News.Bytes, Bureau of Land Management California ISSUE 767 - MAY 25, 2017 - Your Public Lands - Headlines and Highlights - BLM and DOI Highlights - Wildlife Question of the Week - Upcoming Events YOUR PUBLIC LANDS Memorial Day Weekend in the King Range Wilderness Permits for overnight backpacking and camping in the King Range Wilderness are sold out for Memorial Day Weekend, but there are still opportunities to enjoy the spectacular King Range over the holiday. There are four campgrounds accessible by vehicle that offer space on a first-come, first served basis and a wide variety of trails open for day hiking. Permits are not needed for these adventures. (BLM California Facebook),2tws1,3xn3,h67n,btul,1bct,ijo3 Bus Shuttles Offered for Bizz Johnson National Recreational Trail The Bureau of Land Management encourages the public to take advantage of the Lassen Rural Bus service for the Bizz Johnson National Recreational Trail. The service offers bike shuttles for large groups, which helps eliminate the need to arrange vehicle shuttles. Trail users can take advantage of the West County Commuter Route operated by Lassen Rural Bus from Mondays through Saturdays. Bike rack-equipped buses leave from stops in Susanville and can drop cyclists, hikers and runners off at Devil's Corral, Fredonyer Summit and Westwood. Return biking or hiking trips to Susanville are about 7, 18 and 30 miles on the Bizz Johnson Trail. (BLM News Release) \,2tws1,3xn3,fvdk,9r17,1bct,ijo3 Lifelong Learning on Public Lands The Arcata Field Office conducted an educational field tour for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Humboldt State University (OLLI HSU) at BLM Lacks Creek Management Area. 24 members from OLLI participated, BLM resource specialists discussed the natural history of the area and management projects including prairie and forest restoration, mountain bike trail development, watershed restoration and the plant phenology network. Participants hiked through a restored oak woodland and forest to the shaded waters of upper Lacks Creek. (BLM California Facebook),2tws1,3xn3,52ie,mdwv,1bct,ijo3 Please Be Aware, Swiftwater Danger Along Kern River Water in the Kern River is extremely high this year due to record snowmelt and runoff in the high sierra. The Lower Kern River is running at over 4,000 cubic feet per second (cfs) below Lake Isabella, well over four times its rate during this time for the last several years. These conditions have created a potentially hazardous situation for both the public and BLM staff. In Keysville, high water levels and slippery rocks/ treacherous footing along the river’s edge mean that we all need to exercise extra caution, especially this year. (BLM California Facebook),2tws1,3xn3,2swc,19c3,1bct,ijo3 HEADLINES AND HIGHLIGHTS BLM Bakersfield Field Office Issues Fire Restrictions The Bureau of Land Management Bakersfield Field Office is issuing fire restrictions effective immediately for federal public lands in several Central California counties to respond to increasing fire danger. These restrictions include all BLM-managed public lands in Tulare, Fresno, Kings, Kern, Madera, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and Ventura counties. Fire restrictions will affect all BLM recreational areas including Three Rivers, San Joaquin River Gorge, Lake Isabella, Chimney Peak, Kennedy Meadows and the Carrizo Plain National Monument. (BLM News Release),2tws1,3xn3,hki5,anu0,1bct,ijo3 Wildland Fire Updates For the latest wildland fire information be sure to utilize InciWeb and the CAL Fire Information website.,2tws1,3xn3,kxud,ayi7,1bct,ijo3,2tws1,3xn3,3j2m,c366,1bct,ijo3 A Tool for Natural Resource Managers, Ranchers and Researchers Developed by the The University of Arizona, DroughtView is an online tool that allows users to view current and past drought conditions. Users can view remote sensing drought data with overlays that include past fires, current fires, grazing allotments, tribal lands and watersheds. DroughtView allows individual users to report drought-related impacts in their region so that other users can view where impacts are occurring. (University of Arizona website),2tws1,3xn3,50yp,13hu,1bct,ijo3 BLM AND DOI HIGHLIGHTS "Making a Difference" Award Bureau of Land Management presented eight awards to valuable volunteers from across the