->nb_pkts,
+							      pkt_stream->pkts[0].len);
+	if (!test->ifobj_rx->xsk->pkt_stream)
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	pkt_stream = test->ifobj_rx->xsk->pkt_stream;
+	for (i = 1; i < pkt_stream->nb_pkts; i += 2)
+		pkt_stream->pkts[i].valid = false;
+	pkt_stream->nb_valid_entries /= 2;
+	return 0;
+static int pkt_stream_even_odd_sequence(struct test_spec *test)
+	struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream;
+	u32 i;
+	for (i = 0; i < test->nb_sockets; i++) {
+		pkt_stream = test->ifobj_tx->xsk_arr[i].pkt_stream;
+		pkt_stream = __pkt_stream_generate(pkt_stream->nb_pkts / 2,
+						   pkt_stream->pkts[0].len, i, 2);
+		if (!pkt_stream)
+			return -ENOMEM;
+		test->ifobj_tx->xsk_arr[i].pkt_stream = pkt_stream;
+		pkt_stream = test->ifobj_rx->xsk_arr[i].pkt_stream;
+		pkt_stream = __pkt_stream_generate(pkt_stream->nb_pkts / 2,
+						   pkt_stream->pkts[0].len, i, 2);
+		if (!pkt_stream)
+			return -ENOMEM;
+		test->ifobj_rx->xsk_arr[i].pkt_stream = pkt_stream;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static void release_even_odd_sequence(struct test_spec *test)
+	struct pkt_stream *later_free_tx = test->ifobj_tx->xsk->pkt_stream;
+	struct pkt_stream *later_free_rx = test->ifobj_rx->xsk->pkt_stream;
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; i < test->nb_sockets; i++) {
+		/* later_free_{rx/tx} will be freed by restore_default() */
+		if (test->ifobj_tx->xsk_arr[i].pkt_stream != later_free_tx)
+			pkt_stream_delete(test->ifobj_tx->xsk_arr[i].pkt_stream);
+		if (test->ifobj_rx->xsk_arr[i].pkt_stream != later_free_rx)
+			pkt_stream_delete(test->ifobj_rx->xsk_arr[i].pkt_stream);
+	}
+static u64 pkt_get_addr(struct pkt *pkt, struct xsk_umem_info *umem)
+	if (!pkt->valid)
+		return pkt->offset;
+	return pkt->offset + umem_alloc_buffer(umem);
+static void pkt_stream_cancel(struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream)
+	pkt_stream->current_pkt_nb--;
+static void pkt_generate(struct xsk_socket_info *xsk, struct xsk_umem_info *umem, u64 addr, u32 len,
+			 u32 pkt_nb, u32 bytes_written)
+	void *data = xsk_umem__get_data(umem->buffer, addr);
+	if (len < MIN_PKT_SIZE)
+		return;
+	if (!bytes_written) {
+		gen_eth_hdr(xsk, data);
+		len -= PKT_HDR_SIZE;
+		data += PKT_HDR_SIZE;
+	} else {
+		bytes_written -= PKT_HDR_SIZE;
+	}
+	write_payload(data, pkt_nb, bytes_written, len);
+static struct pkt_stream *__pkt_stream_generate_custom(struct ifobject *ifobj, struct pkt *frames,
+						       u32 nb_frames, bool verbatim)
+	u32 i, len = 0, pkt_nb = 0, payload = 0;
+	struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream;
+	pkt_stream = __pkt_stream_alloc(nb_frames);
+	if (!pkt_stream)
+		return NULL;
+	for (i = 0; i < nb_frames; i++) {
+		struct pkt *pkt = &pkt_stream->pkts[pkt_nb];
+		struct pkt *frame = &frames[i];
+		pkt->offset = frame->offset;
+		if (verbatim) {
+			*pkt = *frame;
+			pkt->pkt_nb = payload;
+			if (!frame->valid || !pkt_continues(frame->options))
+				payload++;
+		} else {
+			if (frame->valid)
+				len += frame->len;
+			if (frame->valid && pkt_continues(frame->options))
+				continue;
+			pkt->pkt_nb = pkt_nb;
+			pkt->len = len;
+			pkt->valid = frame->valid;
+			pkt->options = 0;
+			len = 0;
+		}
+		print_verbose("offset: %d len: %u valid: %u options: %u pkt_nb: %u\n",
+			      pkt->offset, pkt->len, pkt->valid, pkt->options, pkt->pkt_nb);
+		if (pkt->valid && pkt->len > pkt_stream->max_pkt_len)
+			pkt_stream->max_pkt_len = pkt->len;
+		if (pkt->valid)
+			pkt_stream->nb_valid_entries++;
+		pkt_nb++;
+	}
+	pkt_stream->nb_pkts = pkt_nb;
+	pkt_stream->verbatim = verbatim;
+	return pkt_stream;
+static int pkt_stream_generate_custom(struct test_spec *test, struct pkt *pkts, u32 nb_pkts)
+	struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream;
+	pkt_stream = __pkt_stream_generate_custom(test->ifobj_tx, pkts, nb_pkts, true);
+	if (!pkt_stream)
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	test->ifobj_tx->xsk->pkt_stream = pkt_stream;
+	pkt_stream = __pkt_stream_generate_custom(test->ifobj_rx, pkts, nb_pkts, false);
+	if (!pkt_stream)
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	test->ifobj_rx->xsk->pkt_stream = pkt_stream;
+	return 0;
+static void pkt_print_data(u32 *data, u32 cnt)
+	u32 i;
+	for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
+		u32 seqnum, pkt_nb;
+		seqnum = ntohl(*data) & 0xffff;
+		pkt_nb = ntohl(*data) >> 16;
+		print_msg("%u:%u ", pkt_nb, seqnum);
+		data++;
+	}
+static void pkt_dump(void *pkt, u32 len, bool eth_header)
+	struct ethhdr *ethhdr = pkt;
+	u32 i, *data;
+	if (eth_header) {
+		/*extract L2 frame */
+		print_msg("DEBUG>> L2: dst mac: ");
+		for (i = 0; i < ETH_ALEN; i++)
+			print_msg("%02X", ethhdr->h_dest[i]);
+		print_msg("\nDEBUG>> L2: src mac: ");
+		for (i = 0; i < ETH_ALEN; i++)
+			print_msg("%02X", ethhdr->h_source[i]);
+		data = pkt + PKT_HDR_SIZE;
+	} else {
+		data = pkt;
+	}
+	/*extract L5 frame */
+	print_msg("\nDEBUG>> L5: seqnum: ");
+	pkt_print_data(data, PKT_DUMP_NB_TO_PRINT);
+	print_msg("....");
+	if (len > PKT_DUMP_NB_TO_PRINT * sizeof(u32)) {
+		print_msg("\n.... ");
+		pkt_print_data(data + len / sizeof(u32) - PKT_DUMP_NB_TO_PRINT,
+			       PKT_DUMP_NB_TO_PRINT);
+	}
+	print_msg("\n---------------------------------------\n");
+static bool is_offset_correct(struct xsk_umem_info *umem, struct pkt *pkt, u64 addr)
+	u32 headroom = umem->unaligned_mode ? 0 : umem->frame_headroom;
+	u32 offset = addr % umem->frame_size, expected_offset;
+	int pkt_offset = pkt->valid ? pkt->offset : 0;
+	if (!umem->unaligned_mode)
+		pkt_offset = 0;
+	expected_offset = (pkt_offset + headroom + XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM) % umem->frame_size;
+	if (offset == expected_offset)
+		return true;
+	print_msg("[%s] expected [%u], got [%u]\n", __func__, expected_offset, offset);
+	return false;
+static bool is_metadata_correct(struct pkt *pkt, void *buffer, u64 addr)
+	void *data = xsk_umem__get_data(buffer, addr);
+	struct xdp_info *meta = data - sizeof(struct xdp_info);
+	if (meta->count != pkt->pkt_nb) {
+		print_msg("[%s] expected meta_count [%d], got meta_count [%llu]\n",
+			       __func__, pkt->pkt_nb,
+			       (unsigned long long)meta->count);
+		return false;
+	}
+	return true;
+static bool is_frag_valid(struct xsk_umem_info *umem, u64 addr, u32 len, u32 expected_pkt_nb,
+			  u32 bytes_processed)
+	u32 seqnum, pkt_nb, *pkt_data, words_to_end, expected_seqnum;
+	void *data = xsk_umem__get_data(umem->buffer, addr);
+	addr -= umem->base_addr;
+	if (addr >= umem->num_frames * umem->frame_size ||
+	    addr + len > umem->num_frames * umem->frame_size) {
+		print_msg("Frag invalid addr: %llx len: %u\n",
+			       (unsigned long long)addr, len);
+		return false;
+	}
+	if (!umem->unaligned_mode && addr % umem->frame_size + len > umem->frame_size) {
+		print_msg("Frag crosses frame boundary addr: %llx len: %u\n",
+			       (unsigned long long)addr, len);
+		return false;
+	}
+	pkt_data = data;
+	if (!bytes_processed) {
+		pkt_data += PKT_HDR_SIZE / sizeof(*pkt_data);
+		len -= PKT_HDR_SIZE;
+	} else {
+		bytes_processed -= PKT_HDR_SIZE;
+	}
+	expected_seqnum = bytes_processed / sizeof(*pkt_data);
+	seqnum = ntohl(*pkt_data) & 0xffff;
+	pkt_nb = ntohl(*pkt_data) >> 16;
+	if (expected_pkt_nb != pkt_nb) {
+		print_msg("[%s] expected pkt_nb [%u], got pkt_nb [%u]\n",
+			       __func__, expected_pkt_nb, pkt_nb);
+		goto error;
+	}
+	if (expected_seqnum != seqnum) {
+		print_msg("[%s] expected seqnum at start [%u], got seqnum [%u]\n",
+			       __func__, expected_seqnum, seqnum);
+		goto error;
+	}
+	words_to_end = len / sizeof(*pkt_data) - 1;
+	pkt_data += words_to_end;
+	seqnum = ntohl(*pkt_data) & 0xffff;
+	expected_seqnum += words_to_end;
+	if (expected_seqnum != seqnum) {
+		print_msg("[%s] expected seqnum at end [%u], got seqnum [%u]\n",
+			       __func__, expected_seqnum, seqnum);
+		goto error;
+	}
+	return true;
+	pkt_dump(data, len, !bytes_processed);
+	return false;
+static bool is_pkt_valid(struct pkt *pkt, void *buffer, u64 addr, u32 len)
+	if (pkt->len != len) {
+		print_msg("[%s] expected packet length [%d], got length [%d]\n",
+			       __func__, pkt->len, len);
+		pkt_dump(xsk_umem__get_data(buffer, addr), len, true);
+		return false;
+	}
+	return true;
+int kick_tx(struct xsk_socket_info *xsk)
+	int ret;
+	ret = sendto(xsk_socket__fd(xsk->xsk), NULL, 0, MSG_DONTWAIT, NULL, 0);
+	if (ret >= 0)
+		return TEST_PASS;
+	if (errno == ENOBUFS || errno == EAGAIN || errno == EBUSY || errno == ENETDOWN) {
+		usleep(100);
+		return TEST_PASS;
+	}
+	return TEST_FAILURE;
+int kick_rx(struct xsk_socket_info *xsk)
+	int ret;
+	ret = recvfrom(xsk_socket__fd(xsk->xsk), NULL, 0, MSG_DONTWAIT, NULL, NULL);
+	if (ret < 0)
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	return TEST_PASS;
+static int complete_pkts(struct xsk_socket_info *xsk, int batch_size)
+	unsigned int rcvd;
+	u32 idx;
+	int ret;
+	if (xsk_ring_prod__needs_wakeup(&xsk->tx)) {
+		ret = kick_tx(xsk);
+		if (ret)
+			return TEST_FAILURE;
+	}
+	rcvd = xsk_ring_cons__peek(&xsk->umem->cq, batch_size, &idx);
+	if (rcvd) {
+		if (rcvd > xsk->outstanding_tx) {
+			u64 addr = *xsk_ring_cons__comp_addr(&xsk->umem->cq, idx + rcvd - 1);
+			print_msg("[%s] Too many packets completed\n", __func__);
+			print_msg("Last completion address: %llx\n",
+				       (unsigned long long)addr);
+			return TEST_FAILURE;
+		}
+		xsk_ring_cons__release(&xsk->umem->cq, rcvd);
+		xsk->outstanding_tx -= rcvd;
+	}
+	return TEST_PASS;
+static int __receive_pkts(struct test_spec *test, struct xsk_socket_info *xsk)
+	u32 frags_processed = 0, nb_frags = 0, pkt_len = 0;
+	u32 idx_rx = 0, idx_fq = 0, rcvd, pkts_sent = 0;
+	struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream = xsk->pkt_stream;
+	struct ifobject *ifobj = test->ifobj_rx;
+	struct xsk_umem_info *umem = xsk->umem;
+	struct pollfd fds = { };
+	struct pkt *pkt;
+	u64 first_addr = 0;
+	int ret;
+	fds.fd = xsk_socket__fd(xsk->xsk);
+	fds.events = POLLIN;
+	ret = kick_rx(xsk);
+	if (ret)
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	if (ifobj->use_poll) {
+		ret = poll(&fds, 1, POLL_TMOUT);
+		if (ret < 0)
+			return TEST_FAILURE;
+		if (!ret) {
+			if (!is_umem_valid(test->ifobj_tx))
+				return TEST_PASS;
+			print_msg("ERROR: [%s] Poll timed out\n", __func__);
+			return TEST_CONTINUE;
+		}
+		if (!(fds.revents & POLLIN))
+			return TEST_CONTINUE;
+	}
+	rcvd = xsk_ring_cons__peek(&xsk->rx, xsk->batch_size, &idx_rx);
+	if (!rcvd)
+		return TEST_CONTINUE;
+	if (ifobj->use_fill_ring) {
+		ret = xsk_ring_prod__reserve(&umem->fq, rcvd, &idx_fq);
+		while (ret != rcvd) {
+			if (xsk_ring_prod__needs_wakeup(&umem->fq)) {
+				ret = poll(&fds, 1, POLL_TMOUT);
+				if (ret < 0)
+					return TEST_FAILURE;
+			}
+			ret = xsk_ring_prod__reserve(&umem->fq, rcvd, &idx_fq);
+		}
+	}
+	while (frags_processed < rcvd) {
+		const struct xdp_desc *desc = xsk_ring_cons__rx_desc(&xsk->rx, idx_rx++);
+		u64 addr = desc->addr, orig;
+		orig = xsk_umem__extract_addr(addr);
+		addr = xsk_umem__add_offset_to_addr(addr);
+		if (!nb_frags) {
+			pkt = pkt_stream_get_next_rx_pkt(pkt_stream, &pkts_sent);
+			if (!pkt) {
+				print_msg("[%s] received too many packets addr: %lx len %u\n",
+					       __func__, addr, desc->len);
+				return TEST_FAILURE;
+			}
+		}
+		print_verbose("Rx: addr: %lx len: %u options: %u pkt_nb: %u valid: %u\n",
+			      addr, desc->len, desc->options, pkt->pkt_nb, pkt->valid);
+		if (!is_frag_valid(umem, addr, desc->len, pkt->pkt_nb, pkt_len) ||
+		    !is_offset_correct(umem, pkt, addr) || (ifobj->use_metadata &&
+		    !is_metadata_correct(pkt, umem->buffer, addr)))
+			return TEST_FAILURE;
+		if (!nb_frags++)
+			first_addr = addr;
+		frags_processed++;
+		pkt_len += desc->len;
+		if (ifobj->use_fill_ring)
+			*xsk_ring_prod__fill_addr(&umem->fq, idx_fq++) = orig;
+		if (pkt_continues(desc->options))
+			continue;
+		/* The complete packet has been received */
+		if (!is_pkt_valid(pkt, umem->buffer, first_addr, pkt_len) ||
+		    !is_offset_correct(umem, pkt, addr))
+			return TEST_FAILURE;
+		pkt_stream->nb_rx_pkts++;
+		nb_frags = 0;
+		pkt_len = 0;
+	}
+	if (nb_frags) {
+		/* In the middle of a packet. Start over from beginning of packet. */
+		idx_rx -= nb_frags;
+		xsk_ring_cons__cancel(&xsk->rx, nb_frags);
+		if (ifobj->use_fill_ring) {
+			idx_fq -= nb_frags;
+			xsk_ring_prod__cancel(&umem->fq, nb_frags);
+		}
+		frags_processed -= nb_frags;
+	}
+	if (ifobj->use_fill_ring)
+		xsk_ring_prod__submit(&umem->fq, frags_processed);
+	if (ifobj->release_rx)
+		xsk_ring_cons__release(&xsk->rx, frags_processed);
+	pthread_mutex_lock(&pacing_mutex);
+	pkts_in_flight -= pkts_sent;
+	pthread_mutex_unlock(&pacing_mutex);
+	pkts_sent = 0;
+bool all_packets_received(struct test_spec *test, struct xsk_socket_info *xsk, u32 sock_num,
+			  unsigned long *bitmap)
+	struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream = xsk->pkt_stream;
+	if (!pkt_stream) {
+		__set_bit(sock_num, bitmap);
+		return false;
+	}
+	if (pkt_stream->nb_rx_pkts == pkt_stream->nb_valid_entries) {
+		__set_bit(sock_num, bitmap);
+		if (bitmap_full(bitmap, test->nb_sockets))
+			return true;
+	}
+	return false;
+static int receive_pkts(struct test_spec *test)
+	struct timeval tv_end, tv_now, tv_timeout = {THREAD_TMOUT, 0};
+	DECLARE_BITMAP(bitmap, test->nb_sockets);
+	struct xsk_socket_info *xsk;
+	u32 sock_num = 0;
+	int res, ret;
+	bitmap_zero(bitmap, test->nb_sockets);
+	ret = gettimeofday(&tv_now, NULL);
+	if (ret)
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	timeradd(&tv_now, &tv_timeout, &tv_end);
+	while (1) {
+		xsk = &test->ifobj_rx->xsk_arr[sock_num];
+		if ((all_packets_received(test, xsk, sock_num, bitmap)))
+			break;
+		res = __receive_pkts(test, xsk);
+		if (!(res == TEST_PASS || res == TEST_CONTINUE))
+			return res;
+		ret = gettimeofday(&tv_now, NULL);
+		if (ret)
+			return TEST_FAILURE;
+		if (timercmp(&tv_now, &tv_end, >)) {
+			print_msg("ERROR: [%s] Receive loop timed out\n", __func__);
+			return TEST_FAILURE;
+		}
+		sock_num = (sock_num + 1) % test->nb_sockets;
+	}
+	return TEST_PASS;
+static int __send_pkts(struct ifobject *ifobject, struct xsk_socket_info *xsk, bool timeout)
+	u32 i, idx = 0, valid_pkts = 0, valid_frags = 0, buffer_len;
+	struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream = xsk->pkt_stream;
+	struct xsk_umem_info *umem = ifobject->umem;
+	bool use_poll = ifobject->use_poll;
+	struct pollfd fds = { };
+	int ret;
+	buffer_len = pkt_get_buffer_len(umem, pkt_stream->max_pkt_len);
+	/* pkts_in_flight might be negative if many invalid packets are sent */
+	if (pkts_in_flight >= (int)((umem_size(umem) - xsk->batch_size * buffer_len) /
+	    buffer_len)) {
+		ret = kick_tx(xsk);
+		if (ret)
+			return TEST_FAILURE;
+		return TEST_CONTINUE;
+	}
+	fds.fd = xsk_socket__fd(xsk->xsk);
+	fds.events = POLLOUT;
+	while (xsk_ring_prod__reserve(&xsk->tx, xsk->batch_size, &idx) < xsk->batch_size) {
+		if (use_poll) {
+			ret = poll(&fds, 1, POLL_TMOUT);
+			if (timeout) {
+				if (ret < 0) {
+					print_msg("ERROR: [%s] Poll error %d\n",
+						       __func__, errno);
+					return TEST_FAILURE;
+				}
+				if (ret == 0)
+					return TEST_PASS;
+				break;
+			}
+			if (ret <= 0) {
+				print_msg("ERROR: [%s] Poll error %d\n",
+					       __func__, errno);
+				return TEST_FAILURE;
+			}
+		}
+		complete_pkts(xsk, xsk->batch_size);
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < xsk->batch_size; i++) {
+		struct pkt *pkt = pkt_stream_get_next_tx_pkt(pkt_stream);
+		u32 nb_frags_left, nb_frags, bytes_written = 0;
+		if (!pkt)
+			break;
+		nb_frags = pkt_nb_frags(umem->frame_size, pkt_stream, pkt);
+		if (nb_frags > xsk->batch_size - i) {
+			pkt_stream_cancel(pkt_stream);
+			xsk_ring_prod__cancel(&xsk->tx, xsk->batch_size - i);
+			break;
+		}
+		nb_frags_left = nb_frags;
+		while (nb_frags_left--) {
+			struct xdp_desc *tx_desc = xsk_ring_prod__tx_desc(&xsk->tx, idx + i);
+			tx_desc->addr = pkt_get_addr(pkt, ifobject->umem);
+			if (pkt_stream->verbatim) {
+				tx_desc->len = pkt->len;
+				tx_desc->options = pkt->options;
+			} else if (nb_frags_left) {
+				tx_desc->len = umem->frame_size;
+				tx_desc->options = XDP_PKT_CONTD;
+			} else {
+				tx_desc->len = pkt->len - bytes_written;
+				tx_desc->options = 0;
+			}
+			if (pkt->valid)
+				pkt_generate(xsk, umem, tx_desc->addr, tx_desc->len, pkt->pkt_nb,
+					     bytes_written);
+			bytes_written += tx_desc->len;
+			print_verbose("Tx addr: %llx len: %u options: %u pkt_nb: %u\n",
+				      tx_desc->addr, tx_desc->len, tx_desc->options, pkt->pkt_nb);
+			if (nb_frags_left) {
+				i++;
+				if (pkt_stream->verbatim)
+					pkt = pkt_stream_get_next_tx_pkt(pkt_stream);
+			}
+		}
+		if (pkt && pkt->valid) {
+			valid_pkts++;
+			valid_frags += nb_frags;
+		}
+	}
+	pthread_mutex_lock(&pacing_mutex);
+	pkts_in_flight += valid_pkts;
+	pthread_mutex_unlock(&pacing_mutex);
+	xsk_ring_prod__submit(&xsk->tx, i);
+	xsk->outstanding_tx += valid_frags;
+	if (use_poll) {
+		ret = poll(&fds, 1, POLL_TMOUT);
+		if (ret <= 0) {
+			if (ret == 0 && timeout)
+				return TEST_PASS;
+			print_msg("ERROR: [%s] Poll error %d\n", __func__, ret);
+			return TEST_FAILURE;
+		}
+	}
+	if (!timeout) {
+		if (complete_pkts(xsk, i))
+			return TEST_FAILURE;
+		usleep(10);
+		return TEST_PASS;
+	}
+static int wait_for_tx_completion(struct xsk_socket_info *xsk)
+	struct timeval tv_end, tv_now, tv_timeout = {THREAD_TMOUT, 0};
+	int ret;
+	ret = gettimeofday(&tv_now, NULL);
+	if (ret)
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	timeradd(&tv_now, &tv_timeout, &tv_end);
+	while (xsk->outstanding_tx) {
+		ret = gettimeofday(&tv_now, NULL);
+		if (ret)
+			return TEST_FAILURE;
+		if (timercmp(&tv_now, &tv_end, >)) {
+			print_msg("ERROR: [%s] Transmission loop timed out\n", __func__);
+			return TEST_FAILURE;
+		}
+		complete_pkts(xsk, xsk->batch_size);
+	}
+	return TEST_PASS;
+bool all_packets_sent(struct test_spec *test, unsigned long *bitmap)
+	return bitmap_full(bitmap, test->nb_sockets);
+static int send_pkts(struct test_spec *test, struct ifobject *ifobject)
+	bool timeout = !is_umem_valid(test->ifobj_rx);
+	DECLARE_BITMAP(bitmap, test->nb_sockets);
+	u32 i, ret;
+	bitmap_zero(bitmap, test->nb_sockets);
+	while (!(all_packets_sent(test, bitmap))) {
+		for (i = 0; i < test->nb_sockets; i++) {
+			struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream;
+			pkt_stream = ifobject->xsk_arr[i].pkt_stream;
+			if (!pkt_stream || pkt_stream->current_pkt_nb >= pkt_stream->nb_pkts) {
+				__set_bit(i, bitmap);
+				continue;
+			}
+			ret = __send_pkts(ifobject, &ifobject->xsk_arr[i], timeout);
+			if (ret == TEST_CONTINUE && !test->fail)
+				continue;
+			if ((ret || test->fail) && !timeout)
+				return TEST_FAILURE;
+			if (ret == TEST_PASS && timeout)
+				return ret;
+			ret = wait_for_tx_completion(&ifobject->xsk_arr[i]);
+			if (ret)
+				return TEST_FAILURE;
+		}
+	}
+	return TEST_PASS;
+static int get_xsk_stats(struct xsk_socket *xsk, struct xdp_statistics *stats)
+	int fd = xsk_socket__fd(xsk), err;
+	socklen_t optlen, expected_len;
+	optlen = sizeof(*stats);
+	err = getsockopt(fd, SOL_XDP, XDP_STATISTICS, stats, &optlen);
+	if (err) {
+		print_msg("[%s] getsockopt(XDP_STATISTICS) error %u %s\n",
+			       __func__, -err, strerror(-err));
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	}
+	expected_len = sizeof(struct xdp_statistics);
+	if (optlen != expected_len) {
+		print_msg("[%s] getsockopt optlen error. Expected: %u got: %u\n",
+			       __func__, expected_len, optlen);
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	}
+	return TEST_PASS;
+static int validate_rx_dropped(struct ifobject *ifobject)
+	struct xsk_socket *xsk = ifobject->xsk->xsk;
+	struct xdp_statistics stats;
+	int err;
+	err = kick_rx(ifobject->xsk);
+	if (err)
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	err = get_xsk_stats(xsk, &stats);
+	if (err)
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	/* The receiver calls getsockopt after receiving the last (valid)
+	 * packet which is not the final packet sent in this test (valid and
+	 * invalid packets are sent in alternating fashion with the final
+	 * packet being invalid). Since the last packet may or may not have
+	 * been dropped already, both outcomes must be allowed.
