[BUG?] loxilb tc BPF program cause Loongarch kernel hard lockup

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I have an issue recorded here [0] with kernel call trace  when I start
loxilb, the loxilb tc BPF program seems to be loaded and attached to
the network interface, but immediately it causes a loongarch kernel
hard lockup, no keyboard response. Sometimes the panic call trace
shows up in the monitor screen after I disabled kernel panic reboot
(echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/panic) and started loxilb.

Background: I ported open source IPFire [1] to Loongarch CPU
architecture and enabled kernel BPF features, added loxilb as LFS
(Linux from scratch) addon software, loxilb has libbpf 1.5.0
which has loongarch support [2]. The same loxilb addon runs fine on
x86 architecture. Any clue on this?

[0]: https://github.com/vincentmli/BPFire/issues/76
[1]: https://github.com/ipfire/ipfire-2.x
[2]: https://github.com/loxilb-io/loxilb/issues/972


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