Re: [PATCH v2 bpf-next 2/5] bpf: Introduce "volatile compare" macro

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On 1/5/24 1:47 PM, Eduard Zingerman wrote:
On Mon, 2023-12-25 at 12:33 -0800, Alexei Starovoitov wrote:
It turned out there are indeed a bunch of redundant shifts
when u32 or s32 is passed into "r" asm constraint.

Strangely the shifts are there when compiled with -mcpu=v3 or v4
and no shifts with -mcpu=v1 and v2.

Also weird that u8 and u16 are passed into "r" without redundant shifts.
Hence I found a "workaround": cast u32 into u16 while passing.
The truncation of u32 doesn't happen and shifts to zero upper 32-bit
are gone as well.
Regarding unnecessary shifts.
Sorry, a long email about minor feature/defect.

So, currently the following C program
(and it's variations with implicit casts):

     extern unsigned long bar(void);
     void foo(void) {
       asm volatile ("%[reg] += 1"::[reg]"r"((unsigned)bar()));

Is translated to the following BPF:

     $ clang -mcpu=v3 -O2 --target=bpf -mcpu=v3 -c -o - t.c | llvm-objdump --no-show-raw-insn -d -
<stdin>: file format elf64-bpf Disassembly of section .text: 0000000000000000 <foo>:
            0:	call -0x1
            1:	r0 <<= 0x20
            2:	r0 >>= 0x20
            3:	r0 += 0x1
            4:	exit
Note: no additional shifts are generated when "w" (32-bit register)
       constraint is used instead of "r".

First, is this right or wrong?

C language spec [1] paragraph (Cast operators -> Semantics) says
the following:

   If the value of the expression is represented with greater range or
   precision than required by the type named by the cast (,
   then the cast specifies a conversion even if the type of the
   expression is the same as the named type and removes any extra range
   and precision.                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
What other LLVM backends do in such situations?
Consider the following program translated to amd64 [2] and aarch64 [3]:

     void foo(void) {
       asm volatile("mov %[reg],%[reg]"::[reg]"r"((unsigned long)  bar())); // 1
       asm volatile("mov %[reg],%[reg]"::[reg]"r"((unsigned int)   bar())); // 2
       asm volatile("mov %[reg],%[reg]"::[reg]"r"((unsigned short) bar())); // 3

- for amd64 register of proper size is selected for `reg`;
- for aarch64 warnings about wrong operand size are emitted at (2) and (3)
   and 64-bit register is used w/o generating any additional instructions.

(Note, however, that 'arm' silently ignores the issue and uses 32-bit
  registers for all three points).

So, it looks like that something of this sort should be done:
- either extra precision should be removed via additional instructions;
- or 32-bit register should be picked for `reg`;
- or warning should be emitted as in aarch64 case.


Second, what to do?

I think that the following steps are needed:
- Investigation described in the next section shows that currently two
   shifts are generated accidentally w/o real intent to shed precision.
   I have a patch [6] that removes shifts generation, it should be applied.
- When 32-bit value is passed to "r" constraint:
   - for cpu v3/v4 a 32-bit register should be selected;
   - for cpu v1/v2 a warning should be reported.

Third, why two shifts are generated?

(Details here might be interesting to Yonghong, regular reader could
  skip this section).

The two shifts are result of interaction between two IR constructs
`trunc` and `asm`. The C program above looks as follows in LLVM IR
before machine code generation:

     declare dso_local i64 @bar()
     define dso_local void @foo(i32 %p) {
       %call = call i64 @bar()
       %v32 = trunc i64 %call to i32
       tail call void asm sideeffect "$0 += 1", "r"(i32 %v32)
       ret void

Initial selection DAG:

     $ llc -debug-only=isel -march=bpf -mcpu=v3 --filetype=asm -o - t.ll
     SelectionDAG has 21 nodes:
       t10: i64,ch,glue = CopyFromReg t8, Register:i64 $r0, t8:1
    !     t11: i32 = truncate t10
    !    t15: i64 = zero_extend t11
       t17: ch,glue = CopyToReg t10:1, Register:i64 %1, t15
         t19: ch,glue = inlineasm t17, TargetExternalSymbol:i64'$0 += 1', MDNode:ch<null>,
                          TargetConstant:i64<1>, TargetConstant:i32<131081>, Register:i64 %1, t17:1

Note values t11 and t15 marked with (!).

Optimized lowered selection DAG for this fragment:

     t10: i64,ch,glue = CopyFromReg t8, Register:i64 $r0, t8:1
   !   t22: i64 = and t10, Constant:i64<4294967295>
     t17: ch,glue = CopyToReg t10:1, Register:i64 %1, t22
       t19: ch,glue = inlineasm t17, TargetExternalSymbol:i64'$0 += 1', MDNode:ch<null>,
                        TargetConstant:i64<1>, TargetConstant:i32<131081>, Register:i64 %1, t17:1

Note (zext (truncate ...)) converted to (and ... 0xffff_ffff).