+	 */
+	if (stats.rx_dropped == ifobject->xsk->pkt_stream->nb_pkts / 2 ||
+	    stats.rx_dropped == ifobject->xsk->pkt_stream->nb_pkts / 2 - 1)
+		return TEST_PASS;
+	return TEST_FAILURE;
+static int validate_rx_full(struct ifobject *ifobject)
+	struct xsk_socket *xsk = ifobject->xsk->xsk;
+	struct xdp_statistics stats;
+	int err;
+	usleep(1000);
+	err = kick_rx(ifobject->xsk);
+	if (err)
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	err = get_xsk_stats(xsk, &stats);
+	if (err)
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	if (stats.rx_ring_full)
+		return TEST_PASS;
+	return TEST_FAILURE;
+static int validate_fill_empty(struct ifobject *ifobject)
+	struct xsk_socket *xsk = ifobject->xsk->xsk;
+	struct xdp_statistics stats;
+	int err;
+	usleep(1000);
+	err = kick_rx(ifobject->xsk);
+	if (err)
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	err = get_xsk_stats(xsk, &stats);
+	if (err)
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	if (stats.rx_fill_ring_empty_descs)
+		return TEST_PASS;
+	return TEST_FAILURE;
+static int validate_tx_invalid_descs(struct ifobject *ifobject)
+	struct xsk_socket *xsk = ifobject->xsk->xsk;
+	int fd = xsk_socket__fd(xsk);
+	struct xdp_statistics stats;
+	socklen_t optlen;
+	int err;
+	optlen = sizeof(stats);
+	err = getsockopt(fd, SOL_XDP, XDP_STATISTICS, &stats, &optlen);
+	if (err) {
+		print_msg("[%s] getsockopt(XDP_STATISTICS) error %u %s\n",
+			       __func__, -err, strerror(-err));
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	}
+	if (stats.tx_invalid_descs != ifobject->xsk->pkt_stream->nb_pkts / 2) {
+		print_msg("[%s] tx_invalid_descs incorrect. Got [%llu] expected [%u]\n",
+			       __func__,
+			       (unsigned long long)stats.tx_invalid_descs,
+			       ifobject->xsk->pkt_stream->nb_pkts);
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	}
+	return TEST_PASS;
+static int xsk_configure(struct test_spec *test, struct ifobject *ifobject,
+			 struct xsk_umem_info *umem, bool tx)
+	int i, ret;
+	for (i = 0; i < test->nb_sockets; i++) {
+		bool shared = (ifobject->shared_umem && tx) ? true : !!i;
+		u32 ctr = 0;
+		while (ctr++ < SOCK_RECONF_CTR) {
+			ret = xsk_configure_socket(&ifobject->xsk_arr[i], umem,
+						     ifobject, shared);
+			if (!ret)
+				break;
+			/* Retry if it fails as xsk_socket__create() is asynchronous */
+			if (ctr >= SOCK_RECONF_CTR)
+				return ret;
+			usleep(USLEEP_MAX);
+		}
+		if (ifobject->busy_poll) {
+			ret = enable_busy_poll(&ifobject->xsk_arr[i]);
+			if (ret)
+				return ret;
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int thread_common_ops_tx(struct test_spec *test, struct ifobject *ifobject)
+	int ret = xsk_configure(test, ifobject, test->ifobj_rx->umem, true);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	ifobject->xsk = &ifobject->xsk_arr[0];
+	ifobject->xskmap = test->ifobj_rx->xskmap;
+	memcpy(ifobject->umem, test->ifobj_rx->umem, sizeof(struct xsk_umem_info));
+	ifobject->umem->base_addr = 0;
+	return 0;
+static int xsk_populate_fill_ring(struct xsk_umem_info *umem, struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream,
+				   bool fill_up)
+	u32 rx_frame_size = umem->frame_size - XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM;
+	u32 idx = 0, filled = 0, buffers_to_fill, nb_pkts;
+	int ret;
+	if (umem->num_frames < XSK_RING_PROD__DEFAULT_NUM_DESCS)
+		buffers_to_fill = umem->num_frames;
+	else
+		buffers_to_fill = umem->fill_size;
+	ret = xsk_ring_prod__reserve(&umem->fq, buffers_to_fill, &idx);
+	if (ret != buffers_to_fill)
+		return -ENOSPC;
+	while (filled < buffers_to_fill) {
+		struct pkt *pkt = pkt_stream_get_next_rx_pkt(pkt_stream, &nb_pkts);
+		u64 addr;
+		u32 i;
+		for (i = 0; i < pkt_nb_frags(rx_frame_size, pkt_stream, pkt); i++) {
+			if (!pkt) {
+				if (!fill_up)
+					break;
+				addr = filled * umem->frame_size + umem->base_addr;
+			} else if (pkt->offset >= 0) {
+				addr = pkt->offset % umem->frame_size + umem_alloc_buffer(umem);
+			} else {
+				addr = pkt->offset + umem_alloc_buffer(umem);
+			}
+			*xsk_ring_prod__fill_addr(&umem->fq, idx++) = addr;
+			if (++filled >= buffers_to_fill)
+				break;
+		}
+	}
+	xsk_ring_prod__submit(&umem->fq, filled);
+	xsk_ring_prod__cancel(&umem->fq, buffers_to_fill - filled);
+	pkt_stream_reset(pkt_stream);
+	umem_reset_alloc(umem);
+	return 0;
+static int thread_common_ops(struct test_spec *test, struct ifobject *ifobject)
+	LIBBPF_OPTS(bpf_xdp_query_opts, opts);
+	int mmap_flags;
+	u64 umem_sz;
+	void *bufs;
+	int ret;
+	u32 i;
+	umem_sz = ifobject->umem->num_frames * ifobject->umem->frame_size;
+	if (ifobject->umem->unaligned_mode)
+		mmap_flags |= MAP_HUGETLB | MAP_HUGE_2MB;
+	if (ifobject->shared_umem)
+		umem_sz *= 2;
+	bufs = mmap(NULL, umem_sz, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, mmap_flags, -1, 0);
+	if (bufs == MAP_FAILED)
+		return -errno;
+	ret = xsk_configure_umem(ifobject, ifobject->umem, bufs, umem_sz);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	ret = xsk_configure(test, ifobject, ifobject->umem, false);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	ifobject->xsk = &ifobject->xsk_arr[0];
+	if (!ifobject->rx_on)
+		return 0;
+	ret = xsk_populate_fill_ring(ifobject->umem, ifobject->xsk->pkt_stream,
+				     ifobject->use_fill_ring);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	for (i = 0; i < test->nb_sockets; i++) {
+		ifobject->xsk = &ifobject->xsk_arr[i];
+		ret = xsk_update_xskmap(ifobject->xskmap, ifobject->xsk->xsk, i);
+		if (ret)
+			return ret;
+	}
+	return 0;
+void *worker_testapp_validate_tx(void *arg)
+	struct test_spec *test = (struct test_spec *)arg;
+	struct ifobject *ifobject = test->ifobj_tx;
+	int err;
+	if (test->current_step == 1) {
+		if (!ifobject->shared_umem) {
+			if (thread_common_ops(test, ifobject)) {
+				report_failure(test);
+				pthread_exit(NULL);
+			}
+		} else {
+			if (thread_common_ops_tx(test, ifobject)) {
+				report_failure(test);
+				pthread_exit(NULL);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	err = send_pkts(test, ifobject);
+	if (!err && ifobject->validation_func)
+		err = ifobject->validation_func(ifobject);
+	if (err)
+		report_failure(test);
+	pthread_exit(NULL);
+void *worker_testapp_validate_rx(void *arg)
+	struct test_spec *test = (struct test_spec *)arg;
+	struct ifobject *ifobject = test->ifobj_rx;
+	int err;
+	if (test->current_step == 1) {
+		err = thread_common_ops(test, ifobject);
+	} else {
+		xsk_clear_xskmap(ifobject->xskmap);
+		err = xsk_update_xskmap(ifobject->xskmap, ifobject->xsk->xsk, 0);
+		if (err)
+			print_msg("Error: Failed to update xskmap, error %s\n", strerror(-err));
+	}
+	pthread_barrier_wait(&barr);
+	/* We leave only now in case of error to avoid getting stuck in the barrier */
+	if (err) {
+		report_failure(test);
+		pthread_exit(NULL);
+	}
+	err = receive_pkts(test);
+	if (!err && ifobject->validation_func)
+		err = ifobject->validation_func(ifobject);
+	if (err)
+		report_failure(test);
+	pthread_exit(NULL);
+static void testapp_clean_xsk_umem(struct ifobject *ifobj)
+	u64 umem_sz = ifobj->umem->num_frames * ifobj->umem->frame_size;
+	if (ifobj->shared_umem)
+		umem_sz *= 2;
+	umem_sz = ceil_u64(umem_sz, HUGEPAGE_SIZE) * HUGEPAGE_SIZE;
+	xsk_umem__delete(ifobj->umem->umem);
+	munmap(ifobj->umem->buffer, umem_sz);
+static void handler(int signum)
+	pthread_exit(NULL);
+static bool xdp_prog_changed_rx(struct test_spec *test)
+	struct ifobject *ifobj = test->ifobj_rx;
+	return ifobj->xdp_prog != test->xdp_prog_rx || ifobj->mode != test->mode;
+static bool xdp_prog_changed_tx(struct test_spec *test)
+	struct ifobject *ifobj = test->ifobj_tx;
+	return ifobj->xdp_prog != test->xdp_prog_tx || ifobj->mode != test->mode;
+static int xsk_reattach_xdp(struct ifobject *ifobj, struct bpf_program *xdp_prog,
+			     struct bpf_map *xskmap, enum test_mode mode)
+	int err;
+	xsk_detach_xdp_program(ifobj->ifindex, mode_to_xdp_flags(ifobj->mode));
+	err = xsk_attach_xdp_program(xdp_prog, ifobj->ifindex, mode_to_xdp_flags(mode));
+	if (err) {
+		print_msg("Error attaching XDP program\n");
+		return err;
+	}
+	if (ifobj->mode != mode && (mode == TEST_MODE_DRV || mode == TEST_MODE_ZC))
+		if (!xsk_is_in_mode(ifobj->ifindex, XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE)) {
+			print_msg("ERROR: XDP prog not in DRV mode\n");
+			return -EINVAL;
+		}
+	ifobj->xdp_prog = xdp_prog;
+	ifobj->xskmap = xskmap;
+	ifobj->mode = mode;
+	return 0;
+static int xsk_attach_xdp_progs(struct test_spec *test, struct ifobject *ifobj_rx,
+				 struct ifobject *ifobj_tx)
+	int err = 0;
+	if (xdp_prog_changed_rx(test)) {
+		err = xsk_reattach_xdp(ifobj_rx, test->xdp_prog_rx, test->xskmap_rx, test->mode);
+		if (err)
+			return err;
+	}
+	if (!ifobj_tx || ifobj_tx->shared_umem)
+		return 0;
+	if (xdp_prog_changed_tx(test))
+		err = xsk_reattach_xdp(ifobj_tx, test->xdp_prog_tx, test->xskmap_tx, test->mode);
+	return err;
+static int __testapp_validate_traffic(struct test_spec *test, struct ifobject *ifobj1,
+				      struct ifobject *ifobj2)
+	pthread_t t0, t1;
+	int err;
+	if (test->mtu > MAX_ETH_PKT_SIZE) {
+		if (test->mode == TEST_MODE_ZC && (!ifobj1->multi_buff_zc_supp ||
+						   (ifobj2 && !ifobj2->multi_buff_zc_supp))) {
+			skip_reason("Multi buffer for zero-copy not supported.\n");
+			return TEST_SKIP;
+		}
+		if (test->mode != TEST_MODE_ZC && (!ifobj1->multi_buff_supp ||
+						   (ifobj2 && !ifobj2->multi_buff_supp))) {
+			skip_reason("Multi buffer not supported.\n");
+			return TEST_SKIP;
+		}
+	}
+	err = test_spec_set_mtu(test, test->mtu);
+	if (err) {
+		print_msg("Error, could not set mtu.\n");
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	}
+	if (ifobj2) {
+		if (pthread_barrier_init(&barr, NULL, 2))
+			return TEST_FAILURE;
+		pkt_stream_reset(ifobj2->xsk->pkt_stream);
+	}
+	test->current_step++;
+	pkt_stream_reset(ifobj1->xsk->pkt_stream);
+	pkts_in_flight = 0;
+	signal(SIGUSR1, handler);
+	/*Spawn RX thread */
+	pthread_create(&t0, NULL, ifobj1->func_ptr, test);
+	if (ifobj2) {
+		pthread_barrier_wait(&barr);
+		if (pthread_barrier_destroy(&barr))
+			return TEST_FAILURE;
+		/*Spawn TX thread */
+		pthread_create(&t1, NULL, ifobj2->func_ptr, test);
+		pthread_join(t1, NULL);
+	}
+	if (!ifobj2)
+		pthread_kill(t0, SIGUSR1);
+	else
+		pthread_join(t0, NULL);
+	if (test->total_steps == test->current_step || test->fail) {
+		u32 i;
+		if (ifobj2)
+			for (i = 0; i < test->nb_sockets; i++)
+				xsk_socket__delete(ifobj2->xsk_arr[i].xsk);
+		for (i = 0; i < test->nb_sockets; i++)
+			xsk_socket__delete(ifobj1->xsk_arr[i].xsk);
+		testapp_clean_xsk_umem(ifobj1);
+		if (ifobj2 && !ifobj2->shared_umem)
+			testapp_clean_xsk_umem(ifobj2);
+	}
+	return !!test->fail;
+static int testapp_validate_traffic(struct test_spec *test)
+	struct ifobject *ifobj_rx = test->ifobj_rx;
+	struct ifobject *ifobj_tx = test->ifobj_tx;
+	if ((ifobj_rx->umem->unaligned_mode && !ifobj_rx->unaligned_supp) ||
+	    (ifobj_tx->umem->unaligned_mode && !ifobj_tx->unaligned_supp)) {
+		skip_reason("No huge pages present.\n");
+		return TEST_SKIP;
+	}
+	if (test->set_ring) {
+		if (ifobj_tx->hw_ring_size_supp) {
+			if (set_ring_size(ifobj_tx)) {
+				skip_reason("Failed to change HW ring size.\n");
+				return TEST_FAILURE;
+			}
+		} else {
+			skip_reason("Changing HW ring size not supported.\n");
+			return TEST_SKIP;
+		}
+	}
+	if (xsk_attach_xdp_progs(test, ifobj_rx, ifobj_tx))
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	return __testapp_validate_traffic(test, ifobj_rx, ifobj_tx);
+static int testapp_validate_traffic_single_thread(struct test_spec *test, struct ifobject *ifobj)
+	return __testapp_validate_traffic(test, ifobj, NULL);
+int testapp_teardown(struct test_spec *test)
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; i < MAX_TEARDOWN_ITER; i++) {
+		if (testapp_validate_traffic(test))
+			return TEST_FAILURE;
+		test_spec_reset(test);
+	}
+	return TEST_PASS;
+static void swap_directions(struct ifobject **ifobj1, struct ifobject **ifobj2)
+	thread_func_t tmp_func_ptr = (*ifobj1)->func_ptr;
+	struct ifobject *tmp_ifobj = (*ifobj1);
+	(*ifobj1)->func_ptr = (*ifobj2)->func_ptr;
+	(*ifobj2)->func_ptr = tmp_func_ptr;
+	*ifobj1 = *ifobj2;
+	*ifobj2 = tmp_ifobj;
+int testapp_bidirectional(struct test_spec *test)
+	int res;
+	test->ifobj_tx->rx_on = true;
+	test->ifobj_rx->tx_on = true;
+	test->total_steps = 2;
+	if (testapp_validate_traffic(test))
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	print_verbose("Switching Tx/Rx direction\n");
+	swap_directions(&test->ifobj_rx, &test->ifobj_tx);
+	res = __testapp_validate_traffic(test, test->ifobj_rx, test->ifobj_tx);
+	swap_directions(&test->ifobj_rx, &test->ifobj_tx);
+	return res;
+static int swap_xsk_resources(struct test_spec *test)
+	int ret;
+	test->ifobj_tx->xsk_arr[0].pkt_stream = NULL;
+	test->ifobj_rx->xsk_arr[0].pkt_stream = NULL;
+	test->ifobj_tx->xsk_arr[1].pkt_stream = test->tx_pkt_stream_default;
+	test->ifobj_rx->xsk_arr[1].pkt_stream = test->rx_pkt_stream_default;
+	test->ifobj_tx->xsk = &test->ifobj_tx->xsk_arr[1];
+	test->ifobj_rx->xsk = &test->ifobj_rx->xsk_arr[1];
+	ret = xsk_update_xskmap(test->ifobj_rx->xskmap, test->ifobj_rx->xsk->xsk, 0);
+	if (ret)
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	return TEST_PASS;
+int testapp_xdp_prog_cleanup(struct test_spec *test)
+	test->total_steps = 2;
+	test->nb_sockets = 2;
+	if (testapp_validate_traffic(test))
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	if (swap_xsk_resources(test))
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
+int testapp_headroom(struct test_spec *test)
+	test->ifobj_rx->umem->frame_headroom = UMEM_HEADROOM_TEST_SIZE;
+	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
+int testapp_stats_rx_dropped(struct test_spec *test)
+	if (test->mode == TEST_MODE_ZC) {
+		skip_reason("Can not run RX_DROPPED test for ZC mode\n");
+		return TEST_SKIP;
+	}
+	if (pkt_stream_replace_half(test, MIN_PKT_SIZE * 4, 0))
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	test->ifobj_rx->umem->frame_headroom = test->ifobj_rx->umem->frame_size -
+	if (pkt_stream_receive_half(test))
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	test->ifobj_rx->validation_func = validate_rx_dropped;
