BLM California News.Bytes Issue 763

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News.Bytes, Bureau of Land Management California

ISSUE 763 - APRIL 20, 2017	Facebook Twitter Flickr YouTube tumblr Instagram

- Your Public Lands
- From the Field
- Headlines and Highlights
- BLM and DOI Highlights
- Wildlife Question of the Week
- Upcoming Events

Happy Birthday, Fort Ord National Monument

On this day in 2012, Fort Ord National Monument was designated to protect some of the last undeveloped natural wildlands on the Monterey Peninsula. Located on the former Fort Ord military base, the Monument is home to more than 35 species of rare plants and animals along with their native coastal habitats. A part of the BLM’s National Conservation Lands, the Monument also offers more than 86 miles of trails for the public to explore on foot, bike or horseback. (BLM California Facebook),2swsp,3xn3,h0v0,7vty,1bct,ijo3

Related: The Goats of Fort Ord National Monument (My Public Lands Tumblr),2swsp,3xn3,alc7,i5of,1bct,ijo3

Related: Happy Birthday, Fort Ord (My Public Lands Tumblr),2swsp,3xn3,4jz3,6105,1bct,ijo3
Sea Otter Classic is here!

In addition to Fort Ord National Monument's birthday, today kicks off the 27th edition of the Subaru Sea Otter Classic powered by SRAM MTB. The Sea Otter Classic is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Known as a sprawling and energetic “celebration of cycling,” Sea Otter is cycling’s North American season opener. Professional and amateur athletes alike make the annual pilgrimage to Sea Otter to participate in some of the sport’s most competitive and enduring events. Hundreds of pro cyclists, including national, world and Olympic champions, attend Sea Otter to race and meet with fans. (BLM California Facebook),2swsp,3xn3,639c,488a,1bct,ijo3
Youth Explore Public Lands in their Backyard

450 students ranging from kindergarten to 3rd grade visited Fort Ord National Monument for a field trip with Toro Elementary School. The Bureau of Land Management utilizes goats to help reduce fuel loads, slow shrub encroachment and decrease some of the invasive plants in Fort Ord National Monument. (BLM California Facebook),2swsp,3xn3,q38,339g,1bct,ijo3
Local Youth Build Trail and Remove Invasive Weeds
On the Friday before spring break, Ferndale High School students spent the day helping build trail after winter storm damage and remove invasive weeds at the Lost Coast Headlands, part of the California Coastal National Monument. (BLM California Facebook),2swsp,3xn3,7a1k,8lnx,1bct,ijo3

National Predictive Services Program

The National Predictive Services Program is the lead program in providing decision support services to the wildland fire community. In general, Predictive Services consists of assimilating intelligence operations, fire behavior and fire weather programs to produce national and area-wide fire weather/ fire danger/ fire behavior outlook products. The National Interagency Fire Center along with federal and state agencies and the public benefit from these resources. (BLM California Facebook),2swsp,3xn3,2rrf,9zdz,1bct,ijo3
Successful Western Snowy Plover Breeding Season

2016 was the most successful western snowy plover breeding season at Mike Thompson Wildlife Area, South Spit Humboldt Bay in nearly 20 years. 2017 is shaping up to be another productive year. The BLM began managing the area in 2002. There were 6 successful nests last year which produced 16 fledglings while three nests failed due to corvid predation and abandonment. All six of the successful nests were in or adjacent to the habitat restoration area created by re-contouring dunes and augmenting with oyster shells. Several birds are showing signs of nesting once again this year. (BLM California Facebook),2swsp,3xn3,l0tb,2fg6,1bct,ijo3
Fairy Shrimp at the Black Rock Desert Playa in Nevada
The Black Rock Desert playa has come back to life with the high amounts of precipitation Nevada has encountered. Aquatic species that lie dormant on the playa, hatch when water levels make for the right environment. “Fairy shrimp” are one such species. There are other species and varieties that are common to desert playas in Nevada. (My Public Lands Tumblr),2swsp,3xn3,an8u,h6t4,1bct,ijo3

BLM Announces Next Steps for Eagle Crest Hydroelectric Project in Riverside County

The Bureau of Land Management has released a proposed plan amendment and environmental assessment as the next step in considering a right-of-way grant to construct 12 miles of transmission generator tie (gen-tie) line and a water pipeline across public lands. The plan amendment designates a utility corridor for the proposed right-of-way that will be used to transmit energy associated with the Eagle Mountain Hydroelectric Project in Riverside County, a project that was licensed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in 2014. (BLM California News Release),2swsp,3xn3,htyx,fpr2,1bct,ijo3
BLM Resource Advisory Council to Meet and Discuss Land Use Planning

The Bureau of Land Management Northern California District Resource Advisory Council (RAC) will meet at 10 a.m., Wednesday, April 26, at the BLM Northern California District Office, 6640 Lockheed Dr., Redding, to discuss land use planning. The meeting is open to the public. (BLM News Release),2swsp,3xn3,dxyt,fd7o,1bct,ijo3
BLM seeks public input on proposed route designations in San Bernardino County

The Bureau of Land Management, Barstow Field Office, has scheduled three public open house meetings to gather public input on a route designation proposal affecting 148 miles of routes located on BLM public lands currently maintained by the County of San Bernardino Public Works Department. Segments of these routes are under county maintenance and are limited to street legal only vehicles, as defined by the California Department of Motor Vehicles. (BLM News Release)
BLM Seeks Northern California District Resource Advisory Council Nominations