DAG after instruction selection:

     t10: i64,ch,glue = CopyFromReg t8:1, Register:i64 $r0, t8:2
   !     t25: i64 = SLL_ri t10, TargetConstant:i64<32>
   !   t22: i64 = SRL_ri t25, TargetConstant:i64<32>
     t17: ch,glue = CopyToReg t10:1, Register:i64 %1, t22
       t23: ch,glue = inlineasm t17, TargetExternalSymbol:i64'$0 += 1', MDNode:ch<null>,
                        TargetConstant:i64<1>, TargetConstant:i32<131081>, Register:i64 %1, t17:1

Note (and ... 0xffff_ffff) converted to (SRL_ri (SLL_ri ...)).
This happens because of the following pattern from

     // 0xffffFFFF doesn't fit into simm32, optimize common case
     def : Pat<(i64 (and (i64 GPR:$src), 0xffffFFFF)),
               (SRL_ri (SLL_ri (i64 GPR:$src), 32), 32)>;

So, the two shift instructions are result of translation of (zext (trunc ...)).
However, closer examination shows that zext DAG node was generated
almost by accident. Here is the backtrace for when this node was created:

     Breakpoint 1, llvm::SelectionDAG::getNode (... Opcode=202) ;; 202 is opcode for ZERO_EXTEND
         at .../SelectionDAG.cpp:5605
     (gdb) bt
     #0  llvm::SelectionDAG::getNode (...)
         at ...SelectionDAG.cpp:5605
     #1  0x... in getCopyToParts (..., ExtendKind=llvm::ISD::ZERO_EXTEND)
         at .../SelectionDAGBuilder.cpp:537
     #2  0x... in llvm::RegsForValue::getCopyToRegs (... PreferredExtendType=llvm::ISD::ANY_EXTEND)
         at .../SelectionDAGBuilder.cpp:958
     #3  0x... in llvm::SelectionDAGBuilder::visitInlineAsm(...)
         at .../SelectionDAGBuilder.cpp:9640

The stack frame #2 is interesting, here is the code for it [4]:

     void RegsForValue::getCopyToRegs(SDValue Val, SelectionDAG &DAG,
                                      const SDLoc &dl, SDValue &Chain, SDValue *Glue,
                                      const Value *V,
                                      ISD::NodeType PreferredExtendType) const {
                                                    '-- this is ANY_EXTEND
       for (unsigned Value = 0, Part = 0, e = ValueVTs.size(); Value != e; ++Value) {
                                                    .-- this returns true
         if (ExtendKind == ISD::ANY_EXTEND && TLI.isZExtFree(Val, RegisterVT))
           ExtendKind = ISD::ZERO_EXTEND;
.-- this is ZERO_EXTEND
         getCopyToParts(..., ExtendKind);
         Part += NumParts;

The getCopyToRegs() function was called with ANY_EXTEND preference,
but switched to ZERO_EXTEND because TLI.isZExtFree() currently returns
true for any 32 to 64-bit conversion [5].
However, in this case this is clearly a mistake, as zero extension of
(zext i64 (truncate i32 ...)) costs two instructions.

The isZExtFree() behavior could be changed to report false for such
situations, as in my patch [6]. This in turn removes zext =>
removes two shifts from final asm.
Here is how DAG/asm look after patch [6]:

     Initial selection DAG:
       t10: i64,ch,glue = CopyFromReg t8, Register:i64 $r0, t8:1
   !   t11: i32 = truncate t10
       t16: ch,glue = CopyToReg t10:1, Register:i64 %1, t10
         t18: ch,glue = inlineasm t16, TargetExternalSymbol:i64'$0 += 1', MDNode:ch<null>,
                          TargetConstant:i64<1>, TargetConstant:i32<131081>, Register:i64 %1, t16:1
Final asm:

     # %bb.0:
     	call bar
     	r0 += 1

Thanks for the detailed analysis! Previously we intend to do the following:

- When 32-bit value is passed to "r" constraint:
  - for cpu v3/v4 a 32-bit register should be selected;
  - for cpu v1/v2 a warning should be reported.

So in the above, the desired asm code should be

    # %bb.0:
    	call bar
    	w0 += 1

for cpuv3/cpuv4. I guess some more work in llvm is needed
to achieve that.

On the other hand, for cpuv3/v4, for regular C code,
I think the compiler might be already omitting the conversion and use w
register already. So I am not sure whether the patch [6]
is needed or not. Could you double check?

Note that [6] is a very minor change, it does not affect code
generation for selftests at all and I was unable to conjure examples
where it has effect aside from inline asm parameters.


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