+	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
+int testapp_stats_tx_invalid_descs(struct test_spec *test)
+	if (pkt_stream_replace_half(test, XSK_UMEM__INVALID_FRAME_SIZE, 0))
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	test->ifobj_tx->validation_func = validate_tx_invalid_descs;
+	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
+int testapp_stats_rx_full(struct test_spec *test)
+	if (pkt_stream_replace(test, DEFAULT_UMEM_BUFFERS + DEFAULT_UMEM_BUFFERS / 2, MIN_PKT_SIZE))
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	pkt_stream_delete(test->ifobj_rx->xsk->pkt_stream);
+	test->ifobj_rx->xsk->pkt_stream = pkt_stream_generate(DEFAULT_UMEM_BUFFERS, MIN_PKT_SIZE);
+	test->ifobj_rx->xsk->rxqsize = DEFAULT_UMEM_BUFFERS;
+	test->ifobj_rx->release_rx = false;
+	test->ifobj_rx->validation_func = validate_rx_full;
+	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
+int testapp_stats_fill_empty(struct test_spec *test)
+	if (pkt_stream_replace(test, DEFAULT_UMEM_BUFFERS + DEFAULT_UMEM_BUFFERS / 2, MIN_PKT_SIZE))
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	pkt_stream_delete(test->ifobj_rx->xsk->pkt_stream);
+	test->ifobj_rx->xsk->pkt_stream = pkt_stream_generate(DEFAULT_UMEM_BUFFERS, MIN_PKT_SIZE);
+	test->ifobj_rx->use_fill_ring = false;
+	test->ifobj_rx->validation_func = validate_fill_empty;
+	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
+int testapp_send_receive_unaligned(struct test_spec *test)
+	test->ifobj_tx->umem->unaligned_mode = true;
+	test->ifobj_rx->umem->unaligned_mode = true;
+	/* Let half of the packets straddle a 4K buffer boundary */
+	if (pkt_stream_replace_half(test, MIN_PKT_SIZE, -MIN_PKT_SIZE / 2))
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
+int testapp_send_receive_unaligned_mb(struct test_spec *test)
+	test->mtu = MAX_ETH_JUMBO_SIZE;
+	test->ifobj_tx->umem->unaligned_mode = true;
+	test->ifobj_rx->umem->unaligned_mode = true;
+	if (pkt_stream_replace(test, DEFAULT_PKT_CNT, MAX_ETH_JUMBO_SIZE))
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
+int testapp_single_pkt(struct test_spec *test)
+	struct pkt pkts[] = {{0, MIN_PKT_SIZE, 0, true}};
+	if (pkt_stream_generate_custom(test, pkts, ARRAY_SIZE(pkts)))
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
+int testapp_send_receive_mb(struct test_spec *test)
+	test->mtu = MAX_ETH_JUMBO_SIZE;
+	if (pkt_stream_replace(test, DEFAULT_PKT_CNT, MAX_ETH_JUMBO_SIZE))
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
+int testapp_invalid_desc_mb(struct test_spec *test)
+	struct xsk_umem_info *umem = test->ifobj_tx->umem;
+	u64 umem_size = umem->num_frames * umem->frame_size;
+	struct pkt pkts[] = {
+		/* Valid packet for synch to start with */
+		{0, MIN_PKT_SIZE, 0, true, 0},
+		/* Zero frame len is not legal */
+		{0, 0, 0, false, 0},
+		/* Invalid address in the second frame */
+		{umem_size, XSK_UMEM__LARGE_FRAME_SIZE, 0, false, XDP_PKT_CONTD},
+		/* Invalid len in the middle */
+		/* Invalid options in the middle */
+		/* Transmit 2 frags, receive 3 */
+		{0, XSK_UMEM__MAX_FRAME_SIZE, 0, true, 0},
+		/* Middle frame crosses chunk boundary with small length */
+		{-MIN_PKT_SIZE / 2, MIN_PKT_SIZE, 0, false, 0},
+		/* Valid packet for synch so that something is received */
+		{0, MIN_PKT_SIZE, 0, true, 0}};
+	if (umem->unaligned_mode) {
+		/* Crossing a chunk boundary allowed */
+		pkts[12].valid = true;
+		pkts[13].valid = true;
+	}
+	test->mtu = MAX_ETH_JUMBO_SIZE;
+	if (pkt_stream_generate_custom(test, pkts, ARRAY_SIZE(pkts)))
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
+int testapp_invalid_desc(struct test_spec *test)
+	struct xsk_umem_info *umem = test->ifobj_tx->umem;
+	u64 umem_size = umem->num_frames * umem->frame_size;
+	struct pkt pkts[] = {
+		/* Zero packet address allowed */
+		{0, MIN_PKT_SIZE, 0, true},
+		/* Allowed packet */
+		{0, MIN_PKT_SIZE, 0, true},
+		/* Straddling the start of umem */
+		{-2, MIN_PKT_SIZE, 0, false},
+		/* Packet too large */
+		{0, XSK_UMEM__INVALID_FRAME_SIZE, 0, false},
+		/* Up to end of umem allowed */
+		{umem_size - MIN_PKT_SIZE - 2 * umem->frame_size, MIN_PKT_SIZE, 0, true},
+		/* After umem ends */
+		{umem_size, MIN_PKT_SIZE, 0, false},
+		/* Straddle the end of umem */
+		{umem_size - MIN_PKT_SIZE / 2, MIN_PKT_SIZE, 0, false},
+		/* Straddle a 4K boundary */
+		{0x1000 - MIN_PKT_SIZE / 2, MIN_PKT_SIZE, 0, false},
+		/* Straddle a 2K boundary */
+		{0x800 - MIN_PKT_SIZE / 2, MIN_PKT_SIZE, 0, true},
+		/* Valid packet for synch so that something is received */
+		{0, MIN_PKT_SIZE, 0, true}};
+	if (umem->unaligned_mode) {
+		/* Crossing a page boundary allowed */
+		pkts[7].valid = true;
+	}
+	if (umem->frame_size == XSK_UMEM__DEFAULT_FRAME_SIZE / 2) {
+		/* Crossing a 2K frame size boundary not allowed */
+		pkts[8].valid = false;
+	}
+	if (test->ifobj_tx->shared_umem) {
+		pkts[4].offset += umem_size;
+		pkts[5].offset += umem_size;
+		pkts[6].offset += umem_size;
+	}
+	if (pkt_stream_generate_custom(test, pkts, ARRAY_SIZE(pkts)))
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
+int testapp_xdp_drop(struct test_spec *test)
+	struct xsk_xdp_progs *skel_rx = test->ifobj_rx->xdp_progs;
+	struct xsk_xdp_progs *skel_tx = test->ifobj_tx->xdp_progs;
+	test_spec_set_xdp_prog(test, skel_rx->progs.xsk_xdp_drop, skel_tx->progs.xsk_xdp_drop,
+			       skel_rx->maps.xsk, skel_tx->maps.xsk);
+	if (pkt_stream_receive_half(test))
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
+int testapp_xdp_metadata_copy(struct test_spec *test)
+	struct xsk_xdp_progs *skel_rx = test->ifobj_rx->xdp_progs;
+	struct xsk_xdp_progs *skel_tx = test->ifobj_tx->xdp_progs;
+	struct bpf_map *data_map;
+	int count = 0;
+	int key = 0;
+	test_spec_set_xdp_prog(test, skel_rx->progs.xsk_xdp_populate_metadata,
+			       skel_tx->progs.xsk_xdp_populate_metadata,
+			       skel_rx->maps.xsk, skel_tx->maps.xsk);
+	test->ifobj_rx->use_metadata = true;
+	data_map = bpf_object__find_map_by_name(skel_rx->obj, "xsk_xdp_.bss");
+	if (!data_map || !bpf_map__is_internal(data_map)) {
+		print_msg("Error: could not find bss section of XDP program\n");
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	}
+	if (bpf_map_update_elem(bpf_map__fd(data_map), &key, &count, BPF_ANY)) {
+		print_msg("Error: could not update count element\n");
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	}
+	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
+int testapp_xdp_shared_umem(struct test_spec *test)
+	struct xsk_xdp_progs *skel_rx = test->ifobj_rx->xdp_progs;
+	struct xsk_xdp_progs *skel_tx = test->ifobj_tx->xdp_progs;
+	int ret;
+	test->total_steps = 1;
+	test->nb_sockets = 2;
+	test_spec_set_xdp_prog(test, skel_rx->progs.xsk_xdp_shared_umem,
+			       skel_tx->progs.xsk_xdp_shared_umem,
+			       skel_rx->maps.xsk, skel_tx->maps.xsk);
+	if (pkt_stream_even_odd_sequence(test))
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	ret = testapp_validate_traffic(test);
+	release_even_odd_sequence(test);
+	return ret;
+int testapp_poll_txq_tmout(struct test_spec *test)
+	test->ifobj_tx->use_poll = true;
+	/* create invalid frame by set umem frame_size and pkt length equal to 2048 */
+	test->ifobj_tx->umem->frame_size = 2048;
+	if (pkt_stream_replace(test, 2 * DEFAULT_PKT_CNT, 2048))
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	return testapp_validate_traffic_single_thread(test, test->ifobj_tx);
+int testapp_poll_rxq_tmout(struct test_spec *test)
+	test->ifobj_rx->use_poll = true;
+	return testapp_validate_traffic_single_thread(test, test->ifobj_rx);
+int testapp_too_many_frags(struct test_spec *test)
+	struct pkt *pkts;
+	u32 max_frags, i;
+	int ret = TEST_FAILURE;
+	if (test->mode == TEST_MODE_ZC) {
+		max_frags = test->ifobj_tx->xdp_zc_max_segs;
+	} else {
+		max_frags = get_max_skb_frags();
+		if (!max_frags) {
+			max_frags = 17;
+			print_msg("Can't get MAX_SKB_FRAGS from system, using default (%d) value\n",
+				   max_frags);
+		}
+		max_frags += 1;
+	}
+	pkts = calloc(2 * max_frags + 2, sizeof(struct pkt));
+	if (!pkts)
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	test->mtu = MAX_ETH_JUMBO_SIZE;
+	/* Valid packet for synch */
+	pkts[0].len = MIN_PKT_SIZE;
+	pkts[0].valid = true;
+	/* One valid packet with the max amount of frags */
+	for (i = 1; i < max_frags + 1; i++) {
+		pkts[i].len = MIN_PKT_SIZE;
+		pkts[i].options = XDP_PKT_CONTD;
+		pkts[i].valid = true;
+	}
+	pkts[max_frags].options = 0;
+	/* An invalid packet with the max amount of frags but signals packet
+	 * continues on the last frag
+	 */
+	for (i = max_frags + 1; i < 2 * max_frags + 1; i++) {
+		pkts[i].len = MIN_PKT_SIZE;
+		pkts[i].options = XDP_PKT_CONTD;
+		pkts[i].valid = false;
+	}
+	/* Valid packet for synch */
+	pkts[2 * max_frags + 1].len = MIN_PKT_SIZE;
+	pkts[2 * max_frags + 1].valid = true;
+	if (!pkt_stream_generate_custom(test, pkts, 2 * max_frags + 2))
+		ret = testapp_validate_traffic(test);
+	free(pkts);
+	return ret;
+static int xsk_load_xdp_programs(struct ifobject *ifobj)
+	ifobj->xdp_progs = xsk_xdp_progs__open_and_load();
+	if (libbpf_get_error(ifobj->xdp_progs))
+		return libbpf_get_error(ifobj->xdp_progs);
+	return 0;
+/* Simple test */
+static bool hugepages_present(void)
+	void *bufs;
+	bufs = mmap(NULL, mmap_sz, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
+	if (bufs == MAP_FAILED)
+		return false;
+	mmap_sz = ceil_u64(mmap_sz, HUGEPAGE_SIZE) * HUGEPAGE_SIZE;
+	munmap(bufs, mmap_sz);
+	return true;
+int init_iface(struct ifobject *ifobj, thread_func_t func_ptr)
+	LIBBPF_OPTS(bpf_xdp_query_opts, query_opts);
+	int err;
+	ifobj->func_ptr = func_ptr;
+	err = xsk_load_xdp_programs(ifobj);
+	if (err) {
+		print_msg("Error loading XDP program\n");
+		return err;
+	}
+	if (hugepages_present())
+		ifobj->unaligned_supp = true;
+	err = bpf_xdp_query(ifobj->ifindex, XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE, &query_opts);
+	if (err) {
+		print_msg("Error querying XDP capabilities\n");
+		return err;
+	}
+	if (query_opts.feature_flags & NETDEV_XDP_ACT_RX_SG)
+		ifobj->multi_buff_supp = true;
+	if (query_opts.feature_flags & NETDEV_XDP_ACT_XSK_ZEROCOPY) {
+		if (query_opts.xdp_zc_max_segs > 1) {
+			ifobj->multi_buff_zc_supp = true;
+			ifobj->xdp_zc_max_segs = query_opts.xdp_zc_max_segs;
+		} else {
+			ifobj->xdp_zc_max_segs = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+int testapp_send_receive(struct test_spec *test)
+	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
+int testapp_send_receive_2k_frame(struct test_spec *test)
+	test->ifobj_tx->umem->frame_size = 2048;
+	test->ifobj_rx->umem->frame_size = 2048;
+	if (pkt_stream_replace(test, DEFAULT_PKT_CNT, MIN_PKT_SIZE))
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
+int testapp_poll_rx(struct test_spec *test)
+	test->ifobj_rx->use_poll = true;
+	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
+int testapp_poll_tx(struct test_spec *test)
+	test->ifobj_tx->use_poll = true;
+	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
+int testapp_aligned_inv_desc(struct test_spec *test)
+	return testapp_invalid_desc(test);
+int testapp_aligned_inv_desc_2k_frame(struct test_spec *test)
+	test->ifobj_tx->umem->frame_size = 2048;
+	test->ifobj_rx->umem->frame_size = 2048;
+	return testapp_invalid_desc(test);
+int testapp_unaligned_inv_desc(struct test_spec *test)
+	test->ifobj_tx->umem->unaligned_mode = true;
+	test->ifobj_rx->umem->unaligned_mode = true;
+	return testapp_invalid_desc(test);
+int testapp_unaligned_inv_desc_4001_frame(struct test_spec *test)
+	u64 page_size, umem_size;
+	/* Odd frame size so the UMEM doesn't end near a page boundary. */
+	test->ifobj_tx->umem->frame_size = 4001;
+	test->ifobj_rx->umem->frame_size = 4001;
+	test->ifobj_tx->umem->unaligned_mode = true;
+	test->ifobj_rx->umem->unaligned_mode = true;
+	/* This test exists to test descriptors that staddle the end of
+	 * the UMEM but not a page.
+	 */
+	page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
+	umem_size = test->ifobj_tx->umem->num_frames * test->ifobj_tx->umem->frame_size;
+	assert(umem_size % page_size > MIN_PKT_SIZE);
+	assert(umem_size % page_size < page_size - MIN_PKT_SIZE);
+	return testapp_invalid_desc(test);
+int testapp_aligned_inv_desc_mb(struct test_spec *test)
+	return testapp_invalid_desc_mb(test);
+int testapp_unaligned_inv_desc_mb(struct test_spec *test)
+	test->ifobj_tx->umem->unaligned_mode = true;
+	test->ifobj_rx->umem->unaligned_mode = true;
+	return testapp_invalid_desc_mb(test);
+int testapp_xdp_metadata(struct test_spec *test)
+	return testapp_xdp_metadata_copy(test);
+int testapp_xdp_metadata_mb(struct test_spec *test)
+	test->mtu = MAX_ETH_JUMBO_SIZE;
+	return testapp_xdp_metadata_copy(test);
+int testapp_hw_sw_min_ring_size(struct test_spec *test)
+	int ret;
+	test->set_ring = true;
+	test->total_steps = 2;
+	test->ifobj_tx->ring.tx_pending = DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE;
+	test->ifobj_tx->ring.rx_pending = DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE * 2;
+	test->ifobj_tx->xsk->batch_size = 1;
+	test->ifobj_rx->xsk->batch_size = 1;
+	ret = testapp_validate_traffic(test);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	/* Set batch size to hw_ring_size - 1 */
+	test->ifobj_tx->xsk->batch_size = DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE - 1;
+	test->ifobj_rx->xsk->batch_size = DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE - 1;
+	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
+int testapp_hw_sw_max_ring_size(struct test_spec *test)
+	u32 max_descs = XSK_RING_PROD__DEFAULT_NUM_DESCS * 4;
+	int ret;
+	test->set_ring = true;
+	test->total_steps = 2;
+	test->ifobj_tx->ring.tx_pending = test->ifobj_tx->ring.tx_max_pending;
+	test->ifobj_tx->ring.rx_pending  = test->ifobj_tx->ring.rx_max_pending;
+	test->ifobj_rx->umem->num_frames = max_descs;
+	test->ifobj_rx->umem->fill_size = max_descs;
+	test->ifobj_rx->umem->comp_size = max_descs;
+	test->ifobj_tx->xsk->batch_size = XSK_RING_PROD__DEFAULT_NUM_DESCS;
+	test->ifobj_rx->xsk->batch_size = XSK_RING_PROD__DEFAULT_NUM_DESCS;
+	ret = testapp_validate_traffic(test);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	/* Set batch_size to 8152 for testing, as the ice HW ignores the 3 lowest bits when
+	 * updating the Rx HW tail register.
