Re: [PATCH bpf-next v4 0/2] Introduced to support the ULP to get or set sockets

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On 2/28/25 12:53 AM, zhangmingyi wrote:
From: Mingyi Zhang <zhangmingyi5@xxxxxxxxxx>

We want call bpf_setsockopt to replace the kernel module in the TCP_ULP
case. The purpose is to customize the behavior in connect and sendmsg
after the user-defined ko file is loaded. We have an open source
community project kmesh ( Based on this, we refer to some
processes of tcp fastopen to implement delayed connet and perform HTTP
DNAT when sendmsg.In this case, we need to parse HTTP packets in the
bpf program and set TCP_ULP for the specified socket.

Note that tcp_getsockopt and tcp_setsockopt support TCP_ULP, while
bpf_getsockopt and bpf_setsockopt do not support TCP_ULP.
I'm not sure why there is such a difference, but I noticed that
tcp_setsockopt is called in bpf_setsockopt.I think we can add the
handling of this case.

Please stop sending multiple new versions while the earlier raised questions
still have not been replied [1]. Also, netdev is still not cc-ed.


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