Dear Sir,
I'm modifying bluez-libs and bluez-utils (i'm using
3.9 version) to introduce new pdu relating to registration, request and
response of new services. For example i'm adding new pdu types, defining them into bluez-libs-3.9/include/sdp.h
# define SDP_NEW_REGISTER_REQ 0x85
during debugging I returned errno = EINVAL (in function process_request
written in bluez_utils_3.9/sdpd/request.c )and the sdp daemon log file
gets the following result:
Jun 25 21:26:31 pinta-desktop hcid[4967]: Unknown PDU ID : 0x85 received How can i accept new types of pdu declared? Is
there a way to debug sdp daemon alternative to log file, for example
using gdb o using particular options in ./configure command? I tried
using --enable-debug option for configure and launching gdb, but they
don't work.
Thanks for your support and sorry for my english.
Best Regards, Carlo M.
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