+	 */
+	test->ifobj_tx->xsk->batch_size = test->ifobj_tx->ring.tx_max_pending - 8;
+	test->ifobj_rx->xsk->batch_size = test->ifobj_tx->ring.tx_max_pending - 8;
+	if (!pkt_stream_replace(test, max_descs, MIN_PKT_SIZE))
+		return TEST_FAILURE;
+	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
+struct ifobject *ifobject_create(void)
+	struct ifobject *ifobj;
+	ifobj = calloc(1, sizeof(struct ifobject));
+	if (!ifobj)
+		return NULL;
+	ifobj->xsk_arr = calloc(MAX_SOCKETS, sizeof(*ifobj->xsk_arr));
+	if (!ifobj->xsk_arr)
+		goto out_xsk_arr;
+	ifobj->umem = calloc(1, sizeof(*ifobj->umem));
+	if (!ifobj->umem)
+		goto out_umem;
+	return ifobj;
+	free(ifobj->xsk_arr);
+	free(ifobj);
+	return NULL;
+void ifobject_delete(struct ifobject *ifobj)
+	free(ifobj->umem);
+	free(ifobj->xsk_arr);
+	free(ifobj);
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/test_xsk.h b/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/test_xsk.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..61246013816431dca2f84ce2fec44c5160adbdad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/test_xsk.h
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+#ifndef TEST_XSK_H_
+#define TEST_XSK_H_
+#include <linux/ethtool.h>
+#include <linux/if_xdp.h>
+#include "../kselftest.h"
+#include "xsk.h"
+#define TEST_PASS 0
+#define TEST_FAILURE -1
+#define TEST_CONTINUE 1
+#define TEST_SKIP 2
+#define DEFAULT_PKT_CNT			(4 * 1024)
+#define HUGEPAGE_SIZE			(2 * 1024 * 1024)
+#define MIN_PKT_SIZE			64
+#define MAX_ETH_PKT_SIZE		1518
+#define MAX_TEST_NAME_SIZE		48
+#define SOCK_RECONF_CTR			10
+#define USLEEP_MAX			10000
+static bool opt_verbose;
+#define print_msg(x...) ksft_print_msg(x)
+#define print_verbose(x...) do { if (opt_verbose) ksft_print_msg(x); } while (0)
+#define skip_reason(x...) ksft_test_result_skip(x)
+#define fail_reason(x...) ksft_test_result_fail(x)
+static inline u32 ceil_u32(u32 a, u32 b)
+	return (a + b - 1) / b;
+static inline u64 ceil_u64(u64 a, u64 b)
+	return (a + b - 1) / b;
+/* Simple test */
+enum test_mode {
+struct ifobject;
+struct test_spec;
+typedef int (*validation_func_t)(struct ifobject *ifobj);
+typedef void *(*thread_func_t)(void *arg);
+typedef int (*test_func_t)(struct test_spec *test);
+struct xsk_socket_info {
+	struct xsk_ring_cons rx;
+	struct xsk_ring_prod tx;
+	struct xsk_umem_info *umem;
+	struct xsk_socket *xsk;
+	struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream;
+	u32 outstanding_tx;
+	u32 rxqsize;
+	u32 batch_size;
+	u8 dst_mac[ETH_ALEN];
+	u8 src_mac[ETH_ALEN];
+int kick_rx(struct xsk_socket_info *xsk);
+int kick_tx(struct xsk_socket_info *xsk);
+struct xsk_umem_info {
+	struct xsk_ring_prod fq;
+	struct xsk_ring_cons cq;
+	struct xsk_umem *umem;
+	u64 next_buffer;
+	u32 num_frames;
+	u32 frame_headroom;
+	void *buffer;
+	u32 frame_size;
+	u32 base_addr;
+	u32 fill_size;
+	u32 comp_size;
+	bool unaligned_mode;
+struct set_hw_ring {
+	u32 default_tx;
+	u32 default_rx;
+int hw_ring_size_reset(struct ifobject *ifobj);
+struct ifobject {
+	struct xsk_socket_info *xsk;
+	struct xsk_socket_info *xsk_arr;
+	struct xsk_umem_info *umem;
+	thread_func_t func_ptr;
+	validation_func_t validation_func;
+	struct xsk_xdp_progs *xdp_progs;
+	struct bpf_map *xskmap;
+	struct bpf_program *xdp_prog;
+	struct ethtool_ringparam ring;
+	struct set_hw_ring set_ring;
+	enum test_mode mode;
+	int ifindex;
+	int mtu;
+	u32 bind_flags;
+	u32 xdp_zc_max_segs;
+	bool tx_on;
+	bool rx_on;
+	bool use_poll;
+	bool busy_poll;
+	bool use_fill_ring;
+	bool release_rx;
+	bool shared_umem;
+	bool use_metadata;
+	bool unaligned_supp;
+	bool multi_buff_supp;
+	bool multi_buff_zc_supp;
+	bool hw_ring_size_supp;
+struct ifobject *ifobject_create(void);
+void ifobject_delete(struct ifobject *ifobj);
+int init_iface(struct ifobject *ifobj, thread_func_t func_ptr);
+int xsk_configure_umem(struct ifobject *ifobj, struct xsk_umem_info *umem, void *buffer, u64 size);
+int xsk_configure_socket(struct xsk_socket_info *xsk, struct xsk_umem_info *umem,
+			 struct ifobject *ifobject, bool shared);
+struct pkt {
+	int offset;
+	u32 len;
+	u32 pkt_nb;
+	bool valid;
+	u16 options;
+struct pkt_stream {
+	u32 nb_pkts;
+	u32 current_pkt_nb;
+	struct pkt *pkts;
+	u32 max_pkt_len;
+	u32 nb_rx_pkts;
+	u32 nb_valid_entries;
+	bool verbatim;
+static inline bool pkt_continues(u32 options)
+	return options & XDP_PKT_CONTD;
+struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream_generate(u32 nb_pkts, u32 pkt_len);
+void pkt_stream_delete(struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream);
+void pkt_stream_reset(struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream);
+void pkt_stream_restore_default(struct test_spec *test);
+struct test_spec {
+	struct ifobject *ifobj_tx;
+	struct ifobject *ifobj_rx;
+	struct pkt_stream *tx_pkt_stream_default;
+	struct pkt_stream *rx_pkt_stream_default;
+	struct bpf_program *xdp_prog_rx;
+	struct bpf_program *xdp_prog_tx;
+	struct bpf_map *xskmap_rx;
+	struct bpf_map *xskmap_tx;
+	test_func_t test_func;
+	int mtu;
+	u16 total_steps;
+	u16 current_step;
+	u16 nb_sockets;
+	bool fail;
+	bool set_ring;
+	enum test_mode mode;
+	char name[MAX_TEST_NAME_SIZE];
+#define busy_poll_string(test) (test)->ifobj_tx->busy_poll ? "BUSY-POLL " : ""
+static inline char *mode_string(struct test_spec *test)
+	switch (test->mode) {
+		return "SKB";
+		return "DRV";
+	case TEST_MODE_ZC:
+		return "ZC";
+	default:
+		return "BOGUS";
+	}
+void test_init(struct test_spec *test, struct ifobject *ifobj_tx,
+	       struct ifobject *ifobj_rx, enum test_mode mode,
+	       const struct test_spec *test_to_run);
+int testapp_aligned_inv_desc(struct test_spec *test);
+int testapp_aligned_inv_desc_2k_frame(struct test_spec *test);
+int testapp_aligned_inv_desc_mb(struct test_spec *test);
+int testapp_bidirectional(struct test_spec *test);
+int testapp_headroom(struct test_spec *test);
+int testapp_hw_sw_max_ring_size(struct test_spec *test);
+int testapp_hw_sw_min_ring_size(struct test_spec *test);
+int testapp_poll_rx(struct test_spec *test);
+int testapp_poll_rxq_tmout(struct test_spec *test);
+int testapp_poll_tx(struct test_spec *test);
+int testapp_poll_txq_tmout(struct test_spec *test);
+int testapp_send_receive(struct test_spec *test);
+int testapp_send_receive_2k_frame(struct test_spec *test);
+int testapp_send_receive_mb(struct test_spec *test);
+int testapp_send_receive_unaligned(struct test_spec *test);
+int testapp_send_receive_unaligned_mb(struct test_spec *test);
+int testapp_single_pkt(struct test_spec *test);
+int testapp_stats_fill_empty(struct test_spec *test);
+int testapp_stats_rx_dropped(struct test_spec *test);
+int testapp_stats_tx_invalid_descs(struct test_spec *test);
+int testapp_stats_rx_full(struct test_spec *test);
+int testapp_teardown(struct test_spec *test);
+int testapp_too_many_frags(struct test_spec *test);
+int testapp_unaligned_inv_desc(struct test_spec *test);
+int testapp_unaligned_inv_desc_4001_frame(struct test_spec *test);
+int testapp_unaligned_inv_desc_mb(struct test_spec *test);
+int testapp_xdp_drop(struct test_spec *test);
+int testapp_xdp_metadata(struct test_spec *test);
+int testapp_xdp_metadata_mb(struct test_spec *test);
+int testapp_xdp_prog_cleanup(struct test_spec *test);
+int testapp_xdp_shared_umem(struct test_spec *test);
+void *worker_testapp_validate_rx(void *arg);
+void *worker_testapp_validate_tx(void *arg);
+static const struct test_spec tests[] = {
+	{.name = "SEND_RECEIVE", .test_func = testapp_send_receive},
+	{.name = "SEND_RECEIVE_2K_FRAME", .test_func = testapp_send_receive_2k_frame},
+	{.name = "SEND_RECEIVE_SINGLE_PKT", .test_func = testapp_single_pkt},
+	{.name = "POLL_RX", .test_func = testapp_poll_rx},
+	{.name = "POLL_TX", .test_func = testapp_poll_tx},
+	{.name = "POLL_RXQ_FULL", .test_func = testapp_poll_rxq_tmout},
+	{.name = "POLL_TXQ_FULL", .test_func = testapp_poll_txq_tmout},
+	{.name = "SEND_RECEIVE_UNALIGNED", .test_func = testapp_send_receive_unaligned},
+	{.name = "ALIGNED_INV_DESC", .test_func = testapp_aligned_inv_desc},
+	{.name = "ALIGNED_INV_DESC_2K_FRAME_SIZE", .test_func = testapp_aligned_inv_desc_2k_frame},
+	{.name = "UNALIGNED_INV_DESC", .test_func = testapp_unaligned_inv_desc},
+	 .test_func = testapp_unaligned_inv_desc_4001_frame},
+	{.name = "UMEM_HEADROOM", .test_func = testapp_headroom},
+	{.name = "TEARDOWN", .test_func = testapp_teardown},
+	{.name = "BIDIRECTIONAL", .test_func = testapp_bidirectional},
+	{.name = "STAT_RX_DROPPED", .test_func = testapp_stats_rx_dropped},
+	{.name = "STAT_TX_INVALID", .test_func = testapp_stats_tx_invalid_descs},
+	{.name = "STAT_RX_FULL", .test_func = testapp_stats_rx_full},
+	{.name = "STAT_FILL_EMPTY", .test_func = testapp_stats_fill_empty},
+	{.name = "XDP_PROG_CLEANUP", .test_func = testapp_xdp_prog_cleanup},
+	{.name = "XDP_DROP_HALF", .test_func = testapp_xdp_drop},
+	{.name = "XDP_SHARED_UMEM", .test_func = testapp_xdp_shared_umem},
+	{.name = "XDP_METADATA_COPY", .test_func = testapp_xdp_metadata},
+	{.name = "XDP_METADATA_COPY_MULTI_BUFF", .test_func = testapp_xdp_metadata_mb},
+	{.name = "SEND_RECEIVE_9K_PACKETS", .test_func = testapp_send_receive_mb},
+	 .test_func = testapp_send_receive_unaligned_mb},
+	{.name = "ALIGNED_INV_DESC_MULTI_BUFF", .test_func = testapp_aligned_inv_desc_mb},
+	{.name = "UNALIGNED_INV_DESC_MULTI_BUFF", .test_func = testapp_unaligned_inv_desc_mb},
+	{.name = "TOO_MANY_FRAGS", .test_func = testapp_too_many_frags},
+	{.name = "HW_SW_MIN_RING_SIZE", .test_func = testapp_hw_sw_min_ring_size},
+	{.name = "HW_SW_MAX_RING_SIZE", .test_func = testapp_hw_sw_max_ring_size},
+	};
+#endif				/* TEST_XSK_H_ */
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/xskxceiver.c b/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/xskxceiver.c
index 5b31c694fb0e104a81369b7ee2e82dc6ee190b4d..fee69e18d4303ffc02085c88e08a2caf413454ae 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/xskxceiver.c
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/xskxceiver.c
@@ -74,31 +74,23 @@
 #define _GNU_SOURCE
 #include <assert.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
-#include <errno.h>
 #include <getopt.h>
 #include <linux/if_link.h>
 #include <linux/if_ether.h>
 #include <linux/mman.h>
 #include <linux/netdev.h>
-#include <linux/bitmap.h>
 #include <linux/ethtool.h>
 #include <arpa/inet.h>
 #include <net/if.h>
 #include <locale.h>
-#include <poll.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <signal.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <libgen.h>
-#include <string.h>
 #include <stddef.h>
 #include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
+#include "test_xsk.h"
 #include "xsk_xdp_progs.skel.h"
 #include "xsk.h"
 #include "xskxceiver.h"
@@ -109,7 +101,6 @@
 #include <network_helpers.h>
-static bool opt_verbose;
 static bool opt_print_tests;
 static enum test_mode opt_mode = TEST_MODE_ALL;
 static u32 opt_run_test = RUN_ALL_TESTS;
@@ -123,164 +114,6 @@ static void __exit_with_error(int error, const char *file, const char *func, int
 #define exit_with_error(error) __exit_with_error(error, __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__)
-#define busy_poll_string(test) (test)->ifobj_tx->busy_poll ? "BUSY-POLL " : ""
-static char *mode_string(struct test_spec *test)
-	switch (test->mode) {
-		return "SKB";
-		return "DRV";
-	case TEST_MODE_ZC:
-		return "ZC";
-	default:
-		return "BOGUS";
-	}
-static void report_failure(struct test_spec *test)
-	if (test->fail)
-		return;
-	fail_reason("FAIL: %s %s%s\n", mode_string(test), busy_poll_string(test), test->name);
-	test->fail = true;
-/* The payload is a word consisting of a packet sequence number in the upper
- * 16-bits and a intra packet data sequence number in the lower 16 bits. So the 3rd packet's
- * 5th word of data will contain the number (2<<16) | 4 as they are numbered from 0.
- */
-static void write_payload(void *dest, u32 pkt_nb, u32 start, u32 size)
-	u32 *ptr = (u32 *)dest, i;
-	start /= sizeof(*ptr);
-	size /= sizeof(*ptr);
-	for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
-		ptr[i] = htonl(pkt_nb << 16 | (i + start));
-static void gen_eth_hdr(struct xsk_socket_info *xsk, struct ethhdr *eth_hdr)
-	memcpy(eth_hdr->h_dest, xsk->dst_mac, ETH_ALEN);
-	memcpy(eth_hdr->h_source, xsk->src_mac, ETH_ALEN);
-	eth_hdr->h_proto = htons(ETH_P_LOOPBACK);
-static bool is_umem_valid(struct ifobject *ifobj)
-	return !!ifobj->umem->umem;
-static u32 mode_to_xdp_flags(enum test_mode mode)
-static u64 umem_size(struct xsk_umem_info *umem)
-	return umem->num_frames * umem->frame_size;
-static int xsk_configure_umem(struct ifobject *ifobj, struct xsk_umem_info *umem, void *buffer,
-			      u64 size)
-	struct xsk_umem_config cfg = {
-		.frame_size = umem->frame_size,
-		.frame_headroom = umem->frame_headroom,
-	};
-	int ret;
-	if (umem->fill_size)
-		cfg.fill_size = umem->fill_size;
-	if (umem->comp_size)
-		cfg.comp_size = umem->comp_size;
-	if (umem->unaligned_mode)
-	ret = xsk_umem__create(&umem->umem, buffer, size,
-			       &umem->fq, &umem->cq, &cfg);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-	umem->buffer = buffer;
-	if (ifobj->shared_umem && ifobj->rx_on) {
-		umem->base_addr = umem_size(umem);
-		umem->next_buffer = umem_size(umem);
-	}
-	return 0;
-static u64 umem_alloc_buffer(struct xsk_umem_info *umem)
-	u64 addr;
-	addr = umem->next_buffer;
-	umem->next_buffer += umem->frame_size;
-	if (umem->next_buffer >= umem->base_addr + umem_size(umem))
-		umem->next_buffer = umem->base_addr;
-	return addr;
-static void umem_reset_alloc(struct xsk_umem_info *umem)
-	umem->next_buffer = 0;
-static int enable_busy_poll(struct xsk_socket_info *xsk)
-	int sock_opt;
-	sock_opt = 1;
-	if (setsockopt(xsk_socket__fd(xsk->xsk), SOL_SOCKET, SO_PREFER_BUSY_POLL,
-		       (void *)&sock_opt, sizeof(sock_opt)) < 0)
-		return -errno;
-	sock_opt = 20;
-	if (setsockopt(xsk_socket__fd(xsk->xsk), SOL_SOCKET, SO_BUSY_POLL,
-		       (void *)&sock_opt, sizeof(sock_opt)) < 0)
-		return -errno;
-	sock_opt = xsk->batch_size;
-	if (setsockopt(xsk_socket__fd(xsk->xsk), SOL_SOCKET, SO_BUSY_POLL_BUDGET,
-		       (void *)&sock_opt, sizeof(sock_opt)) < 0)
-		return -errno;
-	return 0;
-static int __xsk_configure_socket(struct xsk_socket_info *xsk, struct xsk_umem_info *umem,
-				  struct ifobject *ifobject, bool shared)
-	struct xsk_socket_config cfg = {};
-	struct xsk_ring_cons *rxr;
-	struct xsk_ring_prod *txr;
-	xsk->umem = umem;
-	cfg.rx_size = xsk->rxqsize;
-	cfg.bind_flags = ifobject->bind_flags;
-	if (shared)
-		cfg.bind_flags |= XDP_SHARED_UMEM;
-	if (ifobject->mtu > MAX_ETH_PKT_SIZE)
-		cfg.bind_flags |= XDP_USE_SG;
-	if (umem->comp_size)
-		cfg.tx_size = umem->comp_size;
-	if (umem->fill_size)
-		cfg.rx_size = umem->fill_size;
-	txr = ifobject->tx_on ? &xsk->tx : NULL;
-	rxr = ifobject->rx_on ? &xsk->rx : NULL;
-	return xsk_socket__create(&xsk->xsk, ifobject->ifindex, 0, umem->umem, rxr, txr, &cfg);
 static bool ifobj_zc_avail(struct ifobject *ifobject)
@@ -312,7 +145,7 @@ static bool ifobj_zc_avail(struct ifobject *ifobject)
 	ifobject->bind_flags = XDP_USE_NEED_WAKEUP | XDP_ZEROCOPY;
 	ifobject->rx_on = true;
-	ret = __xsk_configure_socket(xsk, umem, ifobject, false);
+	ret = xsk_configure_socket(xsk, umem, ifobject, false);
 	if (!ret)
 		zc_avail = true;
@@ -325,25 +158,6 @@ static bool ifobj_zc_avail(struct ifobject *ifobject)
 	return zc_avail;
-#define MAX_SKB_FRAGS_PATH "/proc/sys/net/core/max_skb_frags"
-static unsigned int get_max_skb_frags(void)
-	unsigned int max_skb_frags = 0;
-	FILE *file;
-	file = fopen(MAX_SKB_FRAGS_PATH, "r");
-	if (!file) {
-		print_msg("Error opening %s\n", MAX_SKB_FRAGS_PATH);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (fscanf(file, "%u", &max_skb_frags) != 1)
-		print_msg("Error reading %s\n", MAX_SKB_FRAGS_PATH);
-	fclose(file);
-	return max_skb_frags;
