Re: BPF GCC status - Nov 2023

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> On 11/29/23 2:08 AM, Jose E. Marchesi wrote:
>>> On 11/28/23 11:23 AM, Jose E. Marchesi wrote:
>>>> [During LPC 2023 we talked about improving communication between the GCC
>>>>    BPF toolchain port and the kernel side.  This is the first periodical
>>>>    report that we plan to publish in the GCC wiki and send to interested
>>>>    parties.  Hopefully this will help.]
>>>> GCC wiki page for the port:
>>>> IRC channel: #gccbpf at
>>>> Help on using the port: gcc@xxxxxxxxxxx
>>>> Patches and/or development discussions: gcc-patches@xxxxxxx
>>> Thanks a lot for detailed report. Really helpful to nail down
>>> issues facing one or both compilers. See comments below for
>>> some mentioned issues.
>>>> Assembler
>>>> =========
>>> [...]
>>>> - In the Pseudo-C syntax register names are not preceded by % characters
>>>>     nor any other prefix.  A consequence of that is that in contexts like
>>>>     instruction operands, where both register names and expressions
>>>>     involving symbols are expected, there is no way to disambiguate
>>>>     between them.  GAS was allowing symbols like `w3' or `r5' in syntactic
>>>>     contexts where no registers were expected, such as in:
>>>>       r0 = w3 ll  ; GAS interpreted w3 as symbol, clang emits error
>>>>     The clang assembler wasn't allowing that.  During LPC we agreed that
>>>>     the simplest approach is to not allow any symbol to have the same name
>>>>     than a register, in any context.  So we changed GAS so it now doesn't
>>>>     allow to use register names as symbols in any expression, such as:
>>>>       r0 = w3 + 1 ll  ; This now fails for both GAS and llvm.
>>>>       r0 = 1 + w3 ll  ; NOTE this does not fail with llvm, but it should.
>>> Could you provide a reproducible case above for llvm? llvm does not
>>> support syntax like 'r0 = 1 + w3 ll'. For add, it only supports
>>> 'r1 += r2' or 'r1 += 100' syntax.
>> It is a 128-bit load with an expression.  In compiler explorer, clang:
>>    int
>>    foo ()
>>    {
>>      asm volatile ("r1 = 10 + w3 ll");
>>      return 0;
>>    }
>> I get:
>>    foo:                                    # @foo
>>            r1 = 10+w3 ll
>>            r0 = 0
>>            exit
>> i.e. `10 + w3' is interpreted as an expression with two operands: the
>> literal number 10 and a symbol (not a register) `w3'.
>> If the expression is `w3+10' instead, your parser recognizes the w3 as a
>> register name and errors out, as expected.
>> I suppose llvm allows to hook on the expression parser to handle
>> individual operands.  That's how we handled this in GAS.
> Thanks for the code. I can reproduce the result with compiler explorer.
> The following is the link
> where I added -grecord-gcc-switches to dump compilation flags
> into .s file.
> The following is the compiler explorer compilation command line:
> /opt/compiler-explorer/clang-trunk-20231129/bin/clang-18 -g -o /app/output.s \
>   -S --target=bpf -fcolor-diagnostics -gen-reproducer=off -O2 \
>   -g -grecord-command-line /app/example.c
> I then compile the above C code with
>   clang -g -S --target=bpf -fcolor-diagnostics -gen-reproducer=off -O2 -g -grecord-command-line t.c
> with identical flags.
> I tried locally with llvm16/17/18. They all failed compilation since
> 'r1 = 10+w3 ll' cannot be recognized by the llvm.
> We will investigate why llvm18 in compiler explorer compiles
> differently from my local build.

I updated git llvm master today and I managed to reproduce locally with:

jemarch@termi:~/gnu/src/llvm-project/llvm/build$ clang --version
clang version 18.0.0 ( 586986a063ee4b9a7490aac102e103bab121c764)
Target: unknown
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /usr/local/bin
$ cat foo.c
    foo ()
      asm volatile ("r1 = 10 + w3 ll");
      return 0;
$ clang -target bpf -c foo.c
$ llvm-objdump -dr foo.o

foo.o:	file format elf64-bpf

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000000000 <foo>:
       0:	18 01 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00	r1 = 0xa ll
		0000000000000000:  R_BPF_64_64	w3
       2:	b7 00 00 00 00 00 00 00	r0 = 0x0
       3:	95 00 00 00 00 00 00 00	exit

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