nation, including three youth awards. Across the nation, volunteers are integral to helping BLM achieve its day-to- day responsibilities of public land stewardship. Last year alone, over 27,000 BLM volunteers performed nearly 1 million hours of service, valued at close to $23 million. The annual “Making a Difference” Award recognizes exceptional volunteers who have contributed thousands of hours to improving the public lands. These hard-working volunteers have helped the BLM monitor cultural resources, improve fish habitats, keep campers safe, and provide environmental education, interpretation, and other visitor services. (My Public Lands Tumblr),2tws1,3xn3,aac3,liyo,1bct,ijo3 Related: BLM Honors Outstanding Volunteers at 'Making a Difference' Awards Ceremony (BLM News Release),2tws1,3xn3,5jeu,g8to,1bct,ijo3 President Proposes $11.7 Billion Budget for Interior in FY2018 The President's budget allows Interior to carry out its core mission of responsible multiple-use of public lands in a way that both conserves America’s iconic landscapes and supports responsible resource development. (DOI News Release),2tws1,3xn3,9oyc,hx7j,1bct,ijo3 BLM and Team Rubicon Train New Wildland Firefighters The Bureau of Land Management, the Department of the Interior and Team Rubicon, train many of our nation’s military veterans the basics of wildland firefighting. Since the partnership was initiated in April 2015, the BLM has trained 500 Team Rubicon members and expects to train hundreds by the end of this year. Team Rubicon members trained as wildland firefighters responded to wildfires in Alaska, Nevada, California, Oregon and Washington and have assisted with numerous fuels projects, such as prescribed burns. (My Public Lands Tumblr),2tws1,3xn3,73st,jz6t,1bct,ijo3 An Armed Forces Day Message from the Secretary In honor of Armed Forces Day on May 20, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke sent a message of thanks to all servicemembers, veterans, and their families, for their service and their sacrifice. (DOI video),2tws1,3xn3,etv2,a0ll,1bct,ijo3 WILDLIFE QUESTION OF THE WEEK Fill in the Blank The ________________ (Ambystoma californiense) is an amphibian in the family Ambystomatidae. They are large, stocky and have a broad, rounded snout. Its small eyes, with black irises, protrude from its head. a) California tiger salamander b) Pacific giant salamanders c) Southern torrent salamander d) Greater siren Keep reading for answer below. UPCOMING EVENTS Now - January 2018: Wild Horse and Burro Adoption Events The BLM offers wild horses and burros for adoption or purchase at events across the country throughout the year. Upcoming wild horse and burro adoption events are planned into 2018. The most current adoption and purchase event schedule is provided on the BLM website. All times are in local time. Event information is shown in local time and subject to change without notice. Please call the Wild Horse and Burro Information Call Center at (866) 468-7826 for the most updated information. (BLM website),2tws1,3xn3,ag1j,lw1y,1bct,ijo3 Related: Wild Horses and Burros Available for Adoption in Plymouth on June 2-4 (BLM News Release),2tws1,3xn3,ig4g,58n9,1bct,ijo3 Related: Western States Horse Expo in Sacramento on June 11 (BLM California Facebook),2tws1,3xn3,2ipf,m1a9,1bct,ijo3 Now - May 28: Mule Days in Bishop BLM’s Central California District will participate in the 2017 Mule Days Celebration, including the Mule Days parade, in Bishop. This annual event, which occurs Memorial Day weekend, draws more than 30,000 visitors nationwide to celebrate pack stock and recreational packing in the Eastern Sierra backcountry. Mule Days is a world class equestion event promoting legacy, heritage and tales of the mule. BLM staff from the Bishop Field Office will host a booth during the celebrations to share recreational opportunities on public lands. BLM will hold a wild burro adoption with 8-9 burros at the 2017 Mule Days Celebration, 1141 N. Main Street. (Mule Days website),2tws1,3xn3,974x,ggf6,1bct,ijo3 May 27: Bureau of Land Management Guided Hikes Planned in Pine Hill Preserve The Bureau of Land Management’s Pine Hill Preserve, located in the Cameron Park area, El Dorado County, will offer three guided-plant tours and a bird tour in different areas of the Preserve. The tours, led by volunteer naturalists, are