 static struct option long_options[] = {
 	{"interface", required_argument, 0, 'i'},
 	{"busy-poll", no_argument, 0, 'b'},
@@ -444,2306 +258,51 @@ static void parse_command_line(struct ifobject *ifobj_tx, struct ifobject *ifobj
-static int set_ring_size(struct ifobject *ifobj)
-	int ret;
-	u32 ctr = 0;
-	while (ctr++ < SOCK_RECONF_CTR) {
-		ret = set_hw_ring_size(ifobj->ifname, &ifobj->ring);
-		if (!ret)
-			break;
-		/* Retry if it fails */
-		if (ctr >= SOCK_RECONF_CTR || errno != EBUSY)
-			return -errno;
-		usleep(USLEEP_MAX);
-	}
-	return ret;
-static int hw_ring_size_reset(struct ifobject *ifobj)
-	ifobj->ring.tx_pending = ifobj->set_ring.default_tx;
-	ifobj->ring.rx_pending = ifobj->set_ring.default_rx;
-	return set_ring_size(ifobj);
-static void __test_spec_init(struct test_spec *test, struct ifobject *ifobj_tx,
-			     struct ifobject *ifobj_rx)
+static void xsk_unload_xdp_programs(struct ifobject *ifobj)
-	u32 i, j;
-	for (i = 0; i < MAX_INTERFACES; i++) {
-		struct ifobject *ifobj = i ? ifobj_rx : ifobj_tx;
-		ifobj->xsk = &ifobj->xsk_arr[0];
-		ifobj->use_poll = false;
-		ifobj->use_fill_ring = true;
-		ifobj->release_rx = true;
-		ifobj->validation_func = NULL;
-		ifobj->use_metadata = false;
-		if (i == 0) {
-			ifobj->rx_on = false;
-			ifobj->tx_on = true;
-		} else {
-			ifobj->rx_on = true;
-			ifobj->tx_on = false;
-		}
-		memset(ifobj->umem, 0, sizeof(*ifobj->umem));
-		ifobj->umem->num_frames = DEFAULT_UMEM_BUFFERS;
-		ifobj->umem->frame_size = XSK_UMEM__DEFAULT_FRAME_SIZE;
-		for (j = 0; j < MAX_SOCKETS; j++) {
-			memset(&ifobj->xsk_arr[j], 0, sizeof(ifobj->xsk_arr[j]));
-			ifobj->xsk_arr[j].rxqsize = XSK_RING_CONS__DEFAULT_NUM_DESCS;
-			ifobj->xsk_arr[j].batch_size = DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE;
-			if (i == 0)
-				ifobj->xsk_arr[j].pkt_stream = test->tx_pkt_stream_default;
-			else
-				ifobj->xsk_arr[j].pkt_stream = test->rx_pkt_stream_default;
-			memcpy(ifobj->xsk_arr[j].src_mac, g_mac, ETH_ALEN);
-			memcpy(ifobj->xsk_arr[j].dst_mac, g_mac, ETH_ALEN);
-			ifobj->xsk_arr[j].src_mac[5] += ((j * 2) + 0);
-			ifobj->xsk_arr[j].dst_mac[5] += ((j * 2) + 1);
-		}
-	}
-	if (ifobj_tx->hw_ring_size_supp)
-		hw_ring_size_reset(ifobj_tx);
-	test->ifobj_tx = ifobj_tx;
-	test->ifobj_rx = ifobj_rx;
-	test->current_step = 0;
-	test->total_steps = 1;
-	test->nb_sockets = 1;
-	test->fail = false;
-	test->set_ring = false;
-	test->mtu = MAX_ETH_PKT_SIZE;
-	test->xdp_prog_rx = ifobj_rx->xdp_progs->progs.xsk_def_prog;
-	test->xskmap_rx = ifobj_rx->xdp_progs->maps.xsk;
-	test->xdp_prog_tx = ifobj_tx->xdp_progs->progs.xsk_def_prog;
-	test->xskmap_tx = ifobj_tx->xdp_progs->maps.xsk;
+	xsk_xdp_progs__destroy(ifobj->xdp_progs);
-static void test_spec_init(struct test_spec *test, struct ifobject *ifobj_tx,
-			   struct ifobject *ifobj_rx, enum test_mode mode,
-			   const struct test_spec *test_to_run)
+static void run_pkt_test(struct test_spec *test)
-	struct pkt_stream *tx_pkt_stream;
-	struct pkt_stream *rx_pkt_stream;
-	u32 i;
-	tx_pkt_stream = test->tx_pkt_stream_default;
-	rx_pkt_stream = test->rx_pkt_stream_default;
-	memset(test, 0, sizeof(*test));
-	test->tx_pkt_stream_default = tx_pkt_stream;
-	test->rx_pkt_stream_default = rx_pkt_stream;
-	for (i = 0; i < MAX_INTERFACES; i++) {
-		struct ifobject *ifobj = i ? ifobj_rx : ifobj_tx;
-		ifobj->bind_flags = XDP_USE_NEED_WAKEUP;
-		if (mode == TEST_MODE_ZC)
-			ifobj->bind_flags |= XDP_ZEROCOPY;
-		else
-			ifobj->bind_flags |= XDP_COPY;
-	}
+	int ret;
-	strncpy(test->name, test_to_run->name, MAX_TEST_NAME_SIZE);
-	test->test_func = test_to_run->test_func;
-	test->mode = mode;
-	__test_spec_init(test, ifobj_tx, ifobj_rx);
+	ret = test->test_func(test);
-static void test_spec_reset(struct test_spec *test)
-	__test_spec_init(test, test->ifobj_tx, test->ifobj_rx);
+	if (ret == TEST_PASS)
+		ksft_test_result_pass("PASS: %s %s%s\n", mode_string(test), busy_poll_string(test),
+				      test->name);
+	pkt_stream_restore_default(test);
-static void test_spec_set_xdp_prog(struct test_spec *test, struct bpf_program *xdp_prog_rx,
-				   struct bpf_program *xdp_prog_tx, struct bpf_map *xskmap_rx,
-				   struct bpf_map *xskmap_tx)
+static bool is_xdp_supported(int ifindex)
-	test->xdp_prog_rx = xdp_prog_rx;
-	test->xdp_prog_tx = xdp_prog_tx;
-	test->xskmap_rx = xskmap_rx;
-	test->xskmap_tx = xskmap_tx;
+	int flags = XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE;
-static int test_spec_set_mtu(struct test_spec *test, int mtu)
+	LIBBPF_OPTS(bpf_link_create_opts, opts, .flags = flags);
+	struct bpf_insn insns[2] = {
+	};
+	int prog_fd, insn_cnt = ARRAY_SIZE(insns);
 	int err;
-	if (test->ifobj_rx->mtu != mtu) {
-		err = xsk_set_mtu(test->ifobj_rx->ifindex, mtu);
-		if (err)
-			return err;
-		test->ifobj_rx->mtu = mtu;
-	}
-	if (test->ifobj_tx->mtu != mtu) {
-		err = xsk_set_mtu(test->ifobj_tx->ifindex, mtu);
-		if (err)
-			return err;
-		test->ifobj_tx->mtu = mtu;
-	}
-	return 0;
-static void pkt_stream_reset(struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream)
-	if (pkt_stream) {
-		pkt_stream->current_pkt_nb = 0;
-		pkt_stream->nb_rx_pkts = 0;
-	}
-static struct pkt *pkt_stream_get_next_tx_pkt(struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream)
-	if (pkt_stream->current_pkt_nb >= pkt_stream->nb_pkts)
-		return NULL;
-	return &pkt_stream->pkts[pkt_stream->current_pkt_nb++];
-static struct pkt *pkt_stream_get_next_rx_pkt(struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream, u32 *pkts_sent)
-	while (pkt_stream->current_pkt_nb < pkt_stream->nb_pkts) {
-		(*pkts_sent)++;
-		if (pkt_stream->pkts[pkt_stream->current_pkt_nb].valid)
-			return &pkt_stream->pkts[pkt_stream->current_pkt_nb++];
-		pkt_stream->current_pkt_nb++;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-static void pkt_stream_delete(struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream)
-	free(pkt_stream->pkts);
-	free(pkt_stream);
-static void pkt_stream_restore_default(struct test_spec *test)
-	struct pkt_stream *tx_pkt_stream = test->ifobj_tx->xsk->pkt_stream;
-	struct pkt_stream *rx_pkt_stream = test->ifobj_rx->xsk->pkt_stream;
-	if (tx_pkt_stream != test->tx_pkt_stream_default) {
-		pkt_stream_delete(test->ifobj_tx->xsk->pkt_stream);
-		test->ifobj_tx->xsk->pkt_stream = test->tx_pkt_stream_default;
-	}
-	if (rx_pkt_stream != test->rx_pkt_stream_default) {
-		pkt_stream_delete(test->ifobj_rx->xsk->pkt_stream);
-		test->ifobj_rx->xsk->pkt_stream = test->rx_pkt_stream_default;
-	}
-static struct pkt_stream *__pkt_stream_alloc(u32 nb_pkts)
-	struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream;
-	pkt_stream = calloc(1, sizeof(*pkt_stream));
-	if (!pkt_stream)
-		return NULL;
-	pkt_stream->pkts = calloc(nb_pkts, sizeof(*pkt_stream->pkts));
-	if (!pkt_stream->pkts) {
-		free(pkt_stream);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	pkt_stream->nb_pkts = nb_pkts;
-	return pkt_stream;
-static bool pkt_continues(u32 options)
-	return options & XDP_PKT_CONTD;
-static u32 ceil_u32(u32 a, u32 b)
-	return (a + b - 1) / b;
-static u32 pkt_nb_frags(u32 frame_size, struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream, struct pkt *pkt)
-	u32 nb_frags = 1, next_frag;
-	if (!pkt)
-		return 1;
-	if (!pkt_stream->verbatim) {
-		if (!pkt->valid || !pkt->len)
-			return 1;
-		return ceil_u32(pkt->len, frame_size);
-	}
-	/* Search for the end of the packet in verbatim mode */
-	if (!pkt_continues(pkt->options))
-		return nb_frags;
-	next_frag = pkt_stream->current_pkt_nb;
-	pkt++;
-	while (next_frag++ < pkt_stream->nb_pkts) {
-		nb_frags++;
-		if (!pkt_continues(pkt->options) || !pkt->valid)
-			break;
-		pkt++;
-	}
-	return nb_frags;
-static bool set_pkt_valid(int offset, u32 len)
-	return len <= MAX_ETH_JUMBO_SIZE;
-static void pkt_set(struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream, struct pkt *pkt, int offset, u32 len)
-	pkt->offset = offset;
-	pkt->len = len;
-	pkt->valid = set_pkt_valid(offset, len);
-static void pkt_stream_pkt_set(struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream, struct pkt *pkt, int offset, u32 len)
-	bool prev_pkt_valid = pkt->valid;
-	pkt_set(pkt_stream, pkt, offset, len);
-	pkt_stream->nb_valid_entries += pkt->valid - prev_pkt_valid;
-static u32 pkt_get_buffer_len(struct xsk_umem_info *umem, u32 len)
-	return ceil_u32(len, umem->frame_size) * umem->frame_size;
-static struct pkt_stream *__pkt_stream_generate(u32 nb_pkts, u32 pkt_len, u32 nb_start, u32 nb_off)
-	struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream;
-	u32 i;
-	pkt_stream = __pkt_stream_alloc(nb_pkts);
-	if (!pkt_stream)
-		return NULL;
-	pkt_stream->nb_pkts = nb_pkts;
-	pkt_stream->max_pkt_len = pkt_len;
-	for (i = 0; i < nb_pkts; i++) {
-		struct pkt *pkt = &pkt_stream->pkts[i];
-		pkt_stream_pkt_set(pkt_stream, pkt, 0, pkt_len);
-		pkt->pkt_nb = nb_start + i * nb_off;
-	}
-	return pkt_stream;
-static struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream_generate(u32 nb_pkts, u32 pkt_len)
-	return __pkt_stream_generate(nb_pkts, pkt_len, 0, 1);
-static struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream_clone(struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream)
-	return pkt_stream_generate(pkt_stream->nb_pkts, pkt_stream->pkts[0].len);
-static int pkt_stream_replace(struct test_spec *test, u32 nb_pkts, u32 pkt_len)
-	struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream;
-	pkt_stream = pkt_stream_generate(nb_pkts, pkt_len);
-	if (!pkt_stream)
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	test->ifobj_tx->xsk->pkt_stream = pkt_stream;
-	pkt_stream = pkt_stream_generate(nb_pkts, pkt_len);
-	if (!pkt_stream)
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	test->ifobj_rx->xsk->pkt_stream = pkt_stream;
-	return 0;
-static int __pkt_stream_replace_half(struct ifobject *ifobj, u32 pkt_len,
-				      int offset)
-	struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream;
-	u32 i;
-	pkt_stream = pkt_stream_clone(ifobj->xsk->pkt_stream);
-	if (!pkt_stream)
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	for (i = 1; i < ifobj->xsk->pkt_stream->nb_pkts; i += 2)
-		pkt_stream_pkt_set(pkt_stream, &pkt_stream->pkts[i], offset, pkt_len);
-	ifobj->xsk->pkt_stream = pkt_stream;
-	return 0;
-static int pkt_stream_replace_half(struct test_spec *test, u32 pkt_len, int offset)
-	int ret = __pkt_stream_replace_half(test->ifobj_tx, pkt_len, offset);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-	return __pkt_stream_replace_half(test->ifobj_rx, pkt_len, offset);
-static int pkt_stream_receive_half(struct test_spec *test)
-	struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream = test->ifobj_tx->xsk->pkt_stream;
-	u32 i;
-	if (test->ifobj_rx->xsk->pkt_stream != test->rx_pkt_stream_default)
-		/* Packet stream has already been replaced so we have to release this one.
-		 * The newly created one will be freed by the restore_default() at the
-		 * end of the test
-		 */
-		pkt_stream_delete(test->ifobj_rx->xsk->pkt_stream);
-	test->ifobj_rx->xsk->pkt_stream = pkt_stream_generate(pkt_stream->nb_pkts,
-							      pkt_stream->pkts[0].len);
-	if (!test->ifobj_rx->xsk->pkt_stream)
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	pkt_stream = test->ifobj_rx->xsk->pkt_stream;
-	for (i = 1; i < pkt_stream->nb_pkts; i += 2)
-		pkt_stream->pkts[i].valid = false;
-	pkt_stream->nb_valid_entries /= 2;
-	return 0;
-static int pkt_stream_even_odd_sequence(struct test_spec *test)
-	struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream;
-	u32 i;
-	for (i = 0; i < test->nb_sockets; i++) {
-		pkt_stream = test->ifobj_tx->xsk_arr[i].pkt_stream;
-		pkt_stream = __pkt_stream_generate(pkt_stream->nb_pkts / 2,
-						   pkt_stream->pkts[0].len, i, 2);
-		if (!pkt_stream)
-			return -ENOMEM;
-		test->ifobj_tx->xsk_arr[i].pkt_stream = pkt_stream;
-		pkt_stream = test->ifobj_rx->xsk_arr[i].pkt_stream;
-		pkt_stream = __pkt_stream_generate(pkt_stream->nb_pkts / 2,
-						   pkt_stream->pkts[0].len, i, 2);
-		if (!pkt_stream)
-			return -ENOMEM;
-		test->ifobj_rx->xsk_arr[i].pkt_stream = pkt_stream;
-	}
-	return 0;
-static void release_even_odd_sequence(struct test_spec *test)
-	struct pkt_stream *later_free_tx = test->ifobj_tx->xsk->pkt_stream;
-	struct pkt_stream *later_free_rx = test->ifobj_rx->xsk->pkt_stream;
-	int i;
+	prog_fd = bpf_prog_load(BPF_PROG_TYPE_XDP, NULL, "GPL", insns, insn_cnt, NULL);
+	if (prog_fd < 0)
+		return false;
-	for (i = 0; i < test->nb_sockets; i++) {
-		/* later_free_{rx/tx} will be freed by restore_default() */
-		if (test->ifobj_tx->xsk_arr[i].pkt_stream != later_free_tx)
-			pkt_stream_delete(test->ifobj_tx->xsk_arr[i].pkt_stream);
-		if (test->ifobj_rx->xsk_arr[i].pkt_stream != later_free_rx)
-			pkt_stream_delete(test->ifobj_rx->xsk_arr[i].pkt_stream);
+	err = bpf_xdp_attach(ifindex, prog_fd, flags, NULL);
+	if (err) {
+		close(prog_fd);
+		return false;
-static u64 pkt_get_addr(struct pkt *pkt, struct xsk_umem_info *umem)
-	if (!pkt->valid)
-		return pkt->offset;
-	return pkt->offset + umem_alloc_buffer(umem);
-static void pkt_stream_cancel(struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream)
-	pkt_stream->current_pkt_nb--;
-static void pkt_generate(struct xsk_socket_info *xsk, struct xsk_umem_info *umem, u64 addr, u32 len,
-			 u32 pkt_nb, u32 bytes_written)
-	void *data = xsk_umem__get_data(umem->buffer, addr);
-	if (len < MIN_PKT_SIZE)
-		return;
-	if (!bytes_written) {
-		gen_eth_hdr(xsk, data);
-		len -= PKT_HDR_SIZE;
-		data += PKT_HDR_SIZE;
-	} else {
-		bytes_written -= PKT_HDR_SIZE;
-	}
+	bpf_xdp_detach(ifindex, flags, NULL);
+	close(prog_fd);
-	write_payload(data, pkt_nb, bytes_written, len);
+	return true;
-static struct pkt_stream *__pkt_stream_generate_custom(struct ifobject *ifobj, struct pkt *frames,
-						       u32 nb_frames, bool verbatim)
-	u32 i, len = 0, pkt_nb = 0, payload = 0;
-	struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream;
-	pkt_stream = __pkt_stream_alloc(nb_frames);
-	if (!pkt_stream)
-		return NULL;
-	for (i = 0; i < nb_frames; i++) {
-		struct pkt *pkt = &pkt_stream->pkts[pkt_nb];
-		struct pkt *frame = &frames[i];
-		pkt->offset = frame->offset;
-		if (verbatim) {
-			*pkt = *frame;
-			pkt->pkt_nb = payload;
-			if (!frame->valid || !pkt_continues(frame->options))
-				payload++;
-		} else {
-			if (frame->valid)
-				len += frame->len;
-			if (frame->valid && pkt_continues(frame->options))
-				continue;
-			pkt->pkt_nb = pkt_nb;
-			pkt->len = len;
-			pkt->valid = frame->valid;
-			pkt->options = 0;
-			len = 0;
-		}
-		print_verbose("offset: %d len: %u valid: %u options: %u pkt_nb: %u\n",
-			      pkt->offset, pkt->len, pkt->valid, pkt->options, pkt->pkt_nb);
-		if (pkt->valid && pkt->len > pkt_stream->max_pkt_len)
-			pkt_stream->max_pkt_len = pkt->len;
-		if (pkt->valid)
-			pkt_stream->nb_valid_entries++;
-		pkt_nb++;
-	}
-	pkt_stream->nb_pkts = pkt_nb;
-	pkt_stream->verbatim = verbatim;
-	return pkt_stream;
-static int pkt_stream_generate_custom(struct test_spec *test, struct pkt *pkts, u32 nb_pkts)
-	struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream;
-	pkt_stream = __pkt_stream_generate_custom(test->ifobj_tx, pkts, nb_pkts, true);
-	if (!pkt_stream)
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	test->ifobj_tx->xsk->pkt_stream = pkt_stream;
-	pkt_stream = __pkt_stream_generate_custom(test->ifobj_rx, pkts, nb_pkts, false);
-	if (!pkt_stream)
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	test->ifobj_rx->xsk->pkt_stream = pkt_stream;
-	return 0;
-static void pkt_print_data(u32 *data, u32 cnt)
-	u32 i;
-	for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
-		u32 seqnum, pkt_nb;
-		seqnum = ntohl(*data) & 0xffff;
-		pkt_nb = ntohl(*data) >> 16;
-		print_msg("%u:%u ", pkt_nb, seqnum);
-		data++;
-	}
-static void pkt_dump(void *pkt, u32 len, bool eth_header)
