Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: [PATCH net-next v3 3/3] net: ti: icssg-prueth: Add XDP support

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Hi Dan,

On 3/3/2025 7:38 PM, Dan Carpenter wrote:
What I mean is just compile the .o file with and without the unlikely(). $ md5sum drivers/net/ethernet/ti/icssg/icssg_common. o* 2de875935222b9ecd8483e61848c4fc9 drivers/net/ethernet/ti/icssg/ icssg_common. o. annotation 2de875935222b9ecd8483e61848c4fc9
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<! uldq3TevVoc7KuXEXHnDf- TXtuZ0bON9iO0jTE7PyIS1jjfs_CzpvIiMi93PVt0MVDzjHGQSK__vY_-6rO7q86rFmBMGW4SSqK5pvNE$>

What I mean is just compile the .o file with and without the unlikely().

$ md5sum drivers/net/ethernet/ti/icssg/icssg_common.o*
2de875935222b9ecd8483e61848c4fc9  drivers/net/ethernet/ti/icssg/icssg_common.o.annotation
2de875935222b9ecd8483e61848c4fc9  drivers/net/ethernet/ti/icssg/icssg_common.o.no_anotation

Generally the rule is that you should leave likely/unlikely() annotations
out unless it's going to make a difference on a benchmark.  I'm not going
to jump down people's throat about this, and if you want to leave it,
it's fine.  But it just struct me as weird so that's why I commented on

I have done some performance tests to see if unlikely() is gonna make any impact and I see around ~9000 pps and 6Mbps drop without unlikely() for small packet sizes (60 Bytes)

You can see summary of the tests here:

packet size   with unlikely(pps)  without unlikely(pps)   regression

      60        462377                453251                 9126

      80        403020                399372                 3648

      96        402059                396881                 5178

     120        392725                391312                 4413

     140        327706                327099                 607

packet size  with unlikely(Mbps)  without unlikely(Mbps)  regression

     60         311                   305                    6

     80         335                   332                    3

     96         386                   381                    5

     120        456                   451                    5

     140        430                   429                    1

For more details on the logs, please refer:

Meghana Malladi

dan carpenter

diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/icssg/icssg_common.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/icssg/icssg_common.c
index 34d16e00c2ec..3db5bae44e61 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/icssg/icssg_common.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/ti/icssg/icssg_common.c
@@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ static int emac_run_xdp(struct prueth_emac *emac, struct xdp_buff *xdp,
  	case XDP_TX:
  		/* Send packet to TX ring for immediate transmission */
  		xdpf = xdp_convert_buff_to_frame(xdp);
-		if (unlikely(!xdpf))
+		if (!xdpf)
  			goto drop;
q_idx = smp_processor_id() % emac->tx_ch_num;

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