free and open to the public. There is a limit of 25 participants per plant tour and 20 participants for the bird tour. Each plant tour will focus on the diverse and rare plants growing within the chaparral and oak woodland ecosystems. (BLM News Release),2tws1,3xn3,17xl,m74c,1bct,ijo3 June 1: Kid's Ocean Day Approximately 1,000 more students will participate in Ocean Day, a dunes cleanup and restoration project near Eureka, California. During the event organized by BLM's Arcata Field Office and Friends of the Dunes, youth will remove litter and pull invasive European beach grass to encourage growth of native dune plants. At the end of their day participants will gather for an aerial art design photo. This annual event occurs at the Mike Thompson Wildlife Area, South Spit, at Humboldt Bay. (BLM California Facebook),2tws1,3xn3,epwe,4hgr,1bct,ijo3 June 3: BLM Seeks Volunteers for Trail Improvement Project on National Trails Day The Bureau of Land Management is looking for volunteers on National Trails Day, Saturday, June 3, to help repair winter trail damage and to build a new trail at the new Bald Mountain trail network east of Susanville. (BLM News Release),2tws1,3xn3,3tj7,cipd,1bct,ijo3 June 5: BLM to Host Public Meeting to Discuss Point Arena–Stornetta Special Recreation Permits The Bureau of Land Management Ukiah Field Office is seeking public comment and will host a scoping meeting to discuss recreation and commercial filming opportunities available through a special recreation permits for the Point Arena–Stornetta Unit of the California Coastal National Monument. Events or opportunities for consideration may include competitive trail runs, botanical hikes, group gatherings, events, professional filming or video. The BLM will host a public meeting to discuss special permit opportunities from 5 to 7:30 p.m., June 5, 2017, at the Point Arena City Hall, 451 School Street, Point Arena. (BLM News Release),2tws1,3xn3,ene5,k26u,1bct,ijo3 September 30: National Public Lands Day National Environmental Education Foundation's National Public Lands Day (#NPLD), sponsored by Toyota USA is the nation's largest, single-day volunteer effort for public lands. NPLD connects people to public lands in their community, inspires environmental stewardship and encourages use of public lands for education, recreation and general health. Bring your family, friends, students or coworkers to spend the day outdoors giving back to your community by pulling invasive species, maintaining trails, picking up trash and so much more. Stay tuned for more details. (BLM website),2tws1,3xn3,mbm2,clbq,1bct,ijo3 September 30 and November 11-12: Fee-Free Days on BLM-managed Public Lands The unique and diverse natural landscapes and world-class visitor facilities on BLM-managed lands are among America’s greatest treasures, and most of these lands and waters are open for recreational use. Through the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (REA), the BLM and other Federal agencies -- including U.S. Forest Service, the National Park Service, the Bureau of Reclamation, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service -- collect recreation fees to maintain and improve the quality of visitor services and amenities. Visitors may purchase recreation passes that cover many recreation fees. On fee free days, recreation standard amenity and day use fees on Bureau of Land Management lands are waived. (BLM website),2tws1,3xn3,caag,f9uh,1bct,ijo3 October 6-8: Norco Horse Affair See you in City of Norco - Horsetown USA! BLM's Ridgecrest BLM Wild Horse and Burro Program Corrals will be participating in the Norco Horse Affair on October 6, 7 and 8. BLM will be bringing 10 burros and 20 wild horses for adoption. (Norco Horse Affair Facebook event),2tws1,3xn3,cdnm,a735,1bct,ijo3 WILDLIFE QUESTION OF THE WEEK ANSWER The California tiger salamander (Ambystoma californiense) is an amphibian in the family Ambystomatidae. They are large, stocky and have a broad, rounded snout. Its small eyes, with black irises, protrude from its head. (Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office),2tws1,3xn3,i6y3,8u4u,1bct,ijo3 News.Bytes is a publication of the Bureau of Land Management California. Bureau of Land Management California State Office 2800 Cottage Way, Suite W1623 Sacramento, Ca 95825 (916) 978-4600