-	struct ethhdr *ethhdr = pkt;
-	u32 i, *data;
-	if (eth_header) {
-		/*extract L2 frame */
-		print_msg("DEBUG>> L2: dst mac: ");
-		for (i = 0; i < ETH_ALEN; i++)
-			print_msg("%02X", ethhdr->h_dest[i]);
-		print_msg("\nDEBUG>> L2: src mac: ");
-		for (i = 0; i < ETH_ALEN; i++)
-			print_msg("%02X", ethhdr->h_source[i]);
-		data = pkt + PKT_HDR_SIZE;
-	} else {
-		data = pkt;
-	}
-	/*extract L5 frame */
-	print_msg("\nDEBUG>> L5: seqnum: ");
-	pkt_print_data(data, PKT_DUMP_NB_TO_PRINT);
-	print_msg("....");
-	if (len > PKT_DUMP_NB_TO_PRINT * sizeof(u32)) {
-		print_msg("\n.... ");
-		pkt_print_data(data + len / sizeof(u32) - PKT_DUMP_NB_TO_PRINT,
-			       PKT_DUMP_NB_TO_PRINT);
-	}
-	print_msg("\n---------------------------------------\n");
-static bool is_offset_correct(struct xsk_umem_info *umem, struct pkt *pkt, u64 addr)
-	u32 headroom = umem->unaligned_mode ? 0 : umem->frame_headroom;
-	u32 offset = addr % umem->frame_size, expected_offset;
-	int pkt_offset = pkt->valid ? pkt->offset : 0;
-	if (!umem->unaligned_mode)
-		pkt_offset = 0;
-	expected_offset = (pkt_offset + headroom + XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM) % umem->frame_size;
-	if (offset == expected_offset)
-		return true;
-	print_msg("[%s] expected [%u], got [%u]\n", __func__, expected_offset, offset);
-	return false;
-static bool is_metadata_correct(struct pkt *pkt, void *buffer, u64 addr)
-	void *data = xsk_umem__get_data(buffer, addr);
-	struct xdp_info *meta = data - sizeof(struct xdp_info);
-	if (meta->count != pkt->pkt_nb) {
-		print_msg("[%s] expected meta_count [%d], got meta_count [%llu]\n",
-			       __func__, pkt->pkt_nb,
-			       (unsigned long long)meta->count);
-		return false;
-	}
-	return true;
-static bool is_frag_valid(struct xsk_umem_info *umem, u64 addr, u32 len, u32 expected_pkt_nb,
-			  u32 bytes_processed)
-	u32 seqnum, pkt_nb, *pkt_data, words_to_end, expected_seqnum;
-	void *data = xsk_umem__get_data(umem->buffer, addr);
-	addr -= umem->base_addr;
-	if (addr >= umem->num_frames * umem->frame_size ||
-	    addr + len > umem->num_frames * umem->frame_size) {
-		print_msg("Frag invalid addr: %llx len: %u\n",
-			       (unsigned long long)addr, len);
-		return false;
-	}
-	if (!umem->unaligned_mode && addr % umem->frame_size + len > umem->frame_size) {
-		print_msg("Frag crosses frame boundary addr: %llx len: %u\n",
-			       (unsigned long long)addr, len);
-		return false;
-	}
-	pkt_data = data;
-	if (!bytes_processed) {
-		pkt_data += PKT_HDR_SIZE / sizeof(*pkt_data);
-		len -= PKT_HDR_SIZE;
-	} else {
-		bytes_processed -= PKT_HDR_SIZE;
-	}
-	expected_seqnum = bytes_processed / sizeof(*pkt_data);
-	seqnum = ntohl(*pkt_data) & 0xffff;
-	pkt_nb = ntohl(*pkt_data) >> 16;
-	if (expected_pkt_nb != pkt_nb) {
-		print_msg("[%s] expected pkt_nb [%u], got pkt_nb [%u]\n",
-			       __func__, expected_pkt_nb, pkt_nb);
-		goto error;
-	}
-	if (expected_seqnum != seqnum) {
-		print_msg("[%s] expected seqnum at start [%u], got seqnum [%u]\n",
-			       __func__, expected_seqnum, seqnum);
-		goto error;
-	}
-	words_to_end = len / sizeof(*pkt_data) - 1;
-	pkt_data += words_to_end;
-	seqnum = ntohl(*pkt_data) & 0xffff;
-	expected_seqnum += words_to_end;
-	if (expected_seqnum != seqnum) {
-		print_msg("[%s] expected seqnum at end [%u], got seqnum [%u]\n",
-			       __func__, expected_seqnum, seqnum);
-		goto error;
-	}
-	return true;
-	pkt_dump(data, len, !bytes_processed);
-	return false;
-static bool is_pkt_valid(struct pkt *pkt, void *buffer, u64 addr, u32 len)
-	if (pkt->len != len) {
-		print_msg("[%s] expected packet length [%d], got length [%d]\n",
-			       __func__, pkt->len, len);
-		pkt_dump(xsk_umem__get_data(buffer, addr), len, true);
-		return false;
-	}
-	return true;
-static int kick_tx(struct xsk_socket_info *xsk)
-	int ret;
-	ret = sendto(xsk_socket__fd(xsk->xsk), NULL, 0, MSG_DONTWAIT, NULL, 0);
-	if (ret >= 0)
-		return TEST_PASS;
-	if (errno == ENOBUFS || errno == EAGAIN || errno == EBUSY || errno == ENETDOWN) {
-		usleep(100);
-		return TEST_PASS;
-	}
-	return TEST_FAILURE;
-static int kick_rx(struct xsk_socket_info *xsk)
-	int ret;
-	ret = recvfrom(xsk_socket__fd(xsk->xsk), NULL, 0, MSG_DONTWAIT, NULL, NULL);
-	if (ret < 0)
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	return TEST_PASS;
-static int complete_pkts(struct xsk_socket_info *xsk, int batch_size)
-	unsigned int rcvd;
-	u32 idx;
-	int ret;
-	if (xsk_ring_prod__needs_wakeup(&xsk->tx)) {
-		ret = kick_tx(xsk);
-		if (ret)
-			return TEST_FAILURE;
-	}
-	rcvd = xsk_ring_cons__peek(&xsk->umem->cq, batch_size, &idx);
-	if (rcvd) {
-		if (rcvd > xsk->outstanding_tx) {
-			u64 addr = *xsk_ring_cons__comp_addr(&xsk->umem->cq, idx + rcvd - 1);
-			print_msg("[%s] Too many packets completed\n", __func__);
-			print_msg("Last completion address: %llx\n",
-				       (unsigned long long)addr);
-			return TEST_FAILURE;
-		}
-		xsk_ring_cons__release(&xsk->umem->cq, rcvd);
-		xsk->outstanding_tx -= rcvd;
-	}
-	return TEST_PASS;
-static int __receive_pkts(struct test_spec *test, struct xsk_socket_info *xsk)
-	u32 frags_processed = 0, nb_frags = 0, pkt_len = 0;
-	u32 idx_rx = 0, idx_fq = 0, rcvd, pkts_sent = 0;
-	struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream = xsk->pkt_stream;
-	struct ifobject *ifobj = test->ifobj_rx;
-	struct xsk_umem_info *umem = xsk->umem;
-	struct pollfd fds = { };
-	struct pkt *pkt;
-	u64 first_addr = 0;
-	int ret;
-	fds.fd = xsk_socket__fd(xsk->xsk);
-	fds.events = POLLIN;
-	ret = kick_rx(xsk);
-	if (ret)
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	if (ifobj->use_poll) {
-		ret = poll(&fds, 1, POLL_TMOUT);
-		if (ret < 0)
-			return TEST_FAILURE;
-		if (!ret) {
-			if (!is_umem_valid(test->ifobj_tx))
-				return TEST_PASS;
-			print_msg("ERROR: [%s] Poll timed out\n", __func__);
-			return TEST_CONTINUE;
-		}
-		if (!(fds.revents & POLLIN))
-			return TEST_CONTINUE;
-	}
-	rcvd = xsk_ring_cons__peek(&xsk->rx, xsk->batch_size, &idx_rx);
-	if (!rcvd)
-		return TEST_CONTINUE;
-	if (ifobj->use_fill_ring) {
-		ret = xsk_ring_prod__reserve(&umem->fq, rcvd, &idx_fq);
-		while (ret != rcvd) {
-			if (xsk_ring_prod__needs_wakeup(&umem->fq)) {
-				ret = poll(&fds, 1, POLL_TMOUT);
-				if (ret < 0)
-					return TEST_FAILURE;
-			}
-			ret = xsk_ring_prod__reserve(&umem->fq, rcvd, &idx_fq);
-		}
-	}
-	while (frags_processed < rcvd) {
-		const struct xdp_desc *desc = xsk_ring_cons__rx_desc(&xsk->rx, idx_rx++);
-		u64 addr = desc->addr, orig;
-		orig = xsk_umem__extract_addr(addr);
-		addr = xsk_umem__add_offset_to_addr(addr);
-		if (!nb_frags) {
-			pkt = pkt_stream_get_next_rx_pkt(pkt_stream, &pkts_sent);
-			if (!pkt) {
-				print_msg("[%s] received too many packets addr: %lx len %u\n",
-					       __func__, addr, desc->len);
-				return TEST_FAILURE;
-			}
-		}
-		print_verbose("Rx: addr: %lx len: %u options: %u pkt_nb: %u valid: %u\n",
-			      addr, desc->len, desc->options, pkt->pkt_nb, pkt->valid);
-		if (!is_frag_valid(umem, addr, desc->len, pkt->pkt_nb, pkt_len) ||
-		    !is_offset_correct(umem, pkt, addr) || (ifobj->use_metadata &&
-		    !is_metadata_correct(pkt, umem->buffer, addr)))
-			return TEST_FAILURE;
-		if (!nb_frags++)
-			first_addr = addr;
-		frags_processed++;
-		pkt_len += desc->len;
-		if (ifobj->use_fill_ring)
-			*xsk_ring_prod__fill_addr(&umem->fq, idx_fq++) = orig;
-		if (pkt_continues(desc->options))
-			continue;
-		/* The complete packet has been received */
-		if (!is_pkt_valid(pkt, umem->buffer, first_addr, pkt_len) ||
-		    !is_offset_correct(umem, pkt, addr))
-			return TEST_FAILURE;
-		pkt_stream->nb_rx_pkts++;
-		nb_frags = 0;
-		pkt_len = 0;
-	}
-	if (nb_frags) {
-		/* In the middle of a packet. Start over from beginning of packet. */
-		idx_rx -= nb_frags;
-		xsk_ring_cons__cancel(&xsk->rx, nb_frags);
-		if (ifobj->use_fill_ring) {
-			idx_fq -= nb_frags;
-			xsk_ring_prod__cancel(&umem->fq, nb_frags);
-		}
-		frags_processed -= nb_frags;
-	}
-	if (ifobj->use_fill_ring)
-		xsk_ring_prod__submit(&umem->fq, frags_processed);
-	if (ifobj->release_rx)
-		xsk_ring_cons__release(&xsk->rx, frags_processed);
-	pthread_mutex_lock(&pacing_mutex);
-	pkts_in_flight -= pkts_sent;
-	pthread_mutex_unlock(&pacing_mutex);
-	pkts_sent = 0;
-bool all_packets_received(struct test_spec *test, struct xsk_socket_info *xsk, u32 sock_num,
-			  unsigned long *bitmap)
-	struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream = xsk->pkt_stream;
-	if (!pkt_stream) {
-		__set_bit(sock_num, bitmap);
-		return false;
-	}
-	if (pkt_stream->nb_rx_pkts == pkt_stream->nb_valid_entries) {
-		__set_bit(sock_num, bitmap);
-		if (bitmap_full(bitmap, test->nb_sockets))
-			return true;
-	}
-	return false;
-static int receive_pkts(struct test_spec *test)
-	struct timeval tv_end, tv_now, tv_timeout = {THREAD_TMOUT, 0};
-	DECLARE_BITMAP(bitmap, test->nb_sockets);
-	struct xsk_socket_info *xsk;
-	u32 sock_num = 0;
-	int res, ret;
-	bitmap_zero(bitmap, test->nb_sockets);
-	ret = gettimeofday(&tv_now, NULL);
-	if (ret)
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	timeradd(&tv_now, &tv_timeout, &tv_end);
-	while (1) {
-		xsk = &test->ifobj_rx->xsk_arr[sock_num];
-		if ((all_packets_received(test, xsk, sock_num, bitmap)))
-			break;
-		res = __receive_pkts(test, xsk);
-		if (!(res == TEST_PASS || res == TEST_CONTINUE))
-			return res;
-		ret = gettimeofday(&tv_now, NULL);
-		if (ret)
-			return TEST_FAILURE;
-		if (timercmp(&tv_now, &tv_end, >)) {
-			print_msg("ERROR: [%s] Receive loop timed out\n", __func__);
-			return TEST_FAILURE;
-		}
-		sock_num = (sock_num + 1) % test->nb_sockets;
-	}
-	return TEST_PASS;
-static int __send_pkts(struct ifobject *ifobject, struct xsk_socket_info *xsk, bool timeout)
-	u32 i, idx = 0, valid_pkts = 0, valid_frags = 0, buffer_len;
-	struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream = xsk->pkt_stream;
-	struct xsk_umem_info *umem = ifobject->umem;
-	bool use_poll = ifobject->use_poll;
-	struct pollfd fds = { };
-	int ret;
-	buffer_len = pkt_get_buffer_len(umem, pkt_stream->max_pkt_len);
-	/* pkts_in_flight might be negative if many invalid packets are sent */
-	if (pkts_in_flight >= (int)((umem_size(umem) - xsk->batch_size * buffer_len) /
-	    buffer_len)) {
-		ret = kick_tx(xsk);
-		if (ret)
-			return TEST_FAILURE;
-		return TEST_CONTINUE;
-	}
-	fds.fd = xsk_socket__fd(xsk->xsk);
-	fds.events = POLLOUT;
-	while (xsk_ring_prod__reserve(&xsk->tx, xsk->batch_size, &idx) < xsk->batch_size) {
-		if (use_poll) {
-			ret = poll(&fds, 1, POLL_TMOUT);
-			if (timeout) {
-				if (ret < 0) {
-					print_msg("ERROR: [%s] Poll error %d\n",
-						       __func__, errno);
-					return TEST_FAILURE;
-				}
-				if (ret == 0)
-					return TEST_PASS;
-				break;
-			}
-			if (ret <= 0) {
-				print_msg("ERROR: [%s] Poll error %d\n",
-					       __func__, errno);
-				return TEST_FAILURE;
-			}
-		}
-		complete_pkts(xsk, xsk->batch_size);
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < xsk->batch_size; i++) {
-		struct pkt *pkt = pkt_stream_get_next_tx_pkt(pkt_stream);
-		u32 nb_frags_left, nb_frags, bytes_written = 0;
-		if (!pkt)
-			break;
-		nb_frags = pkt_nb_frags(umem->frame_size, pkt_stream, pkt);
-		if (nb_frags > xsk->batch_size - i) {
-			pkt_stream_cancel(pkt_stream);
-			xsk_ring_prod__cancel(&xsk->tx, xsk->batch_size - i);
-			break;
-		}
-		nb_frags_left = nb_frags;
-		while (nb_frags_left--) {
-			struct xdp_desc *tx_desc = xsk_ring_prod__tx_desc(&xsk->tx, idx + i);
-			tx_desc->addr = pkt_get_addr(pkt, ifobject->umem);
-			if (pkt_stream->verbatim) {
-				tx_desc->len = pkt->len;
-				tx_desc->options = pkt->options;
-			} else if (nb_frags_left) {
-				tx_desc->len = umem->frame_size;
-				tx_desc->options = XDP_PKT_CONTD;
-			} else {
-				tx_desc->len = pkt->len - bytes_written;
-				tx_desc->options = 0;
-			}
-			if (pkt->valid)
-				pkt_generate(xsk, umem, tx_desc->addr, tx_desc->len, pkt->pkt_nb,
-					     bytes_written);
-			bytes_written += tx_desc->len;
-			print_verbose("Tx addr: %llx len: %u options: %u pkt_nb: %u\n",
-				      tx_desc->addr, tx_desc->len, tx_desc->options, pkt->pkt_nb);
-			if (nb_frags_left) {
-				i++;
-				if (pkt_stream->verbatim)
-					pkt = pkt_stream_get_next_tx_pkt(pkt_stream);
-			}
-		}
-		if (pkt && pkt->valid) {
-			valid_pkts++;
-			valid_frags += nb_frags;
-		}
-	}
-	pthread_mutex_lock(&pacing_mutex);
-	pkts_in_flight += valid_pkts;
-	pthread_mutex_unlock(&pacing_mutex);
-	xsk_ring_prod__submit(&xsk->tx, i);
-	xsk->outstanding_tx += valid_frags;
-	if (use_poll) {
-		ret = poll(&fds, 1, POLL_TMOUT);
-		if (ret <= 0) {
-			if (ret == 0 && timeout)
-				return TEST_PASS;
-			print_msg("ERROR: [%s] Poll error %d\n", __func__, ret);
-			return TEST_FAILURE;
-		}
-	}
-	if (!timeout) {
-		if (complete_pkts(xsk, i))
-			return TEST_FAILURE;
-		usleep(10);
-		return TEST_PASS;
-	}
-static int wait_for_tx_completion(struct xsk_socket_info *xsk)
-	struct timeval tv_end, tv_now, tv_timeout = {THREAD_TMOUT, 0};
-	int ret;
-	ret = gettimeofday(&tv_now, NULL);
-	if (ret)
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	timeradd(&tv_now, &tv_timeout, &tv_end);
-	while (xsk->outstanding_tx) {
-		ret = gettimeofday(&tv_now, NULL);
-		if (ret)
-			return TEST_FAILURE;
-		if (timercmp(&tv_now, &tv_end, >)) {
-			print_msg("ERROR: [%s] Transmission loop timed out\n", __func__);
-			return TEST_FAILURE;
-		}
-		complete_pkts(xsk, xsk->batch_size);
-	}
-	return TEST_PASS;
-bool all_packets_sent(struct test_spec *test, unsigned long *bitmap)
-	return bitmap_full(bitmap, test->nb_sockets);
-static int send_pkts(struct test_spec *test, struct ifobject *ifobject)
-	bool timeout = !is_umem_valid(test->ifobj_rx);
-	DECLARE_BITMAP(bitmap, test->nb_sockets);
-	u32 i, ret;
-	bitmap_zero(bitmap, test->nb_sockets);
-	while (!(all_packets_sent(test, bitmap))) {
-		for (i = 0; i < test->nb_sockets; i++) {
-			struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream;
-			pkt_stream = ifobject->xsk_arr[i].pkt_stream;
-			if (!pkt_stream || pkt_stream->current_pkt_nb >= pkt_stream->nb_pkts) {
-				__set_bit(i, bitmap);
-				continue;
-			}
-			ret = __send_pkts(ifobject, &ifobject->xsk_arr[i], timeout);
-			if (ret == TEST_CONTINUE && !test->fail)
-				continue;
-			if ((ret || test->fail) && !timeout)
-				return TEST_FAILURE;
-			if (ret == TEST_PASS && timeout)
-				return ret;
-			ret = wait_for_tx_completion(&ifobject->xsk_arr[i]);
-			if (ret)
-				return TEST_FAILURE;
-		}
-	}
-	return TEST_PASS;
-static int get_xsk_stats(struct xsk_socket *xsk, struct xdp_statistics *stats)
-	int fd = xsk_socket__fd(xsk), err;
-	socklen_t optlen, expected_len;
-	optlen = sizeof(*stats);
-	err = getsockopt(fd, SOL_XDP, XDP_STATISTICS, stats, &optlen);
-	if (err) {
-		print_msg("[%s] getsockopt(XDP_STATISTICS) error %u %s\n",
-			       __func__, -err, strerror(-err));
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	}
-	expected_len = sizeof(struct xdp_statistics);
-	if (optlen != expected_len) {
-		print_msg("[%s] getsockopt optlen error. Expected: %u got: %u\n",
-			       __func__, expected_len, optlen);
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	}
-	return TEST_PASS;
-static int validate_rx_dropped(struct ifobject *ifobject)
-	struct xsk_socket *xsk = ifobject->xsk->xsk;
-	struct xdp_statistics stats;
-	int err;
-	err = kick_rx(ifobject->xsk);
-	if (err)
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	err = get_xsk_stats(xsk, &stats);
-	if (err)
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	/* The receiver calls getsockopt after receiving the last (valid)
-	 * packet which is not the final packet sent in this test (valid and
-	 * invalid packets are sent in alternating fashion with the final
-	 * packet being invalid). Since the last packet may or may not have
-	 * been dropped already, both outcomes must be allowed.
