This Week: On World Ocean Day, a new Secretary’s Order will phase out single-use plastic products on public lands by 2032; Interior commemorates a key step toward delivering clean water to more than 1,500 Tribal households; BOEM announces an environmental review of Maryland's first proposed offshore wind energy project; Secretary Haaland designates nine new national recreation trails in seven states, adding nearly 600 miles to the National Trails System; Interior leaders meet in Idaho to discuss wildland fire preparedness and response; BSEE's National Oil Spill Response Research and Renewable Energy Test Facility has reopened after upgrades; revised proposed regulations would allow endangered species to better resist climate change and other dangers; World War II veterans are honored on the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Midway; and we celebrate fish and boating in our social media Picture of the Week!
Secretary Haaland Issues Order to Phase Out Single-Use Plastics on World Ocean Day
 Secretary Haaland marked World Ocean Day with a Secretary’s Order to phase out single-use plastic products on public lands by 2032. The Order also directs Interior to identify alternatives to single-use plastic products, such as compostable or biodegradable materials, or 100-percent recycled materials.
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Adds Critical Resources to Newly Completed Tribal Water Delivery Project
 Assistant Secretary for Water and Science Tanya Trujillo joined an event to commemorate the completion of a major component of the Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project that will deliver water to more than 1,500 households within the Navajo Nation and Jicarilla Apache Nation.
BOEM Announces Environmental Review of First Maryland Wind Project
 The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management announced an environmental review of Maryland's first proposed offshore wind energy project. The lease area, located about 10 nautical miles off the coast of Ocean City, could support nearly 2,700 jobs annually over seven years and power up to 650,000 homes.
Secretary Haaland Designates Nine New National Recreation Trails
 In celebration of Great Outdoors Month and National Trails Day, Secretary Haaland designated nine new national recreation trails in seven states, adding nearly 600 miles to the National Trails System.
 Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy, Management and Budget Joan Mooney traveled to the National Interagency Fire Center in Idaho to meet with leadership and staff from across the agency to learn how Interior is responding to emergencies, as well as preparing for and responding to wildland fire.
 The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement’s National Oil Spill Response Research and Renewable Energy Test Facility reopened this week. The facility, known as Ohmsett, underwent significant refurbishment over the past eight months as part of BSEE’s ongoing maintenance plan.
 The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed revising regulations to allow for the introduction of threatened or endangered species to suitable habitats outside of their historical ranges. This will help imperiled species recover as they face the growing impacts of climate change and invasive species.
 The Service joined the U.S. Navy this week to honor World War II veterans on the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Midway. Ceremonies were held at Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge and the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific in Honolulu.