The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public nominations for five open positions on the Northern California Resource Advisory Council (RAC). The RAC works closely with BLM managers in Alturas, Arcata, Cedarville, Redding and Susanville, providing guidance on the full range of the BLM's responsibilities. As published in a notice in the Federal Register, the BLM will consider nominations until May 30. (BLM News Release),2swsp,3xn3,d3af,gtyp,1bct,ijo3
BLM Seeks Desert District Advisory Council Nominations

The Bureau of Land Management's California Desert District is soliciting nominations from the public for five members of its California Desert Advisory Council to serve three-year terms. The council's 15 members provide advice and recommendations to the BLM on the management of more than 10 million acres of public lands in eight counties of Southern California. As published in a notice in the Federal Register, the BLM will consider nominations until May 30. The five positions to be filled are: one renewable energy industry, two public-at-large, and two elected officials. (BLM News Release),2swsp,3xn3,7s94,6yez,1bct,ijo3
BLM Extends Deadline for Nominations for 2017 Reclamation and Sustainable Mineral Development Awards

The Bureau of Land Management has extended to June 12, 2017, the deadline for submitting nominations for the 2017 Reclamation and Sustainable Mineral Development Awards.  The prior deadline was April 28. These non-monetary awards recognize those programs created to foster sustainable development, which encourages environmental health, social responsibility, and economic security. (BLM News Release),2swsp,3xn3,ll3s,gwtx,1bct,ijo3
10 John Muir Quotes That'll Inspire You to Explore America’s Great Outdoors

Born April 21, 1838, Muir has become America's most famous naturalist and conservationist. He shared his love of the outdoors through writing and inspired people to protect our country's wild places like Yosemite, Grand Canyon and Sequoia & King’s Canyon national parks -- earning him the nickname the Father of the National Parks. His passion for these special places fueled the formation of the National Park Service, which will celebrate its 100th anniversary this year. Muir’s words still inspire countless visitors to experience America’s great outdoors, and now’s the perfect time to get outside and start exploring your public lands. Visit all national parks for free during National Park Week from April 16-24. (Department of Interior blog),2swsp,3xn3,jd61,dcpa,1bct,ijo3

Related: Free Entrance Days in the National Parks,2swsp,3xn3,iizk,51xw,1bct,ijo3

Related: Fee-Free Days on BLM-managed Public Lands,2swsp,3xn3,fyf5,8qyu,1bct,ijo3


Fill in the blank

___________ is a disease affecting hibernating bats. Named for the white fungus that appears on the muzzle and other parts of hibernating bats, __________ is associated with extensive mortality of bats in eastern North America.

Keep reading for answer below. 

Now - May 19: Redding Mayor's Mountain Bike Challenge

Don't miss Redding's first local Mountain Bike Challenge uniting current and new bicyclists in a friendly self-competition highlighting a diverse trail system. (Healthy Shasta website),2swsp,3xn3,cwf4,jroh,1bct,ijo3

Related: Mountain Bike Challenge promo video,2swsp,3xn3,h415,gst,1bct,ijo3
April 22: BLM Reopens its Desert Discovery Center

The BLM has scheduled activities associated with the reopening of its Desert Discovery Center upon completion of renovations that began last fall. While finishing touches are taking place inside, the Center school programs have already started and the center will reopen to the public on Tuesday, February 28. The public is encouraged to visit the center from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday to Saturday.  A grand reopening celebration will take place on Earth Day, Saturday, April 22. (BLM News Release),2swsp,3xn3,lzez,iuqo,1bct,ijo3
May 6, 13 and 27: Bureau of Land Management Guided Hikes Planned for April/May in Pine Hill Preserve
The Bureau of Land Management’s Pine Hill Preserve, located in the Cameron Park area, El Dorado County, will offer three guided-plant tours and a bird tour in April/May in different areas of the preserve. The tours, led by volunteer naturalists, are free and open to the public. There is a limit of 25 participants per plant tour and 20 participants for the bird tour. Each plant tour will focus on the diverse and rare plants growing within the chaparral and oak woodland ecosystems. (BLM News Release),2swsp,3xn3,ln5f,4mj9,1bct,ijo3
May 7: Birding Hike at Fort Ord National Monument
Fort Ord National Monument is a local treasure with a rich natural and cultural history. Expert birder and Bureau of Land Management volunteer, David Styer will lead a driving/ light hiking tour exploring the Monument searching for birds in habitats such as rare maritime chaparral, oak woodland and native grassland. BLM Botanist, Bruce Delgado will help host the trip on Sunday, May 7 from 7:30 a.m. to noon. Group is limited to 15 so please RSVP to Shawn Wagoner via email (preferred) at swagoner@xxxxxxxxx or call (925) 487-7335.


White-nose syndrome (WNS) is a disease affecting hibernating bats. Named for the white fungus that appears on the muzzle and other parts of hibernating bats, WNS is associated with extensive mortality of bats in eastern North America. First documented in New York in the winter of 2006-2007, WNS has spread rapidly across the eastern United States and Canada, and the fungus that causes WNS has been detected as far south as Mississippi and as far west as the state of Washington. (,2swsp,3xn3,dw22,49cr,1bct,ijo3

Related: National Bat Appreciation Day on Facebook and Twitter,2swsp,3xn3,f9jf,kdh7,1bct,ijo3,2swsp,3xn3,fc8q,32q6,1bct,ijo3,2swsp,3xn3,78vd,f26o,1bct,ijo3

News.Bytes is a publication of the Bureau of Land Management California.

Bureau of Land Management
California State Office
2800 Cottage Way, Suite W1623
Sacramento, Ca 95825
(916) 978-4600

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