-	 */
-	if (stats.rx_dropped == ifobject->xsk->pkt_stream->nb_pkts / 2 ||
-	    stats.rx_dropped == ifobject->xsk->pkt_stream->nb_pkts / 2 - 1)
-		return TEST_PASS;
-	return TEST_FAILURE;
-static int validate_rx_full(struct ifobject *ifobject)
-	struct xsk_socket *xsk = ifobject->xsk->xsk;
-	struct xdp_statistics stats;
-	int err;
-	usleep(1000);
-	err = kick_rx(ifobject->xsk);
-	if (err)
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	err = get_xsk_stats(xsk, &stats);
-	if (err)
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	if (stats.rx_ring_full)
-		return TEST_PASS;
-	return TEST_FAILURE;
-static int validate_fill_empty(struct ifobject *ifobject)
-	struct xsk_socket *xsk = ifobject->xsk->xsk;
-	struct xdp_statistics stats;
-	int err;
-	usleep(1000);
-	err = kick_rx(ifobject->xsk);
-	if (err)
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	err = get_xsk_stats(xsk, &stats);
-	if (err)
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	if (stats.rx_fill_ring_empty_descs)
-		return TEST_PASS;
-	return TEST_FAILURE;
-static int validate_tx_invalid_descs(struct ifobject *ifobject)
-	struct xsk_socket *xsk = ifobject->xsk->xsk;
-	int fd = xsk_socket__fd(xsk);
-	struct xdp_statistics stats;
-	socklen_t optlen;
-	int err;
-	optlen = sizeof(stats);
-	err = getsockopt(fd, SOL_XDP, XDP_STATISTICS, &stats, &optlen);
-	if (err) {
-		print_msg("[%s] getsockopt(XDP_STATISTICS) error %u %s\n",
-			       __func__, -err, strerror(-err));
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	}
-	if (stats.tx_invalid_descs != ifobject->xsk->pkt_stream->nb_pkts / 2) {
-		print_msg("[%s] tx_invalid_descs incorrect. Got [%llu] expected [%u]\n",
-			       __func__,
-			       (unsigned long long)stats.tx_invalid_descs,
-			       ifobject->xsk->pkt_stream->nb_pkts);
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	}
-	return TEST_PASS;
-static int xsk_configure_socket(struct test_spec *test, struct ifobject *ifobject,
-				 struct xsk_umem_info *umem, bool tx)
-	int i, ret;
-	for (i = 0; i < test->nb_sockets; i++) {
-		bool shared = (ifobject->shared_umem && tx) ? true : !!i;
-		u32 ctr = 0;
-		while (ctr++ < SOCK_RECONF_CTR) {
-			ret = __xsk_configure_socket(&ifobject->xsk_arr[i], umem,
-						     ifobject, shared);
-			if (!ret)
-				break;
-			/* Retry if it fails as xsk_socket__create() is asynchronous */
-			if (ctr >= SOCK_RECONF_CTR)
-				return ret;
-			usleep(USLEEP_MAX);
-		}
-		if (ifobject->busy_poll) {
-			ret = enable_busy_poll(&ifobject->xsk_arr[i]);
-			if (ret)
-				return ret;
-		}
-	}
-	return 0;
-static int thread_common_ops_tx(struct test_spec *test, struct ifobject *ifobject)
-	int ret = xsk_configure_socket(test, ifobject, test->ifobj_rx->umem, true);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-	ifobject->xsk = &ifobject->xsk_arr[0];
-	ifobject->xskmap = test->ifobj_rx->xskmap;
-	memcpy(ifobject->umem, test->ifobj_rx->umem, sizeof(struct xsk_umem_info));
-	ifobject->umem->base_addr = 0;
-	return 0;
-static int xsk_populate_fill_ring(struct xsk_umem_info *umem, struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream,
-				   bool fill_up)
-	u32 rx_frame_size = umem->frame_size - XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM;
-	u32 idx = 0, filled = 0, buffers_to_fill, nb_pkts;
-	int ret;
-	if (umem->num_frames < XSK_RING_PROD__DEFAULT_NUM_DESCS)
-		buffers_to_fill = umem->num_frames;
-	else
-		buffers_to_fill = umem->fill_size;
-	ret = xsk_ring_prod__reserve(&umem->fq, buffers_to_fill, &idx);
-	if (ret != buffers_to_fill)
-		return -ENOSPC;
-	while (filled < buffers_to_fill) {
-		struct pkt *pkt = pkt_stream_get_next_rx_pkt(pkt_stream, &nb_pkts);
-		u64 addr;
-		u32 i;
-		for (i = 0; i < pkt_nb_frags(rx_frame_size, pkt_stream, pkt); i++) {
-			if (!pkt) {
-				if (!fill_up)
-					break;
-				addr = filled * umem->frame_size + umem->base_addr;
-			} else if (pkt->offset >= 0) {
-				addr = pkt->offset % umem->frame_size + umem_alloc_buffer(umem);
-			} else {
-				addr = pkt->offset + umem_alloc_buffer(umem);
-			}
-			*xsk_ring_prod__fill_addr(&umem->fq, idx++) = addr;
-			if (++filled >= buffers_to_fill)
-				break;
-		}
-	}
-	xsk_ring_prod__submit(&umem->fq, filled);
-	xsk_ring_prod__cancel(&umem->fq, buffers_to_fill - filled);
-	pkt_stream_reset(pkt_stream);
-	umem_reset_alloc(umem);
-	return 0;
-static int thread_common_ops(struct test_spec *test, struct ifobject *ifobject)
-	u64 umem_sz = ifobject->umem->num_frames * ifobject->umem->frame_size;
-	LIBBPF_OPTS(bpf_xdp_query_opts, opts);
-	void *bufs;
-	int ret;
-	u32 i;
-	if (ifobject->umem->unaligned_mode)
-		mmap_flags |= MAP_HUGETLB | MAP_HUGE_2MB;
-	if (ifobject->shared_umem)
-		umem_sz *= 2;
-	bufs = mmap(NULL, umem_sz, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, mmap_flags, -1, 0);
-	if (bufs == MAP_FAILED)
-		return -errno;
-	ret = xsk_configure_umem(ifobject, ifobject->umem, bufs, umem_sz);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-	ret = xsk_configure_socket(test, ifobject, ifobject->umem, false);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-	ifobject->xsk = &ifobject->xsk_arr[0];
-	if (!ifobject->rx_on)
-		return 0;
-	ret = xsk_populate_fill_ring(ifobject->umem, ifobject->xsk->pkt_stream,
-				     ifobject->use_fill_ring);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-	for (i = 0; i < test->nb_sockets; i++) {
-		ifobject->xsk = &ifobject->xsk_arr[i];
-		ret = xsk_update_xskmap(ifobject->xskmap, ifobject->xsk->xsk, i);
-		if (ret)
-			return ret;
-	}
-	return 0;
-static void *worker_testapp_validate_tx(void *arg)
-	struct test_spec *test = (struct test_spec *)arg;
-	struct ifobject *ifobject = test->ifobj_tx;
-	int err;
-	if (test->current_step == 1) {
-		if (!ifobject->shared_umem) {
-			if (thread_common_ops(test, ifobject)) {
-				report_failure(test);
-				pthread_exit(NULL);
-			}
-		} else {
-			if (thread_common_ops_tx(test, ifobject)) {
-				report_failure(test);
-				pthread_exit(NULL);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	err = send_pkts(test, ifobject);
-	if (!err && ifobject->validation_func)
-		err = ifobject->validation_func(ifobject);
-	if (err)
-		report_failure(test);
-	pthread_exit(NULL);
-static void *worker_testapp_validate_rx(void *arg)
-	struct test_spec *test = (struct test_spec *)arg;
-	struct ifobject *ifobject = test->ifobj_rx;
-	int err;
-	if (test->current_step == 1) {
-		err = thread_common_ops(test, ifobject);
-	} else {
-		xsk_clear_xskmap(ifobject->xskmap);
-		err = xsk_update_xskmap(ifobject->xskmap, ifobject->xsk->xsk, 0);
-		if (err)
-			print_msg("Error: Failed to update xskmap, error %s\n", strerror(-err));
-	}
-	pthread_barrier_wait(&barr);
-	/* We leave only now in case of error to avoid getting stuck in the barrier */
-	if (err) {
-		report_failure(test);
-		pthread_exit(NULL);
-	}
-	err = receive_pkts(test);
-	if (!err && ifobject->validation_func)
-		err = ifobject->validation_func(ifobject);
-	if (err)
-		report_failure(test);
-	pthread_exit(NULL);
-static u64 ceil_u64(u64 a, u64 b)
-	return (a + b - 1) / b;
-static void testapp_clean_xsk_umem(struct ifobject *ifobj)
-	u64 umem_sz = ifobj->umem->num_frames * ifobj->umem->frame_size;
-	if (ifobj->shared_umem)
-		umem_sz *= 2;
-	umem_sz = ceil_u64(umem_sz, HUGEPAGE_SIZE) * HUGEPAGE_SIZE;
-	xsk_umem__delete(ifobj->umem->umem);
-	munmap(ifobj->umem->buffer, umem_sz);
-static void handler(int signum)
-	pthread_exit(NULL);
-static bool xdp_prog_changed_rx(struct test_spec *test)
-	struct ifobject *ifobj = test->ifobj_rx;
-	return ifobj->xdp_prog != test->xdp_prog_rx || ifobj->mode != test->mode;
-static bool xdp_prog_changed_tx(struct test_spec *test)
-	struct ifobject *ifobj = test->ifobj_tx;
-	return ifobj->xdp_prog != test->xdp_prog_tx || ifobj->mode != test->mode;
-static int xsk_reattach_xdp(struct ifobject *ifobj, struct bpf_program *xdp_prog,
-			     struct bpf_map *xskmap, enum test_mode mode)
-	int err;
-	xsk_detach_xdp_program(ifobj->ifindex, mode_to_xdp_flags(ifobj->mode));
-	err = xsk_attach_xdp_program(xdp_prog, ifobj->ifindex, mode_to_xdp_flags(mode));
-	if (err) {
-		print_msg("Error attaching XDP program\n");
-		return err;
-	}
-	if (ifobj->mode != mode && (mode == TEST_MODE_DRV || mode == TEST_MODE_ZC))
-		if (!xsk_is_in_mode(ifobj->ifindex, XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE)) {
-			print_msg("ERROR: XDP prog not in DRV mode\n");
-			return -EINVAL;
-		}
-	ifobj->xdp_prog = xdp_prog;
-	ifobj->xskmap = xskmap;
-	ifobj->mode = mode;
-	return 0;
-static int xsk_attach_xdp_progs(struct test_spec *test, struct ifobject *ifobj_rx,
-				 struct ifobject *ifobj_tx)
-	int err = 0;
-	if (xdp_prog_changed_rx(test)) {
-		err = xsk_reattach_xdp(ifobj_rx, test->xdp_prog_rx, test->xskmap_rx, test->mode);
-		if (err)
-			return err;
-	}
-	if (!ifobj_tx || ifobj_tx->shared_umem)
-		return 0;
-	if (xdp_prog_changed_tx(test))
-		err = xsk_reattach_xdp(ifobj_tx, test->xdp_prog_tx, test->xskmap_tx, test->mode);
-	return err;
-static int __testapp_validate_traffic(struct test_spec *test, struct ifobject *ifobj1,
-				      struct ifobject *ifobj2)
-	pthread_t t0, t1;
-	int err;
-	if (test->mtu > MAX_ETH_PKT_SIZE) {
-		if (test->mode == TEST_MODE_ZC && (!ifobj1->multi_buff_zc_supp ||
-						   (ifobj2 && !ifobj2->multi_buff_zc_supp))) {
-			skip_reason("Multi buffer for zero-copy not supported.\n");
-			return TEST_SKIP;
-		}
-		if (test->mode != TEST_MODE_ZC && (!ifobj1->multi_buff_supp ||
-						   (ifobj2 && !ifobj2->multi_buff_supp))) {
-			skip_reason("Multi buffer not supported.\n");
-			return TEST_SKIP;
-		}
-	}
-	err = test_spec_set_mtu(test, test->mtu);
-	if (err) {
-		print_msg("Error, could not set mtu.\n");
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	}
-	if (ifobj2) {
-		if (pthread_barrier_init(&barr, NULL, 2))
-			return TEST_FAILURE;
-		pkt_stream_reset(ifobj2->xsk->pkt_stream);
-	}
-	test->current_step++;
-	pkt_stream_reset(ifobj1->xsk->pkt_stream);
-	pkts_in_flight = 0;
-	signal(SIGUSR1, handler);
-	/*Spawn RX thread */
-	pthread_create(&t0, NULL, ifobj1->func_ptr, test);
-	if (ifobj2) {
-		pthread_barrier_wait(&barr);
-		if (pthread_barrier_destroy(&barr))
-			return TEST_FAILURE;
-		/*Spawn TX thread */
-		pthread_create(&t1, NULL, ifobj2->func_ptr, test);
-		pthread_join(t1, NULL);
-	}
-	if (!ifobj2)
-		pthread_kill(t0, SIGUSR1);
-	else
-		pthread_join(t0, NULL);
-	if (test->total_steps == test->current_step || test->fail) {
-		u32 i;
-		if (ifobj2)
-			for (i = 0; i < test->nb_sockets; i++)
-				xsk_socket__delete(ifobj2->xsk_arr[i].xsk);
-		for (i = 0; i < test->nb_sockets; i++)
-			xsk_socket__delete(ifobj1->xsk_arr[i].xsk);
-		testapp_clean_xsk_umem(ifobj1);
-		if (ifobj2 && !ifobj2->shared_umem)
-			testapp_clean_xsk_umem(ifobj2);
-	}
-	return !!test->fail;
-static int testapp_validate_traffic(struct test_spec *test)
-	struct ifobject *ifobj_rx = test->ifobj_rx;
-	struct ifobject *ifobj_tx = test->ifobj_tx;
-	if ((ifobj_rx->umem->unaligned_mode && !ifobj_rx->unaligned_supp) ||
-	    (ifobj_tx->umem->unaligned_mode && !ifobj_tx->unaligned_supp)) {
-		skip_reason("No huge pages present.\n");
-		return TEST_SKIP;
-	}
-	if (test->set_ring) {
-		if (ifobj_tx->hw_ring_size_supp) {
-			if (set_ring_size(ifobj_tx)) {
-				skip_reason("Failed to change HW ring size.\n");
-				return TEST_FAILURE;
-			}
-		} else {
-			skip_reason("Changing HW ring size not supported.\n");
-			return TEST_SKIP;
-		}
-	}
-	if (xsk_attach_xdp_progs(test, ifobj_rx, ifobj_tx))
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	return __testapp_validate_traffic(test, ifobj_rx, ifobj_tx);
-static int testapp_validate_traffic_single_thread(struct test_spec *test, struct ifobject *ifobj)
-	return __testapp_validate_traffic(test, ifobj, NULL);
-static int testapp_teardown(struct test_spec *test)
-	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < MAX_TEARDOWN_ITER; i++) {
-		if (testapp_validate_traffic(test))
-			return TEST_FAILURE;
-		test_spec_reset(test);
-	}
-	return TEST_PASS;
-static void swap_directions(struct ifobject **ifobj1, struct ifobject **ifobj2)
-	thread_func_t tmp_func_ptr = (*ifobj1)->func_ptr;
-	struct ifobject *tmp_ifobj = (*ifobj1);
-	(*ifobj1)->func_ptr = (*ifobj2)->func_ptr;
-	(*ifobj2)->func_ptr = tmp_func_ptr;
-	*ifobj1 = *ifobj2;
-	*ifobj2 = tmp_ifobj;
-static int testapp_bidirectional(struct test_spec *test)
-	int res;
-	test->ifobj_tx->rx_on = true;
-	test->ifobj_rx->tx_on = true;
-	test->total_steps = 2;
-	if (testapp_validate_traffic(test))
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	print_verbose("Switching Tx/Rx direction\n");
-	swap_directions(&test->ifobj_rx, &test->ifobj_tx);
-	res = __testapp_validate_traffic(test, test->ifobj_rx, test->ifobj_tx);
-	swap_directions(&test->ifobj_rx, &test->ifobj_tx);
-	return res;
-static int swap_xsk_resources(struct test_spec *test)
-	int ret;
-	test->ifobj_tx->xsk_arr[0].pkt_stream = NULL;
-	test->ifobj_rx->xsk_arr[0].pkt_stream = NULL;
-	test->ifobj_tx->xsk_arr[1].pkt_stream = test->tx_pkt_stream_default;
-	test->ifobj_rx->xsk_arr[1].pkt_stream = test->rx_pkt_stream_default;
-	test->ifobj_tx->xsk = &test->ifobj_tx->xsk_arr[1];
-	test->ifobj_rx->xsk = &test->ifobj_rx->xsk_arr[1];
-	ret = xsk_update_xskmap(test->ifobj_rx->xskmap, test->ifobj_rx->xsk->xsk, 0);
-	if (ret)
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	return TEST_PASS;
-static int testapp_xdp_prog_cleanup(struct test_spec *test)
-	test->total_steps = 2;
-	test->nb_sockets = 2;
-	if (testapp_validate_traffic(test))
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	if (swap_xsk_resources(test))
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
-static int testapp_headroom(struct test_spec *test)
-	test->ifobj_rx->umem->frame_headroom = UMEM_HEADROOM_TEST_SIZE;
-	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
-static int testapp_stats_rx_dropped(struct test_spec *test)
-	if (test->mode == TEST_MODE_ZC) {
-		skip_reason("Can not run RX_DROPPED test for ZC mode\n");
-		return TEST_SKIP;
-	}
-	if (pkt_stream_replace_half(test, MIN_PKT_SIZE * 4, 0))
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	test->ifobj_rx->umem->frame_headroom = test->ifobj_rx->umem->frame_size -
-	if (pkt_stream_receive_half(test))
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	test->ifobj_rx->validation_func = validate_rx_dropped;
-	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
-static int testapp_stats_tx_invalid_descs(struct test_spec *test)
-	if (pkt_stream_replace_half(test, XSK_UMEM__INVALID_FRAME_SIZE, 0))
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	test->ifobj_tx->validation_func = validate_tx_invalid_descs;
-	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
-static int testapp_stats_rx_full(struct test_spec *test)
-	if (pkt_stream_replace(test, DEFAULT_UMEM_BUFFERS + DEFAULT_UMEM_BUFFERS / 2, MIN_PKT_SIZE))
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	pkt_stream_delete(test->ifobj_rx->xsk->pkt_stream);
-	test->ifobj_rx->xsk->pkt_stream = pkt_stream_generate(DEFAULT_UMEM_BUFFERS, MIN_PKT_SIZE);
-	test->ifobj_rx->xsk->rxqsize = DEFAULT_UMEM_BUFFERS;
-	test->ifobj_rx->release_rx = false;
-	test->ifobj_rx->validation_func = validate_rx_full;
-	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
-static int testapp_stats_fill_empty(struct test_spec *test)
-	if (pkt_stream_replace(test, DEFAULT_UMEM_BUFFERS + DEFAULT_UMEM_BUFFERS / 2, MIN_PKT_SIZE))
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	pkt_stream_delete(test->ifobj_rx->xsk->pkt_stream);
-	test->ifobj_rx->xsk->pkt_stream = pkt_stream_generate(DEFAULT_UMEM_BUFFERS, MIN_PKT_SIZE);
-	test->ifobj_rx->use_fill_ring = false;
-	test->ifobj_rx->validation_func = validate_fill_empty;
-	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
-static int testapp_send_receive_unaligned(struct test_spec *test)
-	test->ifobj_tx->umem->unaligned_mode = true;
-	test->ifobj_rx->umem->unaligned_mode = true;
-	/* Let half of the packets straddle a 4K buffer boundary */
-	if (pkt_stream_replace_half(test, MIN_PKT_SIZE, -MIN_PKT_SIZE / 2))
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
-static int testapp_send_receive_unaligned_mb(struct test_spec *test)
-	test->mtu = MAX_ETH_JUMBO_SIZE;
-	test->ifobj_tx->umem->unaligned_mode = true;
-	test->ifobj_rx->umem->unaligned_mode = true;
-	if (pkt_stream_replace(test, DEFAULT_PKT_CNT, MAX_ETH_JUMBO_SIZE))
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
-static int testapp_single_pkt(struct test_spec *test)
-	struct pkt pkts[] = {{0, MIN_PKT_SIZE, 0, true}};
-	if (pkt_stream_generate_custom(test, pkts, ARRAY_SIZE(pkts)))
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
-static int testapp_send_receive_mb(struct test_spec *test)
-	test->mtu = MAX_ETH_JUMBO_SIZE;
-	if (pkt_stream_replace(test, DEFAULT_PKT_CNT, MAX_ETH_JUMBO_SIZE))
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
-static int testapp_invalid_desc_mb(struct test_spec *test)
-	struct xsk_umem_info *umem = test->ifobj_tx->umem;
-	u64 umem_size = umem->num_frames * umem->frame_size;
-	struct pkt pkts[] = {
-		/* Valid packet for synch to start with */
-		{0, MIN_PKT_SIZE, 0, true, 0},
-		/* Zero frame len is not legal */
-		{0, 0, 0, false, 0},
-		/* Invalid address in the second frame */
-		{umem_size, XSK_UMEM__LARGE_FRAME_SIZE, 0, false, XDP_PKT_CONTD},
-		/* Invalid len in the middle */
-		/* Invalid options in the middle */
-		/* Transmit 2 frags, receive 3 */
-		{0, XSK_UMEM__MAX_FRAME_SIZE, 0, true, 0},
-		/* Middle frame crosses chunk boundary with small length */
-		{-MIN_PKT_SIZE / 2, MIN_PKT_SIZE, 0, false, 0},
-		/* Valid packet for synch so that something is received */
-		{0, MIN_PKT_SIZE, 0, true, 0}};
-	if (umem->unaligned_mode) {
-		/* Crossing a chunk boundary allowed */
-		pkts[12].valid = true;
-		pkts[13].valid = true;
-	}
-	test->mtu = MAX_ETH_JUMBO_SIZE;
-	if (pkt_stream_generate_custom(test, pkts, ARRAY_SIZE(pkts)))
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
-static int testapp_invalid_desc(struct test_spec *test)
-	struct xsk_umem_info *umem = test->ifobj_tx->umem;
-	u64 umem_size = umem->num_frames * umem->frame_size;
-	struct pkt pkts[] = {
-		/* Zero packet address allowed */
-		{0, MIN_PKT_SIZE, 0, true},
-		/* Allowed packet */
-		{0, MIN_PKT_SIZE, 0, true},
-		/* Straddling the start of umem */
-		{-2, MIN_PKT_SIZE, 0, false},
-		/* Packet too large */
-		{0, XSK_UMEM__INVALID_FRAME_SIZE, 0, false},
-		/* Up to end of umem allowed */
-		{umem_size - MIN_PKT_SIZE - 2 * umem->frame_size, MIN_PKT_SIZE, 0, true},
-		/* After umem ends */
-		{umem_size, MIN_PKT_SIZE, 0, false},
-		/* Straddle the end of umem */
-		{umem_size - MIN_PKT_SIZE / 2, MIN_PKT_SIZE, 0, false},
-		/* Straddle a 4K boundary */
-		{0x1000 - MIN_PKT_SIZE / 2, MIN_PKT_SIZE, 0, false},
-		/* Straddle a 2K boundary */
-		{0x800 - MIN_PKT_SIZE / 2, MIN_PKT_SIZE, 0, true},
-		/* Valid packet for synch so that something is received */
-		{0, MIN_PKT_SIZE, 0, true}};
-	if (umem->unaligned_mode) {
-		/* Crossing a page boundary allowed */
-		pkts[7].valid = true;
-	}
-	if (umem->frame_size == XSK_UMEM__DEFAULT_FRAME_SIZE / 2) {
-		/* Crossing a 2K frame size boundary not allowed */
-		pkts[8].valid = false;
-	}
-	if (test->ifobj_tx->shared_umem) {
-		pkts[4].offset += umem_size;
-		pkts[5].offset += umem_size;
-		pkts[6].offset += umem_size;
-	}
-	if (pkt_stream_generate_custom(test, pkts, ARRAY_SIZE(pkts)))
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
-static int testapp_xdp_drop(struct test_spec *test)
-	struct xsk_xdp_progs *skel_rx = test->ifobj_rx->xdp_progs;
-	struct xsk_xdp_progs *skel_tx = test->ifobj_tx->xdp_progs;
-	test_spec_set_xdp_prog(test, skel_rx->progs.xsk_xdp_drop, skel_tx->progs.xsk_xdp_drop,
-			       skel_rx->maps.xsk, skel_tx->maps.xsk);
-	if (pkt_stream_receive_half(test))
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
-static int testapp_xdp_metadata_copy(struct test_spec *test)
-	struct xsk_xdp_progs *skel_rx = test->ifobj_rx->xdp_progs;
-	struct xsk_xdp_progs *skel_tx = test->ifobj_tx->xdp_progs;
-	struct bpf_map *data_map;
-	int count = 0;
-	int key = 0;
-	test_spec_set_xdp_prog(test, skel_rx->progs.xsk_xdp_populate_metadata,
-			       skel_tx->progs.xsk_xdp_populate_metadata,
-			       skel_rx->maps.xsk, skel_tx->maps.xsk);
-	test->ifobj_rx->use_metadata = true;
-	data_map = bpf_object__find_map_by_name(skel_rx->obj, "xsk_xdp_.bss");
-	if (!data_map || !bpf_map__is_internal(data_map)) {
-		print_msg("Error: could not find bss section of XDP program\n");
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	}
-	if (bpf_map_update_elem(bpf_map__fd(data_map), &key, &count, BPF_ANY)) {
-		print_msg("Error: could not update count element\n");
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	}
-	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
-static int testapp_xdp_shared_umem(struct test_spec *test)
-	struct xsk_xdp_progs *skel_rx = test->ifobj_rx->xdp_progs;
-	struct xsk_xdp_progs *skel_tx = test->ifobj_tx->xdp_progs;
-	int ret;
-	test->total_steps = 1;
-	test->nb_sockets = 2;
-	test_spec_set_xdp_prog(test, skel_rx->progs.xsk_xdp_shared_umem,
-			       skel_tx->progs.xsk_xdp_shared_umem,
-			       skel_rx->maps.xsk, skel_tx->maps.xsk);
-	if (pkt_stream_even_odd_sequence(test))
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	ret = testapp_validate_traffic(test);
-	release_even_odd_sequence(test);
-	return ret;
-static int testapp_poll_txq_tmout(struct test_spec *test)
-	test->ifobj_tx->use_poll = true;
-	/* create invalid frame by set umem frame_size and pkt length equal to 2048 */
-	test->ifobj_tx->umem->frame_size = 2048;
-	pkt_stream_replace(test, 2 * DEFAULT_PKT_CNT, 2048);
-	return testapp_validate_traffic_single_thread(test, test->ifobj_tx);
-static int testapp_poll_rxq_tmout(struct test_spec *test)
-	test->ifobj_rx->use_poll = true;
-	return testapp_validate_traffic_single_thread(test, test->ifobj_rx);
-static int testapp_too_many_frags(struct test_spec *test)
-	struct pkt *pkts;
-	u32 max_frags, i;
-	int ret = TEST_FAILURE;
-	if (test->mode == TEST_MODE_ZC) {
-		max_frags = test->ifobj_tx->xdp_zc_max_segs;
-	} else {
-		max_frags = get_max_skb_frags();
-		if (!max_frags) {
-			max_frags = 17;
-			print_msg("Can't get MAX_SKB_FRAGS from system, using default (%d) value\n",
-				   max_frags);
-		}
-		max_frags += 1;
-	}
-	pkts = calloc(2 * max_frags + 2, sizeof(struct pkt));
-	if (!pkts)
-		return TEST_FAILURE;
-	test->mtu = MAX_ETH_JUMBO_SIZE;
-	/* Valid packet for synch */
-	pkts[0].len = MIN_PKT_SIZE;
-	pkts[0].valid = true;
-	/* One valid packet with the max amount of frags */
-	for (i = 1; i < max_frags + 1; i++) {
-		pkts[i].len = MIN_PKT_SIZE;
-		pkts[i].options = XDP_PKT_CONTD;
-		pkts[i].valid = true;
-	}
-	pkts[max_frags].options = 0;
-	/* An invalid packet with the max amount of frags but signals packet
-	 * continues on the last frag
-	 */
-	for (i = max_frags + 1; i < 2 * max_frags + 1; i++) {
-		pkts[i].len = MIN_PKT_SIZE;
-		pkts[i].options = XDP_PKT_CONTD;
-		pkts[i].valid = false;
-	}
-	/* Valid packet for synch */
-	pkts[2 * max_frags + 1].len = MIN_PKT_SIZE;
-	pkts[2 * max_frags + 1].valid = true;
-	if (!pkt_stream_generate_custom(test, pkts, 2 * max_frags + 2))
-		ret = testapp_validate_traffic(test);
-	free(pkts);
-	return ret;
-static int xsk_load_xdp_programs(struct ifobject *ifobj)
-	ifobj->xdp_progs = xsk_xdp_progs__open_and_load();
-	if (libbpf_get_error(ifobj->xdp_progs))
-		return libbpf_get_error(ifobj->xdp_progs);
-	return 0;
-static void xsk_unload_xdp_programs(struct ifobject *ifobj)
-	xsk_xdp_progs__destroy(ifobj->xdp_progs);
-/* Simple test */
-static bool hugepages_present(void)
-	void *bufs;
-	bufs = mmap(NULL, mmap_sz, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
-	if (bufs == MAP_FAILED)
-		return false;
-	mmap_sz = ceil_u64(mmap_sz, HUGEPAGE_SIZE) * HUGEPAGE_SIZE;
-	munmap(bufs, mmap_sz);
-	return true;
-static int init_iface(struct ifobject *ifobj, thread_func_t func_ptr)
-	LIBBPF_OPTS(bpf_xdp_query_opts, query_opts);
-	int err;
-	ifobj->func_ptr = func_ptr;
-	err = xsk_load_xdp_programs(ifobj);
-	if (err) {
-		print_msg("Error loading XDP program\n");
-		return err;
-	}
-	if (hugepages_present())
-		ifobj->unaligned_supp = true;
-	err = bpf_xdp_query(ifobj->ifindex, XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE, &query_opts);
-	if (err) {
-		print_msg("Error querying XDP capabilities\n");
-		return err;
-	}
-	if (query_opts.feature_flags & NETDEV_XDP_ACT_RX_SG)
-		ifobj->multi_buff_supp = true;
-	if (query_opts.feature_flags & NETDEV_XDP_ACT_XSK_ZEROCOPY) {
-		if (query_opts.xdp_zc_max_segs > 1) {
-			ifobj->multi_buff_zc_supp = true;
-			ifobj->xdp_zc_max_segs = query_opts.xdp_zc_max_segs;
-		} else {
-			ifobj->xdp_zc_max_segs = 0;
-		}
-	}
-	return 0;
-static int testapp_send_receive(struct test_spec *test)
-	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
-static int testapp_send_receive_2k_frame(struct test_spec *test)
-	test->ifobj_tx->umem->frame_size = 2048;
-	test->ifobj_rx->umem->frame_size = 2048;
-	pkt_stream_replace(test, DEFAULT_PKT_CNT, MIN_PKT_SIZE);
-	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
-static int testapp_poll_rx(struct test_spec *test)
-	test->ifobj_rx->use_poll = true;
-	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
-static int testapp_poll_tx(struct test_spec *test)
-	test->ifobj_tx->use_poll = true;
-	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
-static int testapp_aligned_inv_desc(struct test_spec *test)
-	return testapp_invalid_desc(test);
-static int testapp_aligned_inv_desc_2k_frame(struct test_spec *test)
-	test->ifobj_tx->umem->frame_size = 2048;
-	test->ifobj_rx->umem->frame_size = 2048;
-	return testapp_invalid_desc(test);
-static int testapp_unaligned_inv_desc(struct test_spec *test)
-	test->ifobj_tx->umem->unaligned_mode = true;
-	test->ifobj_rx->umem->unaligned_mode = true;
-	return testapp_invalid_desc(test);
-static int testapp_unaligned_inv_desc_4001_frame(struct test_spec *test)
-	u64 page_size, umem_size;
-	/* Odd frame size so the UMEM doesn't end near a page boundary. */
-	test->ifobj_tx->umem->frame_size = 4001;
-	test->ifobj_rx->umem->frame_size = 4001;
-	test->ifobj_tx->umem->unaligned_mode = true;
-	test->ifobj_rx->umem->unaligned_mode = true;
-	/* This test exists to test descriptors that staddle the end of
-	 * the UMEM but not a page.
-	 */
-	page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
-	umem_size = test->ifobj_tx->umem->num_frames * test->ifobj_tx->umem->frame_size;
-	assert(umem_size % page_size > MIN_PKT_SIZE);
-	assert(umem_size % page_size < page_size - MIN_PKT_SIZE);
-	return testapp_invalid_desc(test);
-static int testapp_aligned_inv_desc_mb(struct test_spec *test)
-	return testapp_invalid_desc_mb(test);
-static int testapp_unaligned_inv_desc_mb(struct test_spec *test)
-	test->ifobj_tx->umem->unaligned_mode = true;
-	test->ifobj_rx->umem->unaligned_mode = true;
-	return testapp_invalid_desc_mb(test);
-static int testapp_xdp_metadata(struct test_spec *test)
-	return testapp_xdp_metadata_copy(test);
-static int testapp_xdp_metadata_mb(struct test_spec *test)
-	test->mtu = MAX_ETH_JUMBO_SIZE;
-	return testapp_xdp_metadata_copy(test);
-static int testapp_hw_sw_min_ring_size(struct test_spec *test)
-	int ret;
-	test->set_ring = true;
-	test->total_steps = 2;
-	test->ifobj_tx->ring.tx_pending = DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE;
-	test->ifobj_tx->ring.rx_pending = DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE * 2;
-	test->ifobj_tx->xsk->batch_size = 1;
-	test->ifobj_rx->xsk->batch_size = 1;
-	ret = testapp_validate_traffic(test);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-	/* Set batch size to hw_ring_size - 1 */
-	test->ifobj_tx->xsk->batch_size = DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE - 1;
-	test->ifobj_rx->xsk->batch_size = DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE - 1;
-	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
-static int testapp_hw_sw_max_ring_size(struct test_spec *test)
-	u32 max_descs = XSK_RING_PROD__DEFAULT_NUM_DESCS * 4;
-	int ret;
-	test->set_ring = true;
-	test->total_steps = 2;
-	test->ifobj_tx->ring.tx_pending = test->ifobj_tx->ring.tx_max_pending;
-	test->ifobj_tx->ring.rx_pending  = test->ifobj_tx->ring.rx_max_pending;
-	test->ifobj_rx->umem->num_frames = max_descs;
-	test->ifobj_rx->umem->fill_size = max_descs;
-	test->ifobj_rx->umem->comp_size = max_descs;
-	test->ifobj_tx->xsk->batch_size = XSK_RING_PROD__DEFAULT_NUM_DESCS;
-	test->ifobj_rx->xsk->batch_size = XSK_RING_PROD__DEFAULT_NUM_DESCS;
-	ret = testapp_validate_traffic(test);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-	/* Set batch_size to 8152 for testing, as the ice HW ignores the 3 lowest bits when
-	 * updating the Rx HW tail register.
-	 */
-	test->ifobj_tx->xsk->batch_size = test->ifobj_tx->ring.tx_max_pending - 8;
-	test->ifobj_rx->xsk->batch_size = test->ifobj_tx->ring.tx_max_pending - 8;
-	pkt_stream_replace(test, max_descs, MIN_PKT_SIZE);
-	return testapp_validate_traffic(test);
-static void run_pkt_test(struct test_spec *test)
-	int ret;
-	ret = test->test_func(test);
-	if (ret == TEST_PASS)
-		ksft_test_result_pass("PASS: %s %s%s\n", mode_string(test), busy_poll_string(test),
-				      test->name);
-	pkt_stream_restore_default(test);
-static struct ifobject *ifobject_create(void)
-	struct ifobject *ifobj;
-	ifobj = calloc(1, sizeof(struct ifobject));
-	if (!ifobj)
-		return NULL;
-	ifobj->xsk_arr = calloc(MAX_SOCKETS, sizeof(*ifobj->xsk_arr));
-	if (!ifobj->xsk_arr)
-		goto out_xsk_arr;
-	ifobj->umem = calloc(1, sizeof(*ifobj->umem));
-	if (!ifobj->umem)
-		goto out_umem;
-	return ifobj;
-	free(ifobj->xsk_arr);
-	free(ifobj);
-	return NULL;
-static void ifobject_delete(struct ifobject *ifobj)
-	free(ifobj->umem);
-	free(ifobj->xsk_arr);
-	free(ifobj);
-static bool is_xdp_supported(int ifindex)
-	int flags = XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE;
-	LIBBPF_OPTS(bpf_link_create_opts, opts, .flags = flags);
-	struct bpf_insn insns[2] = {
-	};
-	int prog_fd, insn_cnt = ARRAY_SIZE(insns);
-	int err;
-	prog_fd = bpf_prog_load(BPF_PROG_TYPE_XDP, NULL, "GPL", insns, insn_cnt, NULL);
-	if (prog_fd < 0)
-		return false;
-	err = bpf_xdp_attach(ifindex, prog_fd, flags, NULL);
-	if (err) {
-		close(prog_fd);
-		return false;
-	}
-	bpf_xdp_detach(ifindex, flags, NULL);
-	close(prog_fd);
-	return true;
-static const struct test_spec tests[] = {
-	{.name = "SEND_RECEIVE", .test_func = testapp_send_receive},
-	{.name = "SEND_RECEIVE_2K_FRAME", .test_func = testapp_send_receive_2k_frame},
-	{.name = "SEND_RECEIVE_SINGLE_PKT", .test_func = testapp_single_pkt},
-	{.name = "POLL_RX", .test_func = testapp_poll_rx},
-	{.name = "POLL_TX", .test_func = testapp_poll_tx},
-	{.name = "POLL_RXQ_FULL", .test_func = testapp_poll_rxq_tmout},
-	{.name = "POLL_TXQ_FULL", .test_func = testapp_poll_txq_tmout},
-	{.name = "SEND_RECEIVE_UNALIGNED", .test_func = testapp_send_receive_unaligned},
-	{.name = "ALIGNED_INV_DESC", .test_func = testapp_aligned_inv_desc},
-	{.name = "ALIGNED_INV_DESC_2K_FRAME_SIZE", .test_func = testapp_aligned_inv_desc_2k_frame},
-	{.name = "UNALIGNED_INV_DESC", .test_func = testapp_unaligned_inv_desc},
-	 .test_func = testapp_unaligned_inv_desc_4001_frame},
-	{.name = "UMEM_HEADROOM", .test_func = testapp_headroom},
-	{.name = "TEARDOWN", .test_func = testapp_teardown},
-	{.name = "BIDIRECTIONAL", .test_func = testapp_bidirectional},
-	{.name = "STAT_RX_DROPPED", .test_func = testapp_stats_rx_dropped},
-	{.name = "STAT_TX_INVALID", .test_func = testapp_stats_tx_invalid_descs},
-	{.name = "STAT_RX_FULL", .test_func = testapp_stats_rx_full},
-	{.name = "STAT_FILL_EMPTY", .test_func = testapp_stats_fill_empty},
-	{.name = "XDP_PROG_CLEANUP", .test_func = testapp_xdp_prog_cleanup},
-	{.name = "XDP_DROP_HALF", .test_func = testapp_xdp_drop},
-	{.name = "XDP_SHARED_UMEM", .test_func = testapp_xdp_shared_umem},
-	{.name = "XDP_METADATA_COPY", .test_func = testapp_xdp_metadata},
-	{.name = "XDP_METADATA_COPY_MULTI_BUFF", .test_func = testapp_xdp_metadata_mb},
-	{.name = "SEND_RECEIVE_9K_PACKETS", .test_func = testapp_send_receive_mb},
-	 .test_func = testapp_send_receive_unaligned_mb},
-	{.name = "ALIGNED_INV_DESC_MULTI_BUFF", .test_func = testapp_aligned_inv_desc_mb},
-	{.name = "UNALIGNED_INV_DESC_MULTI_BUFF", .test_func = testapp_unaligned_inv_desc_mb},
-	{.name = "TOO_MANY_FRAGS", .test_func = testapp_too_many_frags},
-	{.name = "HW_SW_MIN_RING_SIZE", .test_func = testapp_hw_sw_min_ring_size},
-	{.name = "HW_SW_MAX_RING_SIZE", .test_func = testapp_hw_sw_max_ring_size},
-	};
 static void print_tests(void)
 	u32 i;
@@ -2813,7 +372,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
-	test_spec_init(&test, ifobj_tx, ifobj_rx, 0, &tests[0]);
+	test_init(&test, ifobj_tx, ifobj_rx, 0, &tests[0]);
 	tx_pkt_stream_default = pkt_stream_generate(DEFAULT_PKT_CNT, MIN_PKT_SIZE);
 	rx_pkt_stream_default = pkt_stream_generate(DEFAULT_PKT_CNT, MIN_PKT_SIZE);
 	if (!tx_pkt_stream_default || !rx_pkt_stream_default)
@@ -2848,7 +407,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 			if (opt_run_test != RUN_ALL_TESTS && j != opt_run_test)
-			test_spec_init(&test, ifobj_tx, ifobj_rx, i, &tests[j]);
+			test_init(&test, ifobj_tx, ifobj_rx, i, &tests[j]);
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/xskxceiver.h b/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/xskxceiver.h
index 5037ea8ddaf9257e6160ee201c75ed8928d02ce1..3ca518df23adaf44fe460f627b45cb018e9c4b4a 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/xskxceiver.h
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/xskxceiver.h
@@ -22,169 +22,13 @@
 #define PF_XDP AF_XDP
-#define TEST_PASS 0
-#define TEST_FAILURE -1
-#define TEST_CONTINUE 1
-#define TEST_SKIP 2
-#define MAX_TEST_NAME_SIZE 48
-#define PKT_HDR_SIZE (sizeof(struct ethhdr) + 2) /* Just to align the data in the packet */
-#define MIN_PKT_SIZE 64
-#define MAX_ETH_PKT_SIZE 1518
 #define MAX_ETH_JUMBO_SIZE 9000
-#define USLEEP_MAX 10000
 #define SOCK_RECONF_CTR 10
-#define POLL_TMOUT 1000
-#define THREAD_TMOUT 3
-#define DEFAULT_PKT_CNT (4 * 1024)
 #define RX_FULL_RXQSIZE 32
-#define XSK_UMEM__LARGE_FRAME_SIZE (3 * 1024)
-#define XSK_UMEM__MAX_FRAME_SIZE (4 * 1024)
-#define XSK_DESC__INVALID_OPTION (0xffff)
-#define HUGEPAGE_SIZE (2 * 1024 * 1024)
-#define PKT_DUMP_NB_TO_PRINT 16
-#define print_msg(x...) ksft_print_msg(x)
-#define print_verbose(x...) do { if (opt_verbose) ksft_print_msg(x); } while (0)
-#define skip_reason(x...) ksft_test_result_skip(x)
-#define fail_reason(x...) ksft_test_result_fail(x)
-enum test_mode {
-struct xsk_umem_info {
-	struct xsk_ring_prod fq;
-	struct xsk_ring_cons cq;
-	struct xsk_umem *umem;
-	u64 next_buffer;
-	u32 num_frames;
-	u32 frame_headroom;
-	void *buffer;
-	u32 frame_size;
-	u32 base_addr;
-	u32 fill_size;
-	u32 comp_size;
-	bool unaligned_mode;
-struct xsk_socket_info {
-	struct xsk_ring_cons rx;
-	struct xsk_ring_prod tx;
-	struct xsk_umem_info *umem;
-	struct xsk_socket *xsk;
-	struct pkt_stream *pkt_stream;
-	u32 outstanding_tx;
-	u32 rxqsize;
-	u32 batch_size;
-	u8 dst_mac[ETH_ALEN];
-	u8 src_mac[ETH_ALEN];
-struct pkt {
-	int offset;
-	u32 len;
-	u32 pkt_nb;
-	bool valid;
-	u16 options;
-struct pkt_stream {
-	u32 nb_pkts;
-	u32 current_pkt_nb;
-	struct pkt *pkts;
-	u32 max_pkt_len;
-	u32 nb_rx_pkts;
-	u32 nb_valid_entries;
-	bool verbatim;
-struct set_hw_ring {
-	u32 default_tx;
-	u32 default_rx;
-struct ifobject;
-struct test_spec;
-typedef int (*validation_func_t)(struct ifobject *ifobj);
-typedef void *(*thread_func_t)(void *arg);
-typedef int (*test_func_t)(struct test_spec *test);
-struct ifobject {
-	struct xsk_socket_info *xsk;
-	struct xsk_socket_info *xsk_arr;
-	struct xsk_umem_info *umem;
-	thread_func_t func_ptr;
-	validation_func_t validation_func;
-	struct xsk_xdp_progs *xdp_progs;
-	struct bpf_map *xskmap;
-	struct bpf_program *xdp_prog;
-	struct ethtool_ringparam ring;
-	struct set_hw_ring set_ring;
-	enum test_mode mode;
-	int ifindex;
-	int mtu;
-	u32 bind_flags;
-	u32 xdp_zc_max_segs;
-	bool tx_on;
-	bool rx_on;
-	bool use_poll;
-	bool busy_poll;
-	bool use_fill_ring;
-	bool release_rx;
-	bool shared_umem;
-	bool use_metadata;
-	bool unaligned_supp;
-	bool multi_buff_supp;
-	bool multi_buff_zc_supp;
-	bool hw_ring_size_supp;
-struct test_spec {
-	struct ifobject *ifobj_tx;
-	struct ifobject *ifobj_rx;
-	struct pkt_stream *tx_pkt_stream_default;
-	struct pkt_stream *rx_pkt_stream_default;
-	struct bpf_program *xdp_prog_rx;
-	struct bpf_program *xdp_prog_tx;
-	struct bpf_map *xskmap_rx;
-	struct bpf_map *xskmap_tx;
-	test_func_t test_func;
-	int mtu;
-	u16 total_steps;
-	u16 current_step;
-	u16 nb_sockets;
-	bool fail;
-	bool set_ring;
-	enum test_mode mode;
-	char name[MAX_TEST_NAME_SIZE];
-pthread_barrier_t barr;
-pthread_mutex_t pacing_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
-int pkts_in_flight;
-static const u8 g_mac[ETH_ALEN] = {0x55, 0x44, 0x33, 0x22, 0x11, 0x00};
 #endif				/* XSKXCEIVER_H_ */


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